Chapter 1462 Inseparable (third update, please subscribe)

As usual, after arriving at the company, Meredy spent most of the day leaning over the company's train timetable and studying how to improve the operating efficiency of the railway. He is an expert in this field. After the outbreak of the war, his The work has increased the efficiency of the Pacific Railway by 30%. Because of his outstanding work, the western and central regions have received more troops and more weapons. "It should be possible to use other branch lines to further improve efficiency, but the key is to pass through some sections of the Rocky Mountains...".

While talking to himself, he picked up the photo on the table, which showed the bombed railway bridge.

"Two more bridges have been blown up, Mr. Merrady."

Jack who walked into the office said.

"Despite our speedy repairs, the bombing by Imperial airships has seriously affected rail traffic."

For the past few months, whenever the weather permits, Imperial airship forces have been bombarding the railroads, especially the bridges - wooden railway bridges are easy to repair, but just as easy to destroy.

"My proposal is to build railway bridges of steel, but you know the railway companies don't support it."

"Of course, Mr. Meredy. After all, the raw materials for wooden bridges are everywhere on both sides of the railway. If it is steel, it will not only cost a lot of money, but once it is damaged, it will take longer to repair. Bridges have the benefit of wooden bridges, at least in the eyes of the company."

Regarding the assistant's answer, Meredy shrugged his shoulders without saying no, and then asked.

"Is there any product that needs priority shipping recently?"

"Tanks, the United Motor Company has a batch of tanks to be shipped to the west, and you know this is the highest priority product."


Meredith responded, and then said.

"The situation in the west is so severe now, let's see if we can squeeze out some transport capacity from the two-day plan and send the tanks to the west as soon as possible."

When the war is going on, both sides will implement some kind of plan inadvertently, especially in the distribution of railway capacity. It took almost half an hour for Meridy and the others to squeeze out a few trains to transport tanks, but Even so, it will take three days to wait.

After a busy day, Meridy left the company with a tired body. After leaving the company, on the way home, when he passed a phone booth, he got out of the car and made a call to Richmond.

It was normal to call from the north to the south. After all, they were one country, and many people had relatives on the other side, and Meredith was no exception.After chatting with his long-lost relatives in the phone booth for half an hour, Meredith left the phone booth. When driving away, he happened to see a train full of goods roaring towards the west.

This scene is happening every day. Every day, tens of thousands of tons of materials are transported to the west by railway. After all, it is the front line of the war and the most tense area.

"It's snowing again..."

Looking at the falling snowflakes outside the train window, Meridy said to himself, and he couldn't help but let out a long sigh when he saw the train going away.

Soon, the imperial air force will bomb some sections of the Pacific Railway. Their bombing is not just bombing the railway, but also some specific trains.

"It's been so many years..."

Meridy, who was sitting in the car, closed his eyes and seemed to have returned to his dream hometown again.

In the past few years, that hometown only existed in the unknown corner of the deepest part of his memory.At this moment, his heart went back there again...


Although the situation in the west is tense, the scenery here is indeed very good.

Observing the vast land from the air, everything feels so familiar, with the snow-covered Rocky Mountains on one side and the vast plains on the other.

"It looks like home."

Xu Shiqin, who was driving the airship, said to the deputy captain beside him.

"Well, it's similar to the Nanhua Prairie. There are mountains on one side and grasslands on the other..."

However, they came here not to admire the scenery, but to destroy the railway.

"There's a train coming! Our information is so accurate! It's this time, it's this time."

Standing at an altitude of 4000 meters, Xu Shiqin and his comrades watched the slowly crawling train in the distance.The train was ridiculously long, and the things being pushed on the flat cars were covered with tarps.

"What's on the train? Is it a car?"

"Could it be a tank?"

"Tanks? The Americans actually have tanks..."

Xu Shiqin ordered.

"Descent height..."

In order to be able to observe the cargo on the train more clearly, under Xu Shiqin's order, the airship lowered its flight altitude, which also allowed them to see the situation on the train more clearly.

The locomotive that was climbing was panting with difficulty and dissatisfaction, spewing out large puffs of smoke, and walking tenaciously and slowly like a heavy draft horse pulling heavy cargo.

"It's hard to see clearly when the goods are covered with cloth,"

"What the heck, when the train got on the railway bridge, the train and the bridge were blown up!"

The train dragging dozens of flatbed trucks quickly drove up to the railway bridge. Almost at the same time as it drove onto the wooden railway bridge, the four airships in the sky began to drop bombs. With the howling sound of bombs, ten Several bombs weighing 200 kilograms fell on the railway bridge one after another. In the violent explosion, the railway bridge collapsed. When the Pacific Railway was being built, the railway company replaced and built a large number of wooden railway bridges on the spot in order to save costs. Now these wooden bridges have become the weakness of the Pacific Railway. Only a few bombs are enough to destroy a railway bridge, and even the shock waves generated by bombs falling near the railway bridge are enough to destroy the wooden bridge piers.

With the collapse of the railway bridge, the train fell directly into the canyon, and the goods carried on the train were thrown out and scattered in the canyon.

"It's really a tank!"

Dozens of tanks that fell from the train were scattered in the canyon just like that.

"The Americans actually have tanks!"

When people looked at the scattered tanks on the ground in surprise, Xu Shiqin sneered.

"Even if there are tanks, so what, no, they were blown up by us..."

After that, he ordered loudly again.

"Return to the flight immediately, be careful to encounter US military planes!"


With the appearance of U.S. military aircraft in the west, there is less and less space left for airships. Although they can still bomb the Pacific Railway as in the past, they cannot bomb the Pacific Railway as they did in the past.

And now, American tanks...

When the airship returned from a high altitude, Xu Shiqin once again cast his eyes on the smoking canyon and the scattered tanks in the canyon.

"Captain, what are you thinking?"

Deputy captain Liu Dongsheng asked.


Xu Shiqin said.

"Now that the Americans have airplanes and tanks, they all learned after us. If we didn't put these advanced weapons on the battlefield, how could they learn?"

In fact, this is an inevitable consequence of Daming's use of advanced technology - it has led to the acceleration of global technological iteration. With the promotion of Daming's advanced technology, the world has made great progress compared with history, and this acceleration is happening in all directions. impacting the world...

(End of this chapter)

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