Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1433 A small test of the Marne River

Chapter 1433 A small test of the Marne River (first update, please subscribe)
Night is the best cover for attacking troops!
For the [-]th Regiment of the Expeditionary Army, from the moment they received the attack order, they immediately took advantage of the gaps torn and expanded by the assault troops to quickly advance towards the target.

In order to speed up the attack, the soldiers of the thirteenth regiment, like other troops of the expeditionary force, went into battle lightly. They even carried only three days of rations - three catties of compressed biscuits. Even so, these biscuits had to be divided into five parts. talent.

All they had left were rifles and grenades.Then the attack was launched.

After penetrating along the gaps in the German defenses, late at night on May 5, they discovered a heavily defended German stronghold.

"Sir, a German stronghold has been found ahead!"

"What kind of stronghold?"

"It's just a manor, but it looks unusual. Not only is it tightly guarded, but we observed it, and it seems that there are many telephone lines."

"Phone lines? Are there many?"

"No less than ten. We checked in the surrounding woods and found ten telephone lines, all leading to the manor, and there are cars coming and going in and out of the manor from time to time!"

Battalion Commander Li Xuexian's eyes lit up.

Telephone lines, access to the estate, with cars coming in and out.What does it all come together?
"There may be big fish here!"

Licking his lips, Li Xuexian's eyes burst into a strange look.

"The first company serves as the reserve team, the third company infiltrates from the left flank, and the second company infiltrates from the woods on the right wing! Make sure to wipe out the enemy!"

As soon as they received the order, the officers and soldiers of the two companies immediately approached the stronghold quietly along the two wings of the manor. The so-called stronghold is a manor of French nobles. On the road leading to the outside world, sandbag fortifications were set up. Two machine guns were mounted on the fortifications.

Carrying a submachine gun, Lin Guowei, who was walking with a cat on his waist, gestured to the soldiers behind him.

That's to remind them to be quiet!

To approach the manor quietly, compared to the complete frontal defense, the defenses in other parts of the manor are not so strict.

Soldiers with guns quietly approached the manor under the cover of twilight. Perhaps it was because this was the rear. The German soldiers defending the manor never thought that the enemy could infiltrate their rear from the front line.

Because it is relatively safe behind enemy lines, most of the German guards guarding the manor did not maintain due vigilance, so that when Lin Guowei led a platoon of soldiers from the manor's flank and entered the manor through the fence, the German guards in the manor , did not notice their existence at all.

In the brightly lit palace-style building, the officers were running back and forth, and a few German soldiers were chatting outside the window. At this time, no one realized that the danger had come.

Outside the palace, when a few German soldiers were chatting for a day, a few soldiers who came out of the shadows suddenly turned into demons in the dark night, and while pounced on them, they covered their mouths and wiped them off with bayonets. neck.

Capturing prisoners and wiping the whistle are compulsory courses for the training of leading soldiers.

After the German sentry outside the palace was eliminated, a heavy grenade was taken out from the back. This thing, like a big hammer, has always been the favorite of the Imperial Army. Ordinary grenades rely on fragments to kill the enemy. It uses the violent impact and shock caused by the explosion of 1 to 2 kilograms of explosives to kill the enemy.

In the past twenty years, imperial soldiers have used it time and time again to destroy the enemy's fortifications and blow up groups of enemies into the sky - after it explodes, even if the enemies within a radius of [-] to [-] meters are not killed, It is also temporarily incapacitated by a powerful explosion.

Unscrewing the cover of the grenade, Lin Guowei stared at the German officers running in the hall. Those officers were either discussing in front of the map, or flipping through the military information they had just received.

There are actually several generals!
Big fish!

The fish is so big!

When he was excited, Lin Guowei looked at his watch, and counted silently in his heart when he pulled down the grenade and the matchlock.

"one two Three……"

At the moment when he silently counted to four seconds, a grenade weighing 2.5 kilograms was suddenly thrown out of his hand and flew towards the tall glass window in a parabola. The grenade shattered the window, and before the German officers in the room could figure out what was going on, the grenade exploded suddenly.

The violent explosion swallowed everything in the room in an instant. Although the room was a spacious banquet hall, the violent explosion still destroyed everything in the room. At the moment of the explosion, the soldiers who had infiltrated the manor, Immediately launched an attack on the nearby German fortifications.

All of a sudden, the sound of grenade explosions and gunshots rang out inside and outside the manor.

"Quick, quick..."

When Lin Guowei led the soldiers into the house, the German soldiers in the room had already been killed and wounded, and only a few lucky ones were struggling in a pool of blood.

The soldiers with rifles rushed over without thinking, and swiftly ended their lives with bayonets.At this moment, there was a shout from outside.

It's German!

Seeing the German soldiers rushing over, Lin Guowei and the soldiers rushed out of the door that was blown open by the shock wave of the explosion with their guns in hand. The gunshots rang out in the corridor. Throw the grenade, and in the explosion of the grenade, the resistance of the German army is almost insignificant.

In fact, until they rushed to the second floor, many German soldiers hadn't reacted. They never thought that they would be attacked here.

Not to mention them, but Pabie, the commander of the Fifth Army, was awakened by the explosion in his sleep. His first reaction was that the headquarters had been bombarded—the explosion of 2 kilograms of explosives was not even inferior to large-caliber shells.

When Pabie heard the gunshot outside the door, the soldier's instinct drove him to hold the gun and walk out of the door. When the door opened, he saw the scene of the adjutant collapsing. At that moment, several soldiers from the Ming Dynasty broke into his sight.

The moment the door opened, Lin Guowei saw an old German man. Although he was wearing pajamas, the weapon in his hand revealed his identity, and his face was filled with perplexity and doubt.


Clear gunshots rang out in the corridor, and the soldiers around Lin Guowei pulled the trigger on the Germans who ran out.

When Pabie was shot and fell, the commander of the Fifth Army did not understand until his death how all this happened.

Sometimes, there will always be some accidents on the battlefield, but sometimes, the influence of accidents is relatively large.

Ten minutes later, the stupefied German defenders surrendered one after another, and the battle was over in less than 10 minutes.It wasn't until this time that Li Xuexian understood from the captives that this "stronghold" was not a stronghold, but the headquarters of the Fifth Army!
"Where's their commander?"

The answer to this question is also very simple.It's just two words.


(End of this chapter)

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