Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 145 Nanhua's 3rd Line Construction

Chapter 145 South China's Third-Line Construction ([-]rd update, please subscribe)
The Naval Academy is coming!

The same goes for the Army Military Academy!
However, these are all part of the strengthening of armaments.

With the warning of the "Battle of Survival" in the life simulator last time, Zhu Xianhai has already determined one thing-"War will break out tomorrow." Because of this, inadvertently, the construction of Nanhua has shifted to Armament up.

After all, no one can ignore the long "battle for survival".That was simply the "eight-year war of resistance" in Nanhua.

In every minute and every second of those years, hundreds of thousands of South China people were writing sacrifices with their lives!

And now Zhu Xianhai is not just trying to stop it!
Every minute and every second of his writing is written with two words - revenge!
Yes, he wants revenge!
If you want revenge, you must strengthen yourself and strengthen your armaments.

And Zhu Xianhai has been working hard towards these two goals with all his strength, and the ultimate direction of these two goals is pointing to heavy industry.

The first phase of Zhenhua Iron and Steel Works is undoubtedly the top priority of this industrial plan.

In fact, the foundation of Zhenhua Iron and Steel Works is the two open hearth furnaces in the glass factory. Nanhua first had steel, and then... ironmaking.No ironworks have even been built until now.

"Zhenhua Iron and Steel Works will be built on the banks of the Rio Negro, 85 kilometers north of South China, to solve the problem of water sources for steelmaking. According to the plan, two high-efficiency iron-smelting blast furnaces with a daily output of 30 tons will be built, and a transportation link to the southern iron mines will be built. mine railway, and a rolling mill,"

In the building of the company's headquarters, Lu Bai, the chief engineer of the company's metallurgical department, unfolded a drawing and introduced it to Zhu Xianhai.

"...the coke blast furnace is 45 feet high and the base diameter is 6.7 feet. The blast furnace gas is directed through a dedicated gas pipeline to four iron wind and five parallel single-flame pipeline steam furnaces, including rolling tons, plate rolling mills and others. All equipment, including auxiliary equipment, was ordered from the Middlesset Locomotive Works in England. This is an enterprise whose main business is steel, locomotive manufacturing and other engineering manufacturing. At present, our iron smelting technology Personnel were also trained there, and the total cost of all equipment was £5..."

It's so cheap!
Zhu Xianhai couldn't help sighing that an ironworks with an annual output of [-] tons, and all the equipment including steel rolling equipment, only cost [-] pounds, or about [-] U.S. dollars.Only the "Deville Silver" produced by the "Gold Mine" in one day is enough to build such a factory, which is so simple and cheap.

Of course, this is only the expense of purchasing equipment, and there is also a large infrastructure cost.All in all, it's just a few hundred pounds of "Deville Silver".

"Currently, the No. [-] blast furnace of the Iron Works and the corresponding steel rolling equipment have been shipped, and it is expected that Sanpeng will complete the equipment installation next year, sir..."

Lu Bai paused, looked at Zhu Xianhai and said.

"I hope you can reconsider my previous comments."


Zhu Xianhai said.

"The location of any iron factory in the world should either choose a place close to coal or iron ore, especially the latter is the most common, or choose to consider being close to the main market. My suggestion is to build the factory in Nanhua, at least here Closer to the consumer market, after all, our iron ore is 90 miles away, but the place you choose is only close to the water source..."

As the chief engineer, Lu Bai certainly had his opinion on the site selection, but his opinion obviously couldn't influence Zhu Xianhai's decision.
"The location has been decided, it's there, the hinterland has the benefits of being inland, safety comes first!"

Zhu Xianhai laughed and said,
They don't know at all what the need for "strategic security" is. If it weren't for the need to solve a series of problems such as transportation when the steel plant was built in the hinterland, Zhu Xianhai would even wish to build the steel plant in the Andes, just like the Republic of China. Like the third-tier factories, although in the long-term simulation, the coalition forces never conquered Nanhua, that is, occupied Viedma, posing a threat to Nanhua, but now Zhu Xianhai must consider the strategic depth of Nanhua.

It is also because of this that many heavy factories, including steel factories, must be built in the hinterland. This is based on the need for war preparations. As for the economy, it is second.

"Okay, sir, you are the boss and you have the final say, but sir, whether it is an iron factory, an iron mine, or a railway, a lot of manpower is needed to complete the project on schedule, so please ensure manpower for everything, I think if If necessary, the company can hire people from Ireland to participate in the construction, so that ... "

Before Lu Bai finished speaking, Zhu Xianhai waved his hand and said.

"In this way, the progress of the project will definitely be dragged down. Believe me, there are no better workers than the Chinese in the world. The hardworking Chinese are definitely not comparable to the Irish!"

This is a fact. In the United States, the Pacific Railway in the United States was stopped because the Irish could not bear the heavy and harsh working environment. The arrival of Chinese workers solved the problem, and their work efficiency was not comparable to that of the Irish.

Besides, in the simulator, the backstabs of those "inferior white skins" are still fresh in Zhu Xianhai's memory.

The so-called "inferior whites" are actually those cheap laborers without any technical ability. The reason why they were brought in, to put it bluntly, was to alleviate the plight of Nanhua's manpower shortage. Railway, and finally many of them settled inland.In the end, it was they who set off the rebellion. As for the experts, senior technicians and workers in the factory, they seldom participated in the rebellion. and died on the battlefield.

There is no other reason. Their income is quite high, and they are all middle-class families in Nanhua. Compared with rebellion, they prefer to maintain their current lives, except for some political careerists of course.

"However, as far as the current manpower is concerned, it is likely to hinder the development of the project. As long as the company is willing, tens of thousands of Irish people in Ireland will be willing to work here!"

What I am afraid of is the tens of thousands of laborers!

Zhu Xianhai laughed.

"I will find a solution to the labor problem. You only need to consider the construction of the factory. I will transfer a group of people from Araucania to build the road. As for the future, wait a few months, at most In the second half of the year, more people will come..."

While talking, Zhu Xianhai couldn't help talking about his big boat again...

(End of this chapter)

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