Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1410 Not arrogant or impetuous is the kingly way

Chapter 1410 Not being arrogant or impetuous is the kingly way (third update, please subscribe)

"Long live! Great victory of the Imperial Navy Air Force - wipe out the Great White Fleet!"

"Extra! The Great White Fleet is wiped out for the Imperial Navy!"

"Attack from the air, target - Hampton!"

"Extra! Imperial Navy's Hampton Victory!"


In the spring of the 26th year of Shengde, the empire was jubilant, and the dazzling victory made people unbelievable, a little crazy, even a little crazy. On the day of the war, it was completely destroyed by the Imperial Navy.

Hundreds of thousands of tons of warships were destroyed!
That navy has had such glorious victories throughout the ages.

From Hampton to Cuba, from Cuba to Washington State, the imperial army is attacking triumphantly, sieging cities and lands, and constantly winning victories.


Victory after victory, the glorious victory dazzled people's eyes, and made everyone in the ecstasy of victory, immersed in cheers and drums everywhere, and repeated it everywhere in the newspapers and on the radio. One voice - victory!
From one victory to another!
Once again, the theory of imperial invincibility is on the rise!
In fact, with the repeated military victories in Argentina, Brazil, Peru and other places, the theory of "imperial invincibility" has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This seems to be a consensus. Why is there such a consensus?

The reason couldn't be simpler, because the victory—the victory after victory, makes people believe in the myth that the empire is invincible.

And what does victory bring?
High morale, advanced military equipment, the two complement each other, and finally achieved the myth that the imperial army is invincible.Although the opponents the empire faced at that time were weak, it did not prevent the citizens of the empire from forming the impression that the imperial army was invincible.

And now?

The imperial army also won the battle against the United States, one of the great powers of the world.Not just a complete victory, but an overwhelming victory.

Under such circumstances, "the imperial army is invincible" and naturally no one will doubt it. This is an iron fact.

In the face of brilliant military victories, everyone believed in the theory of "imperial invincibility", but... there was one person who didn't believe it.

"There has never been an "invincible country" in this world. Even a country as powerful as the British Empire once hated Afghanistan."

Compared to the fanaticism of the outside world, Emperor Zhu himself is undoubtedly extremely calm. Facing Hampton's victory, he just said something casually——I know.

That's all, why is it so peaceful?The reason could not be simpler, because the "surprise attack on the Hampton anchorage" will definitely end in victory, it's just the size of the result.

You must know that airplanes and aircraft carriers are the secret weapons of the empire, and they are the trump card.

Countries in the world don't even have real anti-aircraft weapons, so how can they prevent air strikes from aircraft?With new weapons and surprise attacks, if you can't win... that's really unreasonable.

That's why Emperor Zhu appeared so calm, and when facing the so-called "imperial invincibility theory", he appeared so calm.

"As for the empire, it's just a first-mover advantage at the moment. You know, the country we want to attack is a powerful country whose industrial strength is not inferior to the empire's!"

When he said these words, Emperor Zhu thought of another world. 56 Yamamoto said that "there are more chimneys in American factories than there are trees in Japan." After Pearl Harbor, Yamamoto lamented that "a giant was awakened."

And now what about the Empire?

To awaken the giant, or to kill the giant?

Both.Instant awakening, but more importantly strangle.In the past few years, why did not challenge the United States, because the United Kingdom is the enemy.But the real threat to the empire is the United States. After all, the United Kingdom is destined to decline, but the United States is different. The United States is rising and developing. Its future potential is endless, at least not inferior to the empire.

"Your Majesty, although the United States is not inferior to the Empire in terms of industrial strength, I believe that there is no problem for the Empire to defeat them on the battlefield. The only question is how much power we can invest."

Looking at His Majesty, Sun Hu said directly.

"I remember that His Majesty said back then that the way of war is nothing more than more people fighting fewer people, better weapons and inferior weapons. In the war between the empire and the United States, our national strength is similar, and there is no fundamental difference in weapons. Whether it is aircraft, Regardless of the tank, it is only a temporary advantage, so there are only people left..."

When mentioning "people", Sun Hu deliberately emphasized his tone, and then emphasized.

"In the battle in North America, the most critical points are nothing more than two points. The first is whether the material delivery is timely and sufficient. I believe that we must speed up the construction of the Pan-American Railway, and at the same time increase investment in the Northern Territory, Mexico, Ecuador, and even Colombia. Expand industrial production capacity, only in this way can production be fully increased, and then sufficient supplies can be provided..."

Regarding Sun Hu's analysis, Emperor Zhu nodded quite appreciatively. As an old man who has been the prince these few years, although this uncle of the country is a general of the imperial army, he has not actually held an actual military position in the army. It also gave him time to learn a lot.He has his own views on war.

"People! Then there are people. There are more soldiers and fewer soldiers. No matter how sophisticated the weapons are and how good the soldiers are, the shortage of troops will definitely lead to defeat. This is the biggest gap between us in North America and the United States-the United States can directly send troops from the mainland. Conscription, if necessary, they only need more than ten days to replenish the front line, but we can't. It takes a long time to transport troops from the mainland of the empire to North America, and the transportation capacity is very limited. Immigrant ships are used to transport troops, and we can only transport 200 million troops a year. These troops are scattered on all fronts like sesame seeds, and it is difficult to form an advantage on all fronts.”

"That's the tactic of refueling, which is a taboo for military strategists!"

Emperor Zhu nodded and asked.

"So what do you suggest?"

"Suggestion, it is very simple to expand the merchant fleet as much as possible, mobilize merchant ships as much as possible to transport as many troops as possible to where they are needed, the focus of the first phase is North America, we must form a force against the United States in North America advantage, and only after North America has formed an advantage, can the operations on the southern front be carried out smoothly.”

Combat on the southern front is to attack Australia and New Zealand. Now the imperial military is planning to implement an attack on the two places. It is difficult to start a war on multiple fronts!
Nodding his head, Emperor Zhu signaled him to continue talking. Wars are like this. Even if a detailed battle plan is formulated, it must be constantly adjusted according to real-time changes.

"However, it is definitely too late to build ships now. I think that you can rent merchant ships from allies, um, you can also place orders with allies, such as Datang. As far as I know, although Datang's industry is not developed, it can be sold within a year. It is still possible to build 10,000+ merchant ships, placing an order with Datang will not only help the imperial military, but also help deepen the relationship with Datang.”

After a pause, Sun Hu said.

"We can even let the Datang Fleet provide escort in the Pacific Ocean. For example, the mobilization and material transportation of the Dongying Islands can be completely handed over to the Tang Fleet to escort."

(End of this chapter)

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