Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1438 Raze their line of defense to the ground

Chapter 1438 Razed their line of defense to the ground (second update, please subscribe)

The sea wolves of the empire have gone to the sea, and the vast ocean will become the hunting ground for the sea wolves.

In the early morning, when the sun jumped above the horizon, the sea was calm.

When the submarine like a blue whale was driving alone on the sea, many sailors came out of the cabin mixed with various smells, enjoying the fresh air on the sea.

While the sailors were laughing and enjoying all this on the deck, the captain Sun Zhiyuan walked onto the bridge. He looked at the clear sky in the distance and asked Wu Min'an.

"How about it, do you have any ideas about this mission?"


Wu Anmin thought for a while and said.

"I think we should enter the English Channel. Now the British are fighting against the French in France. There must be a lot of British ships sailing in the Channel. After all, they need to transport troops and supplies to Belgium. If we search there, the success rate should be higher."

"The success rate is high, but the risk is also high. Such a fleet must have escort warships. Let's..."

"Captain, warships are also ships. If we seize the opportunity, we can sink them! Submarines don't just attack unarmed merchant ships. It is easy to attack unarmed merchant ships, but merchant ships hang neutral flags. Should we fight or not?" ?So, if you want to expand the results of the war, you have to fight warships, and warships... Only by fighting warships can you weaken the strength of the Royal Navy."

Why do submarines fight merchant ships?
Because it is easy to fight!

Compared with warships, merchant ships are not only more fragile in structure, but also unarmed, making them perfect targets for attack.

For the sea wolves of the empire, those merchant ships are simply lambs on the prairie, the kind that let them fish, but this is by no means the case.

Merchant ships may be very vulnerable to attack, but merchant ships are also easy to camouflage. Directly flying the flag of a neutral country's merchant ship can make submarines watch it leave.

After thinking for a while, Sun Zhiyuan nodded, he thought for a while, and then said.

"Well... that's true, otherwise, let's try..."

In the next few days, the "S83" submarine sailed all the way north. After entering the northern Atlantic Ocean, the wind and waves became stronger. The high speed of [-] knots is advancing towards the distant battlefield.


In fact, the battlefield is not far away.

For the millions of Ming-French allied forces in Verdun, the battlefield is beside them, and they are in the battlefield, no, they are in purgatory.

A month ago, when the soldiers came to Verdun, lush forests and French-style country buildings were scattered among the fields, and everything was quiet and peaceful.

But in just a few days, everything changed.

Brutal battles were fought on the long front, and the battles even changed the landscape here.

The lush forests have long since ceased to exist—either they were cut down by the warring parties to reinforce the fortifications, or they were blown up in the fierce artillery fire. Now there are only some incomplete tree stumps standing there, standing like solitary tombstones .

The green field was completely turned upside down, and the large and small bullet craters turned the earth into the surface of the moon. Under the fierce artillery fire, there was no green on the earth, only stumps of trees stood alone , and hanging corpses or fragments of limbs on trees remind people that this is a battlefield!
A hell of death.

After a heavy rain, the battlefield became muddy, and there was water everywhere in the trenches. The soldiers could only squat on the shooting platform to avoid being soaked in the water.

But even so, you still have to wade through knee-deep water while walking.

Carrying a Webster 100 rifle, Chen Dongguo walked silently in the trench. In front of him, a mouse was swimming freely. He completely turned a blind eye to this.

But only a month later, people, mice, and even fleas coexist peacefully here.

"Dongguo, where are you going?"

Occasionally he would bump into familiar fellow countrymen and say hello to him.

"I'm just walking around."

He said he was going around, but he was actually fighting. Finally, after searching around, he found a suitable location, a front observation trench. After entering the observation trench, he grabbed a handful of mud and put it on the outside of the helmet. He wiped a layer of rags on the wrapped cloth, and even smeared a little dirt on the gun body wrapped in the cloth. After observing for a while, he carefully poked his head out. At this time, he had almost merged with the battlefield.

After the rain, a little water mist rises from the ground, and Chen Dongguo observes the British trenches through the water mist. All of this looks very similar to Anping, but the rainy season in Anping cannot stop. He was born on a farm. What he likes most is hunting, right now... this is his hunting ground.

The old hunter needs to be patient, only patience can wait for the prey.

However, on the battlefield, some people will always make mistakes, but after only a few minutes, half of a British soldier's body appeared in the scope. Before that guy realized the danger, Chen Dongguo pulled the trigger. trigger.


With a gunshot, the head in the scope shattered like a ripe watermelon.

When reloading the rifle again, Chen Dongtian saw half of his head protruding from the other side, and the moment it appeared, he pulled the trigger at the same time.

Shots rang out and the man fell.

Although the shouts of the British army in the trenches could not be heard, it would definitely be chaos if two people died one after another. When Chen Dongguo retreated quietly, he heard the howling sound from the sky.


"It's a mortar."

Chen Dongguo muttered, and when his words fell, the artillery shells fell down, exploding clouds of explosive smoke near the trenches, and the violent explosion raised large swaths of soil, but this kind of small artillery shells did not pose a great threat to the soldiers. , unless the shells fell in the trenches.

The retaliatory shelling lasted less than a minute and then stopped.The shelling did not cause them many casualties.

Shooting or shelling back and forth like this on the battlefield is simply a normal thing.Everyone is getting used to this.

In the trenches of the British army, a British general observed the defense line of the Ming army, and then he said.

"We must break through the defense line of the Ming army!"

The defense line of the Ming army!
In the past month, they have launched several attacks, but none of them broke through the defense line of the Ming army.

Barbed wire and machine guns are simply insurmountable obstacles for soldiers of flesh and blood.

In just one month, tens of thousands of British soldiers have died on this land.

However, in war, death is acceptable.

The only problem is how to defeat the enemy, occupy their positions, and take Paris!
Taking Paris and forcing France to surrender was the strategy of the British and Germans, and although their plan worked out well, the plan was always the plan, just as they didn't realize that barbed wire, trenches, and machine guns could stop their progress.

After putting down the binoculars, the general touched his beard and said to himself.

"Okay, now let's level their lines!"

(End of this chapter)

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