Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1436 Difficult and Dangerous Obstacles to the Zhangjia Road

Chapter 1436 Difficult and dangerous way home (second update, please subscribe)
The vast ocean is... a labyrinth.

The catch-and-seek kind that's hard to find.

On the vast ocean, once a merchant ship deviates from the normal commercial route, even in the 21st century, it is extremely difficult to find a merchant ship on the ocean, almost like finding a needle in a haystack.

What's more, this is an era without satellite positioning and radar, so it's difficult... there is almost no possibility to find it.

Kraun didn't know how many merchant ships that fled separately like birds and beasts could escape. After two days after leaving the encounter point, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. After all, they are finally safe now.

In the past two days, the "Matson" has been rushing all the way north, until now, they finally felt relieved.

"Okay, God bless, now the Ming warship can't find us anymore."

Crone took a puff on his pipe, and then said to the sailors beside him.

"Our captain is very experienced, and he will definitely not take the merchant shipping route."

As long as they don't take the merchant ship route, it is definitely impossible to be discovered. After all, the sea is so big, whether it is chasing or intercepting, it is very unlikely.

Two days later, the "Matson" began to slowly head northwest, heading for New York.

"Captain, we are still 150 nautical miles from New York."

Captain Johnson, who was standing on the bridge, had a smile on his face after listening to the first officer's report.

"Okay, tell all the crew, when we sail into New York Harbor, everyone can get a $500 bonus!"

After learning the news, Crohn, like all the crew members, shouted excitedly, and even shouted loudly.

"Thank you, Mr. Dupont!"

The reason why they will thank DuPont is because the bonus is paid by DuPont.

On the "Matson" loaded with 1 tons of cargo, the most valuable is more than 6000 tons of saltpeter produced in India. This batch of saltpeter was produced in DuPont's saltpeter mine in India.

More than ten years ago, DuPont President Henry and his brother Ramon realized that the supply of saltpeter was related to the national security of the United States.Saltpeter is the main raw material for the production of gunpowder, and almost all of it comes from Daming.Once the war broke out and Ming Dynasty cut off the supply of saltpeter, the gunpowder factories in the United States would fall into the predicament of having no rice to cook.

For the DuPont brothers who monopolized the supply of gunpowder by monopolizing saltpeter during the Civil War, they naturally knew the importance of saltpeter.So they built a large warehouse and while storing saltpeter, they also sold and bought saltpeter mines in India.

When the war broke out, DuPont became the only American company that did not have to worry about saltpeter. However, this does not mean that the company was safe. They owned Indian saltpeter mines, so they naturally had to solve the problem of saltpeter transportation.

The "Matson" full of saltpeter was an attempt by DuPont.

In order to motivate the crew to safely transport the saltpeter back to New York, DuPont promised them that as long as they could reach New York safely, they would pay a bonus of $3 per ton of saltpeter.

Even after captains and officers deduct some of that, the ratings still get a $500 bonus.


In this era, it is undoubtedly a huge sum of money, almost more than 800 grams of gold!

For the sailors who have made a fortune, during the next voyage, they are all excited and nervous to observe the sea surface, lest there will be any accident at the last pass.

While the sailors were vigilantly observing the sea surface, a submarine was sailing at full speed amidst the waves dozens of kilometers away, and the waves kept beating on the bow of the boat. On the deck, only the low bridge is completely exposed to the sea.

Standing on the bridge, Lin Qingyuan was constantly searching the sea with a telescope. They had been cruising the merchant ships off the coast of New York for half a month. In the past half month, although they found merchant ships again and again, those merchant ships They're all...neutral ships.

According to the rules of engagement... they cannot attack neutral ships.

The reason why there are such rules of engagement is because "unrestricted submarine warfare" is still in the plan of the naval staff. At least for now, for the imperial navy, it is not necessary to use this method to kill one thousand enemies and harm itself. Eight hundred tactics, after all, the Imperial Navy also needs to use "neutral country" merchant ships to transport supplies and even immigrants.

Suddenly, a trail of smoke on the sea line attracted Lin Qingyuan's attention, it was a merchant ship!

As soon as it encountered a merchant ship, the submarine made an emergency dive, and soon the captain Xu Bokun found the merchant ship that broke into this sea area through the periscope.

"Norwegian ship..."

Staring at the "Matsen" flying the Norwegian merchant flag, Xu Bokun said to himself.

"This ship is not taking the normal route. Nineteen Eighty-Nine is false, keep up with it..."

After making a judgment, the S83 submarine followed the "Matson" silently. For the sailors on board, they still knew nothing about all this. They didn't even know that the danger had come.
In the dimly lit cabin, the crew followed the "Norwegian" merchant ship nervously and full of expectation.

They are like cheetahs hiding in the jungle, silently stalking their prey, waiting for the right opportunity, because the stalking time is so long that after nightfall, their batteries are about to run out, they have to surface, Keep a certain distance and continue to follow and chase.

This tracking lasted for almost 83 hours. In the early morning of the next day, when it was less than [-] nautical miles away from New York, the officers and soldiers on the S[-] submarine that had re-submerged into the bottom of the sea all became a little anxious. After all, they had tracked After such a long time, they have even reached the coast of New York, and even the Hudson River is right in front of their eyes.

"We have arrived!"

When the ship was about to sail into the Hudson River, when the "Statue of Liberty" broke into the sight of the watermen of the "Matson", the captain with a pipe in his mouth looked at the "Statue of Liberty" that came into view, and said,

"Well, gentlemen, we're home at last, let's hoist our flag!"

If life can regret it, he will definitely regret this decision...

For the sailors on the "Matson" who finally returned home after some ups and downs, raising the American flag was not just to show their identity, they also wanted to tell New York in this way that they broke through all kinds of tests, successfully returned to the United States.

When the Star-Spangled Banner was hoisted, some sailors even sang the national anthem excitedly. Even the old sailor Claune looked a little excited when he saw the Star-Spangled Banner fluttering on the ship.
After all, this is a very special time.The current sea is full of all kinds of dangers, and they clashed with many obstacles, and finally transported back the materials needed by the United States in this war.

Under such circumstances, how could they not be excited to see the waving Stars and Stripes?

Standing on the side, he said to himself.

"Okay, we're finally home!"

At this moment, with his heart agitated, he saw two trails of white bubbles churning towards the "Mason" on the sea surface...

(End of this chapter)

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