Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1446 The Empire's Overall War

In war, everyone has everyone's responsibility.

For ordinary imperial citizens, their responsibility is to respond to the call.

With a military mobilization order, the entire empire, from the mainland of the empire to the overseas colonies, whether it is the nobles of the empire or ordinary people, must be mobilized.

This is the biggest feature of the total war. In fact, the Chinese nation was the first nation to develop the military weapon of the total war.

As early as the Warring States period, all countries had already begun to mobilize in an all-round way. For example, in the history books describing the state of Qin, "Ding men were armored, and Ding women were transferred to defeat." Don’t talk about life, just follow the Tao tree, and the dead look at each other.” However, the idea of ​​total warfare became the core of China’s military after the Qin Dynasty. The basic mobilization thought of "serving soldiers in wartime" was still playing an extremely important role until Tang Jifu's military system.

However, after the collapse of the military system of the Tang Dynasty, the Chinese nation basically did not mobilize the people to participate in the war. Later, the military system was exhausted and the country's financial resources were exhausted.

Otherwise, relying on the huge population base of the Chinese nation, if they can mobilize the power of the whole country like the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, there will be absolutely no catastrophe for two people to perish!Even the weak Song Dynasty is a big country with tens of millions of people, and its population and national strength are seven or eight times that of Qin.Even if it cannot be transformed into seven or eight strong Qin forces, even if it is to mobilize seven or eight million troops and use the mighty force as a steamroller to crush all the way, what is there to do with Temujin and Kublai Khan?

It's a pity that there were no 800 million troops in the end. Instead, people chopped off the heads of 8000 to [-] million Han Chinese like melons and vegetables.

"What is cruelty? What is real cruelty? It is not daring to drive the people of the country to the battlefield to win the final victory regardless of the cost. In the end, the people of the country become the ghosts of the foreign invaders!"

At the end of the 26th year of Shengde, at the last cabinet meeting, as the ruler of the empire, Emperor Zhu once again emphasized the importance of mobilization.

"Don't talk to me about anything" Life is hard, passing through the Tao tree, the dead look at each other. ", this is not important, once the war breaks out, for the empire, what it pursues is nothing more than two words-victory! Let alone the weak Song Dynasty, it is the end of the Ming Dynasty. Determined to drive the people into the battlefield regardless of the cost, even if it is an ant attack, how can hundreds of millions of people be slaughtered for the Manchus. As for the so-called benevolence!"

After a pause, Emperor Zhu said slowly.

"In my opinion, the greatest benevolence of a country is to mobilize during a war regardless of the cost, and then disintegrate, destroy, and fundamentally eliminate our enemies with a mighty force advantage. This is true benevolence. As for what The so-called "for the sake of the people" is nothing but hypocrisy!"

The reason why Emperor Zhu expressed such emotion is that after the outbreak of the war, facing the mobilization of more than 700 million troops, some chaos appeared in the country. Some people accused ordinary people of this imperialist war as cannon fodder. There may not be a market before, but people... always benefit animals. After the outbreak of war, it is inevitable that some people will have resistance to recruitment. This view naturally has its market.

Even in newspapers, there was an article declaring that "Even in wartime, the imperial army should not expand infinitely." Faced with such signs, Emperor Zhu naturally had to strike hard.This is how I feel now.

"3000 people!"

Emperor Zhu said a number.

"This is the entire population of the empire, including the four provinces of Japan and the African colonies. How many troops have we mobilized so far?"

Emperor Zhu cast his eyes on Sun Hu, the minister of the Ministry of War, facing His Majesty's question, Sun Hu quickly answered.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the total strength of the Imperial Army and Navy before the war was 138.6 million. After the outbreak of the war, according to the mobilization order, the first batch of personnel was mobilized, that is, retired officers and soldiers within the past five years and some of the school-age personnel. The total mobilization number was 170 million. In April, according to actual needs, another 4 million people were mobilized, and in July, considering that the front line will be further expanded next year, the empire mobilized another 200 million people, and the current total strength of the empire is 7 million.”

Listening to this number, Emperor Zhu pondered for a moment, then said.

"Mobilize another 200 million!"

When Qian Degong and others frowned slightly, Emperor Zhu said directly.

"The current population of our country is 3000 million, and we are mobilizing at least 1300 million people to join the army. No matter what the situation of the war is, the most important thing is to mobilize to the greatest extent. It is better to let the army wait for the front to expand than let the facts tell the front. Wait for the army, from the current point of view, why have we not carried out operations in the South Pacific? The essence is that there are insufficient troops, so we must further expand our troops. "

Emperor Zhu never thought of restoring the Qin system, but a similar national mobilization system had been established as early as the Nanhua period.Of course, Nanhua had no population advantage in that era. In the simulator, the reason why Nanhua was able to persist for ten years was because every ounce of war potential was mobilized. Although the cost was undeniably heavy, Nanhua persisted.

What would happen if Nam Hwa failed?
Millions of South Chinese would be reduced to second-class citizens under foreign rule.

Regarding the overall mobilization, Emperor Zhu understood its importance better than anyone else, and it was directly related to the life and death of a country-in this era, there are actually more wars than people!As long as there is a modern military organization and training system, similar weapons and equipment, and excellent officers, with several times more troops, you can definitely win!

The reason why historical steel can defeat the mustache is that it can drive 2500 million people to the battlefield without any psychological burden. Whether it is a sea of ​​people or a sea of ​​tanks, the number overwhelms everything. On the other hand, until 44 years, it was still worried that the general mobilization would affect the people. The quality of life, and San Dezi, who led the people to oppose the government, directly turned into the dust of history.

"General mobilization! This is the only way to seek victory. There is no other way. Don't think that the world is already a civilized world. Perhaps, the losers will not be massacred now, and there will be no more Song and Ming Dynasties In the world, billions of people have been killed, but now the winners will use all means to squeeze the losers, squeeze their wealth, their everything, and losers can only be eaten by mermaids!"

Taking a deep breath, facing the cabinet members with different expressions, Emperor Zhu said in a cold and even emotionless tone.

"From now on, any mobilizers who make false claims will be regarded as "non-citizens". The men are directly recruited and sent to the worst battlefield, cannon fodder! Yes, they are cannon fodder, and it is better to let those talking cannon fodder be cannon fodder The loyal and brave soldiers of the empire sacrificed! As for women, they are also sent to the front line. As field medical personnel, during the war, don’t have any kindness towards strange voices. Being kind to them is equivalent to preventing crimes from burning. From now on, we must strike hard! No matter who they are or what their identities are, it doesn't matter. Don't say they are old ministers, even university professors, they are not unsacrificable!"

The reason why Emperor Zhu specifically emphasized "university professors" is because they are sacred in imperial universities, and so are university teaching positions, but this does not mean that they have extrajudicial privileges.

After finishing speaking, Emperor Zhu looked around at the crowd and asked in cold words.

"You guys have other opinions!"

Faced with His Majesty's inquiry, everyone fell silent. What should they say at this time?
Seeing that the prime minister said yes, the associate minister Fang Zhanbo said.

"Your Majesty is wise, so my Ming Dynasty will be invincible!"

Well, at this time, you only need to say "Shengming", as for the others, it doesn't matter.

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