Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1472 Special Envoy Visit

Chapter 1472 The special envoy visits (second update, please subscribe)

Only the victor can bring real benefits!

So in a war, everyone will choose to be with the victor, but when the war breaks out, only God knows who the final victor will be.

But what is certain is that in war, all belligerent countries like to be with neutral countries.

Why partner with a neutral country?

Because during the war, the belligerent countries are bound to carry out a naval blockade, and the warships of the belligerent countries will attack the enemy's merchant fleet at sea. At this time, the benefits of neutral countries are reflected-the freedom of navigation on the high seas, and the flag of a neutral country can cover Shipping of goods.

Almost overnight, neutral countries such as Datang, Spain, Sweden, and Norway all became shipping powers. As for the tonnage of British merchant ships, it plummeted—from 1000 million tons to less than 300 million tons.

Change the flag!
Everyone is familiar with this hand!

In the sunny Mediterranean Sea, the "Queen Mary", a cruise ship once owned by a British company, has now hoisted the Spanish merchant flag, and then it continues to engage in shipping services in the war-torn sea, the only change is No longer direct to Constantinople.Because the captain and sailors are of British nationality, in order to avoid becoming captives, their terminal is only Greece.

What are the guests like on the "Queen Mary" cruise ship?

All kinds, there are officials and businessmen, there are poor people, there are rich people, and there must be some foreigners who escaped from the service. The enthusiasm of patriotism may make people excited, but it also makes some people calm down. Every day Many French and British fled to foreign countries through special channels.In order to avoid being noticed by others, these people who dodge military service will lock themselves in the cabin as soon as they get on the ship.

As usual, the doors on both sides of the second-class aisle are tightly closed, no one will speculate on the identity of the passengers, they are just ordinary people in the war.

"The Russians are as much a realist as we are."

In the cabin, Gray, who was lying on the head of the bed, said in a contemptuous tone.

"No, they are different from us. They are a group of Tatars in their bones. For them, there has never been any credibility at all. They only have interests in their eyes, and they are mercenary! As long as they have enough interests, they can betray everything, including God. .”

Gray, whose alias is Philip, went to Madrid as a secret envoy to hold secret talks with the Roman Empire. What was he talking about?

To get Russia out of the war, of course.

When Gray mentioned God, the assistant who followed him murmured to himself.

Didn't England also rebel against God?
In fact, the Anglo-Saxons are the same as the Slavs, there is not much difference at all.

"Now, all we need is to give them some benefits and let them withdraw from the war, so that we can concentrate on dealing with France, and the Germans can also concentrate on dealing with France. The Germans are afraid of the Slavs behind them. , sleepless nights, until now, they have not put all their strength on the Western Front, and if they withdraw from the war, we will soon defeat France as we defeated Napoleon."

"Of course, if we can get Russia to join our camp, then victory will come sooner!"

In the narrow cabin, Gray said in an expectant tone.

"Russia... is different from any European country. It not only has fierce and cruel Cossacks, but also millions of strong, tame and obedient farmers. The size of the Russian army is staggering: the usual strength 140; after mobilization, an additional 3000 can be added; in addition there is a local army of 11 and a reserve force that can be conscripted; thus the total number of available troops is 5000 .”

The Russia mentioned by Gray is the impression the world has of Russia. In people's minds, the Russian army is a colossus. It is unavoidably bloated and slow at the beginning, but once it is fully mobilized and put into action, it will be an endless sea of ​​people one after another. Waves, no matter how heavy the casualties are, will be unyielding, rolling forward one after another.

During the Turkish war, more than 300 million Russian troops flooded Turkey like a huge wave, and now?

If it weren't for the fact that Persia does not have a railway to Russia, it is estimated that the Russian army would have submerged Persia long ago.Of course, when fighting the Russian army in Persia, the British discovered that the Russian army was not as powerful as they thought—their intelligence work was poor, and the troops did not know how to hide and keep secrets when fighting, and they did not pay attention to the agility of their actions. Fighting spirit and initiative, lack of good generals.

But the steady stream of "gray cattle" that Russia has is enough to make any country in awe!
"But, sir, will our terms convince them?"

"We'll never know the answer if we don't try!"

If you don’t try, you will never know the answer. After leaving this sentence, Gray can’t help but look forward to this trip to Constantinople.

Three days later, Gray, who was in Constantinople before taking the train via the Greek re-entry, finally stepped off the train station.

Gray, holding a passport from a neutral country, easily passed the customs inspection. When he and his colleagues walked out of the train station, there was already a car waiting for them outside the station. After they got into the BMW, when the car started, Gray said .

"Thank you Earl."

Facing Gray's thanks, the Earl, who had been waiting in the car for the arrival of the guests, shook his head and said.

"Don't thank me, my friend, I just hope that the news you bring is worth the risk I have to take..."

The count cast his eyes on the guests who had just arrived, and then said.

“After all, engaging with officials of a hostile country during a war is essentially betraying Russia.”

"Hey, my friend, you are serious. I came here in a private capacity for our friendship and future. Please believe that the news I bring is definitely worth your money!"

Gray had a smile on his face. The reason why he came here was not only because of the Prime Minister's order, but the most important reason was because he knew that there were also many people in Russia who were unwilling to be enemies of the British Empire. , There are still many people who hope to "get something for nothing".

He came here to convince these people with facts. Of course, no one in this world cares about what is the truth.

For politicians, the most important thing is never facts, but interests.

The same is true for the country!
Benefits come first!
(End of this chapter)

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