Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1477 New York Nightmare

Chapter 1477 New York Nightmare (First update, please subscribe)
Those who are good at attacking move above the nine heavens, and those who are good at defending hide under the nine grounds.

In fact, such a sentence in Sun Tzu's Art of War tells the future development direction of war.Let's not talk about how Sun Wu saw through the secret thousands of years ago.But since the appearance of airships, people have discovered that the situation of war has fundamentally changed.

Because of the appearance of airships, wars have become terrible, even terrifying. In the past, there was a difference between the front and the rear in wars, but the appearance of airships has changed everything.In the new mode of warfare, there is no distinction between the front and the rear, or even between soldiers and civilians.War showed him at his most savage and naked - death and terror!
However, although people can imagine how the appearance of airships will change warfare, and even imagine what kind of blow they will cause to bombing cities, imagination is always imagination...

At least until this day, no one knew what the consequences of the bombing would be.

After taking off from Cuba, nearly two hundred airships have been flying at an altitude of 6000 meters in the next ten hours. Although it is daytime, no one will notice them at all in the vast sea Since there are occasional merchant ships flying below the huge formation of airships, they don't notice their existence.

After all, the flying altitude of the formation is too high, and even the sound of the engine is blocked by the sound of the waves on the sea.

From morning to noon, from noon to evening.

When the sun was setting and the sea and sky were dyed red by the setting sun, the airship formation began to adjust its course on the ocean east of New York, and they would arrive over New York in more than two hours.

When the coastline came into view, Cheng Kunpeng asked loudly.

"Navigator, calculate the bearing!"

Soon the navigator used the longitude table and sextant to calculate the position of the airship, and then shouted.

"We are still 100 kilometers away from New York, and New York is just southwest of us!"

"very good!"

Cheng Kunpeng shouted.

"Bombardier, pay attention to the landmarks!"

Although twilight has fallen at this time, Bombardier Sun Hao is still carefully searching for landmarks. What does New York look like at this time?

A piece of brightly lit!

New York is a city that never sleeps!

As a bustling metropolis, this place is a bit similar to Nanhua. Electric lights have long been popularized to thousands of households, and the bright neon lights on the bustling commercial streets are shining with dazzling brilliance.

Red, green, yellow, all the lights come together, making New York a bright pearl in the dark.

You don't even need to look for it deliberately, just look for the brightest light in the dark.

In the darkness, New York is so striking.

Finally, the criss-crossing streets of New York appeared in Sun Hao's sight. He put his eyes on the bombing sight, slowly adjusted the parameters with his right hand, and half pressed the bomb button with his left hand.

Staring at the city on the ground, for a moment, he even saw pedestrians and vehicles walking on the street. Of course, this was just an illusion.

The temperature at high altitude was very low. Although his fingers were almost freezing, Sun Hao still felt that he was twisting the knob a little bit.Feeling that his fingers were a little stiff, he moved a little bit, and then opened the red safety cover of the bomb release button.

At this moment, the specialness of the landmark came into view: the Statue of Liberty——in the dark, the Statue of Liberty lit up by searchlights is so eye-catching, this is the first calibration point!

After aiming at the calibration point, soon, the second calibration point, which is the location of the bomb, came into his line of sight.When the target is pressed into the middle of the reticle of the sight a little bit.Sun Hao started counting down.

Despite the low temperature, sweat streamed from his brow, melting the hoarfrost on his brows.

"Enter the target... 3... 2, 1... and drop the bomb!"

The moment the sound fell.Zhiwei pressed the bomb button hard!

When the bombs roared and fell, the streets of New York were still very lively. The war may have affected the lives of many people, but in New York, the vast majority of people still drink and dance, and even For many men, now is the time for them to hook up with women.

On this seemingly ordinary night, the people on the ground were belatedly aware of everything in the air. Even when the bombs dropped by the bombers fell, and the roar of the bombs fell from the sky, the reverberation still echoed in many dance halls in New York. With cheerful music, men and women are still dancing and drinking without restraint.

The bombs dropped by the pilot airship are not light bombs. In fact, according to military calculations, when bombing cities, bombs weighing less than 100 kilograms can cause very limited damage to reinforced concrete structures, so the pilot airship dropped 500 The violent explosion of the kilogram-level high-explosive aerial bomb and the heavy-duty high-explosive aerial bomb can not only destroy the building, but also the smoke cloud it raises during the explosion can also serve as an indicator of the target, and the airship group that follows it will use this Drop bombs sequentially for instructions.

Bombs falling freely in the air roared and smashed down towards the ground, tearing through the darkness at an extremely fast speed.It crashed down on a building next to the street. In an instant, a huge shock wave mixed with countless steel fragments swept across the ground like a whirlwind, overturning a large number of passers-by on the street. In the violent explosion, the building collapsed. In an instant, not only the pedestrians on the road were buried alive, but also the people in the building. When the building fell, billowing smoke and dust filled the entire street. Before people could react, several bombs fell on both sides of the street. On the other side, the earth seemed to be trembling in the violent explosion.

How is this going?

In the violent explosion, the people of New York hadn't reacted for a while, and when they did, more bombs continued to fall from the sky,

Amid the howling sound of bombs, the violent explosion blew up high-rise buildings into ruins. In the smoke and dust that covered the sky, people on the street screamed in horror and ran wildly, but they didn't care at all. I know where to go and run.

Only a very few people know to run to the open area like Central Park. Of course, there are also some people who run to the subway station. Compared with other places, the subway station may be the best choice.

The people who were still reveling there before were crying in horror. People were easily knocked to the ground by other people while running. The woman who was pursued by men a few minutes ago became unattended in the crowd. When knocked down, the woman cried and struggled to stand up, but was knocked down by the running crowd again, and then countless legs directly stepped on them, and her delicate body was constantly trampled, and soon There was no movement.

The trampled people can be seen lying on the ground everywhere in the street. They moaned, struggled, cried and begged for help in pain, but at this time, no one would rescue them at all.

After all, around them, the bombs are still falling behind. In the black and gray clouds of smoke rising high, one after another buildings were collapsed in violent explosions...

(End of this chapter)

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