Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1469 Backstab!

Chapter 1469 Backstab! (First update, please subscribe)
Ming Empire, Central Capital, the underground receiving room of the Imperial Telegraph and Call Center.

Here, as in the past, the sound of "tick-tick" telegraphs resounded day and night, and every ticker would print out hundreds of kilometers of telegraph strips every day.

A female telegraph operator in front of the telegraph machine could copy the code of the telegram just by the sound of ticks without even raising her head. On this day, as usual, when the female operator received a mail with a special mailbox code, she immediately raised her voice. Raising his hand, the inspector who was patrolling walked to her side, glanced at the mailbox code, tore up the telegram, and then hurried into another office.

In this telegraph center, there are many secrets, some personal, some official, and of course many stories from the hidden front.

In war, apart from the bloody slaughter of swords, lights and swords on the front line, there are also invisible fronts, spies, who have been indispensable roles in wars since ancient times. No one knows that they will be involved in wars. What role it will play, but one thing is for sure, their intelligence will change a lot of things.

A few hours later, a car drove up to the palace, and Qian Zizhuang, who was carrying a briefcase, walked into the imperial garden again. Before he got there, he heard a burst of rapid machine gunfire.It is the army's new machine gun that conducts demonstration shooting in the palace.

When he came to the lawn of the imperial garden, he saw a tall and strong soldier holding a thick cylinder and shooting.Seeing Qian Zizhuang, Sun Hu smiled sideways and said,

"Minister Qian, look, this is a Type [-] light machine gun that the Army has just finalized. How about it, it can be carried by one person."


Eyes wide open in astonishment, Qian Zizhuang said in surprise.

"You, you call this a light machine gun?"

That thing that is not much thinner than the thigh must weigh forty to fifty catties no matter what!

Is it a light machine gun?
"Yeah, haven't you seen it? It can be carried by one person. If there is no water in the cooling tube, the weight is less than 15 kilograms..."

Sun Hu said quite proudly.

"At present, the troops on the front line need machine guns that can accompany the troops to attack. Real machine guns, although submachine guns are good, but the range is too short. Therefore, the technicians of the arsenal have successfully developed this light machine gun on the basis of the ten-year-old machine gun. , added a gun stock to it, added a pistol grip at the same time, removed the tripod, and replaced it with a simple bipod, which is much lighter than the ten-year type..."

Seeing Sun Hu's proud appearance, Emperor Zhu said helplessly.

"Well, compared to the ten-year model, it is indeed much lighter, but what? I think it would be better if the cooling water tube is lighter. You can consider air cooling. Isn't the air cooling used on the plane?"

Looking at the machine gun held by the 1.9-meter-tall man—with a hundred bullets and cooling water, it weighs nearly 20 kilograms.

Call him a light machine gun...

It's a good thing they were able to scream, sighed helplessly, Emperor Zhu looked at Qian Zizhuang and asked.

"Is there something going on at Qian Qing's house?"

"The eagle is in the cage."

Qian Zizhuang said.


Emperor Zhu raised his brows, and a smile appeared on his face. A few minutes later, in his study, he put down the telegram sent back from London.Emperor Zhu sneered "hehe" and said to Qian Zizhuang, Sun Hu and others:
"The British are hooked!"

While sneering, Emperor Zhu walked to the globe in the middle of the study, turned the globe and said.

"We have endured for so long just to get the British to take the bait, and now they have taken the bait. If this battle is successful, at least in the next year, we don't need to think about threats at sea again!..."

After finishing speaking, Emperor Zhu cast his eyes on Sun Hu and said with a smile.

"Operation in the South Pacific can be put on the agenda at that time. How many landing ships do we have now? How many troops can be transported to land?"

In fact, even for Da Ming, this war was too hasty—although the plan was perfect, it was only when the actual battle was fought that they realized how hasty the preparation was.

For example, when the war broke out, the Marine Corps had only two divisions, the most important landing ships were only 32, as for the aircraft, there were only 376, and although there were as many as 1100 tanks that were extremely important for land warfare, But they are scattered all over the place.

As for recruits, recruits need time to train, not three months of training, three months can only complete preliminary training, and two months are needed for basic infantry skills training. If it is technical arms such as artillery or tank soldiers, the time required Just longer.

In fact, the big guys are pretty much the same. Everyone was training throughout [-], and they were all working hard.

When is the real war?
It was [-]!

This is similar to the First World War in a world. The war started in 14, and the real killing came after the spring of 15.

Because of this, last September, the Imperial Headquarters formulated a plan aimed at gaining command of the sea through a decisive battle.

In fact, in terms of naval power, the power of the Allied Powers has an absolute advantage over the Allies. If it hadn't been for the fact that Ming had directly damaged the U.S. Navy in Hampton at the beginning of the war, it would have brought the U.S. Navy back to before liberation almost overnight.

It is still unclear in whose hands the command of the sea is now.

Therefore, from the submarine strangling battle in the Atlantic Ocean to the overwhelming advantage of the French-Russian coalition forces in the Mediterranean Sea, it is essentially to promote the Royal Navy's all-out dispatch.

Based on the experience of World War I and World War II, Emperor Zhu knew very well that if Britain wanted to continue the war, they had to seize command of the sea. Even if the command of the sea was affected, the UK could not bear it.

Therefore, this battle is inevitable. The only question is how much capital the United Kingdom will invest.As long as the United Kingdom, the United States, and even Germany are brought into this naval battle, the outcome of the defeat must belong to the United Kingdom, not the Ming Empire.

"Your Majesty, after nearly a year of preparations, the Army now has the capacity to land 30 troops at a time, and the Marine Corps can also transport 20 troops at one time. It is completely capable of carrying out operations in the South Pacific."

After glancing at Sun Hu, Emperor Zhu nodded, why he didn't carry out the South Pacific operation, because he was worried that it would become a "refueling war".Whether it was the defeat of the British in the Dardanelles during World War I or the defeat of the Japanese army in Guadalcanal in World War II, it was essentially due to insufficient transportation capacity, unable to transport a large number of troops, and facing the situation where the superior defenders could not advance or retreat.

In the end, the landing battle became a refueling battle, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers died on the battlefield meaninglessly. What wasted was not only the lives of soldiers, but also the loss of technical equipment.

In the simulator, the imperial army did suffer a setback in Australia, which is why Emperor Zhu postponed the South Pacific operation.

Now, everything is just right, and while the enemy is preparing, the Empire is even more prepared.Thinking of this, Emperor Zhu turned to Qian Zizhuang and said firmly:

"Now we must keep an eye on the movements of the British, and only when they attack, we will eliminate them. If they don't stud...then we will force them to stud!"

When Emperor Zhu's words fell, Qian Zizhuang continued to report.

"Your Majesty, in addition, we have also obtained information that the British are making secret contacts with Russia. The British may offer certain conditions to persuade Russia to withdraw from the war!"

The sudden news made Emperor Zhu raise his eyebrows and asked.

"Is the news accurate? Where did you get it from?"

The reason why Emperor Zhu asked this question was because Russia was different from other countries, because most of its senior officials were nobles, which made it difficult for the spies of the empire to infiltrate its top ranks, so the channels for obtaining information were naturally very limited.

(End of this chapter)

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