Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1460 Private Talk

Chapter 1460 Private Conversation (First update, please subscribe)
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On this day, as usual, when he entered the office of the Office of Naval Intelligence, Sam Max learned the news from the chief.

"Sir, could it be that the operation was leaked?"

Almost instinctively, Sam Max asked.


Colonel Jerry said.

"The information he provided is very accurate, but what he doesn't know is that the empire has strengthened their military deployment in Cuba. They sent two new German-class armored cruisers to Cuba. They encountered the "Revenge" unexpectedly on the way. "

"Is there such a coincidence?"

Almost instinctively, Sam asked questions directly.

"Indeed, but sometimes many things are just so coincidental,..."

Colonel Jerry continued.

"As early as last year, the Ming army stationed in Cuba repeatedly asked to strengthen Cuba's sea power. At the same time, they also tried to turn Cuba into their sea fortress in the Caribbean Sea, so this accident happened, but the information is accurate," Revenge The "Apollo" sent out the cargo manifest for the "Apollo". This mission failed, and we can plan it again, as long as the information is accurate enough! The only pity is that we lost an auxiliary cruiser."

"Sir, it's not that we lost one ship, but that the Ming Empire gained one more ship! After all, the "Revenge" has been captured by Daming now."

The subordinate's reminder made Colonel Jerry shrug his shoulders helplessly.

"In war, it's unavoidable, and we have to get used to it."

Then he spoke to Sam again.

"But compared to an auxiliary cruiser, I am more concerned about the information provided by "Plum Blossom"!"

"Plum Blossom" is Jin Biyun's code name. Only a few people in the whole of Britain know her identity, not even the Prime Minister knows who she is. From the perspective of Naval Intelligence, "Plum Blossom" is simply the most successful spy in history.

"Intelligence? What intelligence? Another dropship?"


Colonel Jerry shook his head and chuckled lightly,
"This information is very critical and directly related to our next strategic deployment!"

"What kind of information?"

Sam asked in surprise.

"Although this information is not direct information, according to this information, the empire will not launch operations in the South Pacific this year. They will concentrate on attacking the United States this year, and at the same time increase their offensive efforts in Africa. Their goal is to We completely squeezed out Africa! Especially South Africa!"

When referring to South Africa, Jieduan said.

"As long as they occupy southern Africa, our connection with Australia and India will be in some kind of trouble, and our merchant ships will lose the port for replenishing coal water. Therefore, strategically speaking, occupying Cape Town is equivalent to Cutting off our supply lines at sea to a certain extent! And..."

Looking at his confidant Jerry, he said.

"They will attack from behind us!"

From behind us!

Sam was surprised.

"My God, is it a landing? We don't have enough troops in Cape Town to resist their attack. The main force there is in the north..."

"That's why this information is so important!"

Jerry said triumphantly.

"This will even be a piece of intelligence that will change the war! Now, this piece of intelligence has been sent to the prime minister, and I believe they will make a judgment based on the changes in the situation."

After all, Jerry got up and went to the wine cabinet, took out a bottle of whiskey, and poured two glasses.

"Sam, let's congratulate us on a job well done."


Amidst the tap of the wine glass, Robert Gascoigne-Cecil, the wartime Prime Minister of the British Empire, the Marquess of Salisbury of the Empire, had a drink with his nephew Arthur Balfour. After taking a sip of whiskey, Cecil said.

"So, do you think now is the time to break the deadlock?"

"Yes, uncle, the current predicament we are in is actually not much different from the past. A considerable part of the huge fleet we have built is used for sea escort, because the empire itself needs supplies from the colonies, and our main fleet , but can only deter the French fleet that does not seem to exist at home."

The reason why Arthur Belfort would say this is because 70% of the French fleet is in the Mediterranean, and what about the British Empire? 70% of the power is in the homeland, and only 10% of the power is in the Mediterranean.

"Indeed, almost all of the French fleet is in the Mediterranean! If the Atlantic is our lifeline, then the Mediterranean is the lifeline of France. They need supplies from Africa, where we are at an absolute disadvantage. In order to ensure our maritime safety, we They have to maintain a strong fleet at home, after all, in the Atlantic Ocean, there are only two fleets, the Royal Navy and the Imperial Navy.”

Cecil sighed helplessly.

"Before the outbreak of the war, no matter what, we never thought that the "Great White Fleet" would be dealt with by a group of toy-like planes. Without the balance of the US Navy, the Imperial Navy would become a powerful enemy that we had to face directly."

"Yes. Things have changed."

Belfort took a bite of the veal steak and said.

"The most embarrassing part is here. Not only can our seemingly huge fleet not be used on the urgently needed battlefield, but we can even just stay in the port in a daze. In order to stop the distant imperial fleet, we not only failed to trap the enemy, but instead Trapped myself."

Putting down the knife and fork in his hand, Belfort said seriously.

"For the British Empire, the current stalemate is extremely fatal, especially in the current situation. We and our allies are at a certain disadvantage on various battlefields, even including the French battlefield. It is a stalemate, but in fact we are at a certain disadvantage. After all, we have concentrated the power of two countries. Uncle, if we do not find a way to break the deadlock, the war will show a tendency against us from the end of this year to next year .”

Regarding Belfort's warning, Cecil deeply agreed. Although Belfort is his nephew, to a certain extent, he is also his political heir, and he is also a family member whom he has supported in recent years.

The reason why he would support Belfort is not only because he is a member of the family, but more importantly, because of Belfort's talent, otherwise, there is no need for him to choose Belfort with so many members of the family.

Although Belfort is still very young, he can always give some useful suggestions and opinions.

"Indeed, then, Arthur, do you have any good advice?"

"Now, we have an opportunity."

Belfort said.

"If we seize the opportunity, warfare will fundamentally change!"

"Opportunity, what kind of opportunity?"

Selsey was a little puzzled, looking at his nephew, at least for now, he really didn't see any chance.

"Uncle, as far as the current situation is concerned, what we want is to win at all costs. In order to win, we can do whatever it takes, and of course we can negotiate with our enemies."

Negotiate with our enemies!

In just a split second, Selsey knew what his nephew was thinking.He looked at Belfort in surprise and thought for a while.

"My God! Do you know what will happen if this news gets out?"

Facing his uncle's reminder, Belv said directly.

"What are the consequences? It's nothing more than causing an uproar, but they will know very well by then that this is the best option for us to win the war."

Looking at Belfort's confident look, Sercy reminded.

"But you also need to know that if the news gets out before it succeeds, it is likely to cause a political uproar. For politicians, such a decision needs to pay a certain price."

"Then let outsiders know."

Belfort said with a smile.

"Like right now, it's just our private conversation."

 The old group is dead, and a new book friend group: 739209015 is welcome to join, discuss the plot together, and deduce the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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