Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1467 I, Daying, want to rise up

Chapter 1467 My Great Britain Wants to Rise Up (Second Update, Please Subscribe)
In a telegraph office in London, a telegram arrived on the rattling keys.When a female telegram was about to treat it as a normal telegram, another supervisor next to her noticed the address.

"Wait a moment."

said the supervisor, and then he quickly looked it up on a form in the folder.

Moments later, a motorcyclist drove quickly through the streets of London that had been hit by air raids. Since May last year, the airship forces of the French Empire have carried out hundreds of air raids on British cities including London, causing Thousands of people were killed or injured.

Even now, after Britain equipped hundreds of American-made JN-1 aircraft and shot down many French airships, there are still many traces left by the bombing in the city.The motorcyclist quickly sent the telegram to the British Admiralty.The telegram was sent up layer by layer, and finally handed over to a rear admiral.

At this moment, the hour hand is pointing at 9:12 in the morning, and the date on the calendar plate is January 23, [-].The content of the telegram seemed very simple, it was just an ordinary commercial telegram. After verifying the content of the telegram, the rear admiral took out the cipher book from the safe. After deciphering the telegram, he looked at the naval loss note written on the wall. Recorded, said to colleagues:

"Okay, it's confirmed, it's a submarine! It was Deming's submarine that attacked the cruiser fleet we sent to Belgium!"

The sinking of three armored cruisers seemed insignificant to the Royal Navy, but it once again clearly told the Royal Navy the fact that the threat of submarines cannot be ignored.

Soon, this loss was reported layer by layer, all the way to Downing Street. For Downing Street, what they saw was not just the loss of three armored cruisers, but a far-reaching future.
"Gentlemen, Submarines!"

In the Prime Minister's Office, Robert Gascoigne Cecil, the leader of the Conservative Party who was appointed wartime Prime Minister after the outbreak of the war, looked at the Secretary of the Navy, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Colonial Secretary, and several others before him. said a staff official.

"As General Fisher speculated, the Ming Empire did not, and did not even support the French fleet in a decisive battle with the Royal Navy in the Atlantic Ocean. They adopted a brand new tactic—submarine warfare!"

Submarine warfare is really terrible for Britain!
After all, more than 60% of the UK's industrial raw materials and food come from overseas. In the past, the Royal Navy only considered interception by surface ships at sea. When did it think that submarines could be used to attack merchant ships and their overseas transportation lines.

"Instead of attacking our merchant fleet with submarines, in order to achieve the goal of strangling the overseas transportation lines of the British Empire, what about our merchant fleet? In the vast Atlantic and Indian Oceans, the merchant fleet of the British Empire travels back and forth between North America and Africa And the transport fleets in the Indian colonies are scattered all over the place. Our escort system is not yet perfect, and because the routes are scattered and long, the limited escort forces are ruthlessly dispersed and diluted. Under the circumstances, it provided an opportunity for the Ming submarines. They are almost vulnerable to the submarines. Now, it is only the submarines that not only contain a lot of our strength, but also lead to another situation."

Look to George Goshen, Secretary of the Navy, Prime Minister Cecil said.

"We have to maintain a strong fleet at home to deal with threats from the sea, while at the same time our strength in other areas is extremely limited."

"Yes, Mr Prime Minister,"

George Goshen said.

"After the outbreak of the war, France's strength in the Mediterranean region has formed an overwhelming advantage for us. France can transport African colonies to Tunisia and Libya through the Sahara Railway, and their merchant fleets can freely transport through the ports of Tunisia and Libya. supplies, and what about us? The huge Royal Navy has become an existing fleet, stuck in the port. We can neither go far away from the mainland of the empire, go to the Mediterranean Sea, nor go to the South Atlantic Ocean, because no matter where we go, we need to consider France or One of the Ming Dynasty poses a threat to the mainland."

George Goshen didn't even mention the planes - the new weapons that were used in last year's raid on the Hamptons, and of course the carriers, but none of this is a problem now, and soon, the British carriers will be launched service.Although it was rebuilt from a coal carrier, at least Britain has an aircraft carrier, so there is no need to worry about being passively beaten.

The only problem is the strategic dilemma of the Royal Navy. The Royal Navy is afraid of wolves in the front and tigers in the back. To strengthen the power of the Mediterranean Sea, I am worried that my hometown will be copied by the Ming Fleet. Take the initiative to challenge Daming, and I am worried that it will be copied by France. back road.

In short, it is difficult!
"That's right, this is the stalemate we are facing, and when we are in this stalemate, our enemies-Daming, France, and Russia are all constantly strengthening their power at sea. In the Mediterranean, their power Has gained the upper hand, and soon, they will seize the advantage of the Indian Ocean, and in the Atlantic, the US Navy, which has been hit hard, is no longer able to stop the Imperial Fleet, and the Royal Navy? They have trapped a large number of them with their small submarines power, gentlemen, and that's what we're dealing with."

Taking a deep breath, Cecil glanced at everyone, and then said.

"Since the outbreak of the war, what are we worried about? It is the fleet of the Ming Empire that will suddenly appear in the South Pacific and occupy Australia and New Zealand. According to the information currently available, in the shipyards of the Ming Empire, a large number of ships are being built. It can be predicted that in the near future, they will definitely attack Australia and New Zealand, and the question before us now is whether to sit still or break the deadlock!"

When the prime minister's words fell, James Bond, the chief secretary on the side, suggested directly.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, we must break the deadlock! Take back the initiative!"

As the chief secretary, James Bond will not lose his job because of the change of the prime minister. The prime minister is a turnover, but as a senior civil servant of the empire, he is a landlord at No. 10 Downing Street.

"Yes, James, we must break the deadlock, but how can we break the current deadlock and dilemma!"

Turning his attention to Admiral George Goshen, Prime Minister Cecil asked,
"General, what are the plans of the Admiralty?"

"Mr. Prime Minister, power, only with enough power can we break the deadlock in front of us!"

Admiral George Goshen replied bluntly, perhaps the pride of the Royal Navy made him unwilling to accept the status quo, but in naval warfare, power is power, and it is impossible for the Royal Navy to disperse operations now.

The navy's answer was obviously not what Cecil needed. He turned his attention to his nephew Arthur Belfort who was his political adviser. After receiving his uncle's gaze, Belfort said.

"Mr. Prime Minister, I think that compared to the slow process of increasing strength through shipbuilding, the most important thing at present is diplomacy! We are not alone, we should unite the strength of our allies. Isn't this the purpose of our signing the agreement?"

Then he looked at everyone present and said directly.

"It is through diplomatic cooperation with Germany that we will jointly send some warships to the United States. Together with the American fleet, we will go through a decisive overseas battle and severely damage the Imperial Navy!"

When Belfort made this suggestion, James Bond, as the chief secretary, just nodded slightly. He could sense that there seemed to be some secret between this guy and the prime minister who was hiding it from him, but what secret was it?

Form a joint fleet with Germany and the United States?
This is not a secret at all. In fact, in the past few months, the Royal Navy has also made such an appeal, but challenge the Imperial Navy!

This is a little fresh...

(End of this chapter)

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