Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1431 I also have an airship in Greater France

Chapter 1431 I also have airships in France (second update, please subscribe)
In a war, the winning side will always make the least mistakes, and in order to win the war, they will often take the initiative to send out bait.

On the Marne River in another world, the German army deliberately exposed its weak flanks, led the French army to attack, and then surrounded and wiped out the French army with a strong other wing.

The same is true in this world. When the German army used Pabie's Fifth Army as a bait to lure the Ming and French allied forces to take the bait, the Ming army directly bit the bait.It's just that the Roman Emperor Alexander III of this world did not act like his son Nicholas II, regardless of the fact that the Russian army was not prepared for offensive operations and the troops were far from being in place and fully equipped with armaments. The attack forced the Germans to move troops on the other wing to the Eastern Front.

When the Ming army took the bait, Alexander III was transferring his army to Persia. Compared to Germany... he would rather occupy rich India.

In other words... the German army had enough troops including the flanks of the Ming army. Even at the same time, the main force of the British expeditionary force also arrived in the theater. For a while, the balance of the battlefield seemed to be tilted in the direction of the British and German coalition forces.

After learning that the Ming army had bitten the bait, the German chief of staff, Earl Schlieffen, shouted a little excitedly.

"God bless, we won this war!"

It is not only the Ming army that is biting the bait, but also the French army. They will also enter the battlefield. After this army is eliminated, Paris will open the door like Germany!
So Earl Schlieffen immediately ordered the troops to march quickly according to the plan, attack the flank of the Ming-French coalition forces, and wipe out the Ming-French coalition forces while breaking the siege for the Fifth Army.

God bless all the best!
Just when Earl Schlieffen was full of joy and decided to win the war in one fell swoop, they didn't notice that the battlefield had actually changed.

Perhaps on land, the Ming-French coalition forces were at a disadvantage in terms of strength, and even faced the threat of being surrounded at any time. However, after another batch of planes arrived in France by air, although there were only 38 planes, they were all The only aircraft force in Europe, the arrival of these aircraft gave the coalition forces complete control of the air.

How important is air supremacy?

No one knows.

But after mastering the air supremacy, the French airship force got a chance to play. After all, France also has more than 200 airships, most of which are bombing airships.

At the request of the Expeditionary Army, Emperor Napoleon V directly handed over the command of the airship force to the Expeditionary Army. This was not because they did not trust their own staff, but to bypass the link to maximize the results of the battle.

On May 5, when the nearly 3 British-German coalition forces began to maneuver from the left wing, 30 airships took off from multiple airship fields in France according to the command of the Expeditionary Force Command.

The blue-gray columns on the land of France were like unstoppable waves, heading southeast. At this time, although the German army seemed very tired, everyone seemed very excited.

Once this battle is over, we'll be in Paris!

As the commander of the Fourth Army, Lu Kelu once again had that thought in his heart—invade Paris!
For God's sake, they almost made it to Paris 25 years ago!
Just a little bit.

Until now, he still remembers the new Ming weapons that appeared on the battlefield that day - armored vehicles and airships.

That time, they missed the victory, and this time...they will win.

Just when Lu Kelu was thinking about victory, he didn't notice that there were hundreds of airships flying over in the sky.

No, it should be "floating".

This is the tactic used by the floating troops of the Ming Empire during the Battle of Brazil-silent engagement and silent bombing.

After turning off the engine, the airship floated over the enemy army from an altitude of 5000 meters under the action of the wind, and then bombed by releasing hydrogen to lower the altitude, because there was neither the roar of the engine, and the flying altitude was too high. There is no time for air defense warning.

After the high-altitude airship discovered the German army, it immediately assembled as planned, then turned off the engine, and slowly drifted towards them under the action of the wind.

This kind of floating, without any sound, all the airships are like sailboats sailing with the wind on the sea, just quietly heading towards the target.

In the air, everything is very calm, only the sound of the wind can be heard.

On the ground, however, there was a lot of noise. The Germans who were marching seemed very excited. While they were marching, they talked about Paris, about wine, and of course they also talked about fashionable girls in Paris.

When they were discussing those women, someone suddenly raised his head in surprise, looked at the sky and said in doubt.

"what is that?"


Suddenly, someone yelled in horror. After these airships painted with sky camouflage released a large amount of hydrogen, their altitude dropped rapidly. From the perspective of people on the ground, it seemed that the sky had collapsed.

Hundreds of airships descended silently on top of the Fourth Army, and the marching column of tens of thousands of people fell into chaos with screams of terror.

People looked towards the sky, only to see that a large group of airships the size of clouds appeared in the blue sky at some point.

It's the French air fleet!
Lu Kelu also looked at this huge air fleet in astonishment. At this moment, only one thought flashed in his mind-it's over!
It seems to be to confirm his prophecy.Strings of bombs fell from the sky, and when the bombs fell from the sky, the air was filled with sharp whistling sounds.

In the sound of friction between the tail of the bomb and the air, the marching column of the Fourth Army began to die. This was the first saturated carpet bombing in human history. Saturation bombing" and, during the Brazilian campaign, dozens of airships used cluster bombs to severely damage Prince Gaston's army.However, the Imperial Floating Force has never mobilized more than 20 airships to carry out "saturation bombing" on a certain force.

This... is the first time!
The first saturated carpet bombing in human history!
One hundred airships carried more than 200 tons of bombs. These bombs did not seem to be many, although the French did not have cluster bombs unique to the empire.

However, when hundreds of thousands of small aerial bombs weighing one kilogram rained down, like a downpour, they completely enveloped the Fourth Army, and the smoke from the explosion of the small bombs immediately set off a frenzy of death on the ground. The Germans who were marching did not run away until the bombs fell, and even fell down. They stood there like tree stumps, letting the bombs fall on them and explode beside them. .

Not an explosion, but a wave!

In just the blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of bombs completely enveloped the Fourth Army. The violent explosion and gunpowder smoke were like stormy waves, turning the Fourth Army upside down, and countless people were bombed like dolls. Flying into the sky, when being torn apart.The howling and scattered fragments swept everything around like the scythe of death, and groups of German soldiers were knocked down to the ground like weeds...

 The old group is dead, and a new book friend group: 739209015 is welcome to join, discuss the plot together, and deduce the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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