Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1417 The general trend of the world

Chapter 1417 The general trend of the world (first update, please subscribe)
Fukuoka is the most important port in Kyushu Province and the seat of the provincial capital of Kyushu Province. Fukuoka can be said to be the closest county to Huaxia.

There is even a direct fast cruise between Fukuoka and Haizhou. It only takes one day and one night to get from Haizhou to Fukuoka. It only takes two days to go back and forth. In terms of speed, it even exceeds the train.

After arriving in Fukuoka again, Zuo Xiaoxun went directly to the hotel that he had made an appointment with in advance. As soon as he entered the room, he said to the people who had been waiting in the room for a long time.

"Relying on a group of corrupt officials, how can the country be governed well! The country cannot be governed!"

Who is the "corrupt official" he is talking about?
Naturally, the group of officials in Li Tang, although the Dawang Banner at the top of the city has changed, but the officials from the Manchu Qing Dynasty still brought the old habits to Li Tang, not to say that it has become more serious, but it is not as restrained as before. As for Li Shi himself, he is also very relaxed about this.

"It is because the country cannot be governed that we have to change it."

The person sitting in the shadow of the desk lamp leaned against the back of the sofa and spoke slowly.

"30 years! For 30 years, in the past 30 years, we have been constantly planning and promoting this plan. Ten years of preparation, ten years of promotion, and ten years of rollout. We waited for 30 years before we have The present opportunity, right now, is the best opportunity! If you miss this opportunity, you and I will be sinners of the nation!"

After sighing in this way, the person under the shadow of the lamp asked.

"Ziquan, do you still remember how shocked you were when you first returned to China?"


Zuo Xiaoxun smiled.

"It should be said that it was a shock! When I first entered Nanhua, I was only a teenager. I was just a young man who didn't know anything about the world. I thought that there would be such a country in the world."

After a pause, Zuo Xiaoxun's mind once again recalled the people he saw when he first arrived in Haizhou—people with shabby clothes, disheveled faces, and numb expressions.They have the same blood as the people of Ming Dynasty, and they are all descendants of Yan and Huang.But there are two kinds of people who are totally fine. At that moment, he seemed to understand, understood the pursuit of his elders and seniors.

"The people who live there can only live like slaves from youth to adulthood, middle age, and finally to death. Corrupt and perverted, greedy."

When mentioning all this, Zuo Xiaoxun still suppressed uncontrollable anger deep in his heart, how could he not be angry?

What he saw was not only an ignorant and backward country, but more importantly, a country that squeezed the people to the fullest, just to satisfy the selfish desires of different races and officials. Hundreds of millions of people lived like slaves, even Worse than a slave.


The person under the shadow of the lamp said slowly.

"I'm afraid their life is not as good as that of slaves. Let's not talk about the food of black slaves in the Confederacy, let's talk about Cuban Chinese workers. Back then, we used to treat Chinese workers harshly like slaves and sent troops to intervene, but even those "slaves" still had food. It is far better than that in the mainland. The master needs to give the laborers 8 ounces of bacon and 2 and a half pounds of sweet potatoes as rations every day, which is almost half a catty of bacon and 2 and a half catties of sweet potatoes... But the people in the mainland rarely eat a few bites of meat throughout the year Yes, eating meat every day, even a small landlord would not dare to be so extravagant!"

Hearing the long sigh under the shadow of the lamp, Zuo Xiaoxun nodded and said.

"Poverty! It is the art of controlling the people in the Qing Dynasty. In order to maintain their rule, they even created poverty artificially. No matter how hard the ordinary people worked, they could only barely make ends meet. There is no time to think, let alone the energy to resist. In this way, the rule will have to be maintained!"

"This is the subtlety of the way of governing the people in the Qing Dynasty - only eat eight percent full, no matter how hard you work, you can only eat eight percent full! Once you stop, you will starve, so, in order to make ends meet, I can only run around and work all day long, as for the Manchu alien race and slavery, where is the leisure to think about these things?"

The person sitting under the shadow of the lamp sneered, and then he took out a cigarette and lit one himself. In the smog, he continued.

"But...why do the people live like this? Why can't the people live a good life? That's why we do all this."

"But the question is, how long will we have to wait?"

Zuo Xiaoxun asked directly.

"They've waited too long, isn't it time for us to fix the problem?"

Looking at the people under the shadow of the lamp, Zuo Xiaoxun continued.

"In the past, we needed to consider the feelings of the great powers, and even the differences within the empire on this issue, but what about now? The great powers are caught in war and unable to look back, and the empire is also involved in the war. As far as the empire is concerned, the most important thing at present What is it? It is a stable ally, not a half-hearted scumbag. Chairman, now the British and German ambassadors frequently visit the palace and the private residences of high-ranking officials. If the water is used, it will definitely affect the kingship of the empire, and it will be too late to regret it by then!"

"Li Shaoquan isn't that confused yet!"

A cold snort came from the shadow of the lamp, and then he said in a sarcastic tone.

"Li Shaoquan may be slick, but he still has a clear view of the general trend of the world. If he dares to fall to Britain and become an enemy of the empire, even without the need for the empire to send troops, the pro-Ming faction of the army and navy will directly pull him down. He doesn't have that courage."

The so-called "pro-Ming faction" is not actually pro-Ming, but advocates "China as one". After all, both Ming and Tang are of Chinese blood, and they should advance and retreat together and prosper together.And this faction has great influence in the army and among the people. After all, in the past 30 years, more than 6 people have studied in Daming, and they have great influence in the army and the people.

"Whether he has the guts or not doesn't matter... what matters is that we and they have been waiting for too long! Chairman, how long do you want them to wait? One year? Two years? Three years? Three years and three years Years, do we have to wait another ten years?"

The reason why Zuo Xiaoxun is so excited is not only because he is an idealist, his dream is very simple - all Chinese people should live a good life.He's been working on it for the past 20 years.

In the past, the time was not ripe, but now, seeing that the time is getting riper, but the association has not taken any action, how could he not be in a hurry?

"Chairman, we can't forget about them just because of our own good life! Now it's ready there, the Patriots Association is ready, they can launch at least five divisions of the army to revolt at any time, just give an order We are sure to succeed, and many people in the army and civilians support us!"

When Zuo Xiaoxun finished speaking, only cigarette butts flickering from time to time could be seen under the shadow of the lamp. After a long time, the man sighed.

"Ziquan, the reason why I came here from the mainland this time is to stop you from acting rashly!"

"What is reckless action? This is the voice of the people!"

When Zuo Xiaoxun said these words, his eyes flashed and he said.

"The general trend of the world, those who follow will prosper, and those who go against will perish! This is the trend of the world!"

Looking at the passionate Zuo Xiaoxun, the person under the shadow of the lamp said.

"Ziquan, this is His Majesty's will!"

Although his words were not loud, Zuo Xiaoxun's expression instantly became dull, he murmured.

"What, what, Your Majesty, His Majesty's will..."

In an instant, Zuo Xiaoxun was like an eggplant beaten by frost, his whole body was wilted,
It is His Majesty's will! could this be?

At this time, he heard the chairman say again.

"In addition, Your Majesty asked me to tell you that Prime Minister Zuo is old and misses his relatives. It's time for you to go home and see his old man..."

 The old group is dead, and a new book friend group: 739209015 is welcome to join, discuss the plot together, and deduce the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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