Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1486 Prince's California

Chapter 1486 Prince's California (Second update, please subscribe)

In this world war, the Mexican Empire is an extremely special existence.As an ally of the Ming Empire, Mexico is simply the iron core of the empire—there are imperial naval bases on its east and west coasts.As for the investment of the empire, it also penetrated into every aspect of Mexico.

From railway transportation to oil extraction, from mines to factories, Mexico can be said to be a country that has been controlled by the empire in all aspects except agriculture.

Moreover, compared to the domestic dignitaries, the Mexican royal family from the Habsburg family is also extremely dependent on the empire. After all, without the support of the empire, there would be no existence of the Mexican empire.

But such a diehard, after the outbreak of the war, unexpectedly expressed his neutrality, and immediately stated that "Mexico has no intention of intervening in the Ming-US war."

For this decision of Emperor Maximilian I, the Mexicans are extremely...dissatisfied!
That's right, dissatisfaction, why dissatisfaction is because in the eyes of Mexicans, the United States is Mexico's enemy-they once occupied Mexico City and forced Mexico to cede 230 million square kilometers of land.

Are all the Mexicans who experienced the Mexican-American War still alive?
"Did His Majesty the Emperor forget the shame of the American invasion? No, he didn't forget, he had no experience, but His Majesty the Emperor defeated the Republicans with the help of the Ming Empire, but now...he even the most The minimum ally responsibility has been forgotten..."

Seeing the satirical words in the newspaper, the Crown Prince Princess Sophia immediately said angrily. "How can they say that about father? Don't those people know the current situation in Mexico? Don't they know that 80% of Mexico's land is controlled by those local nobles?"

Seeing his wife's angry appearance, Zhu Youyang, the golden king of the Ming Empire, smiled lightly, and then said.

"It's not that they don't know that, in fact, these inflammatory words were essentially published at the behest of those local nobles."

What is the so-called local aristocracy?
It is the local power faction that controls the local militia and land, such as the Terrazas family in the state of Chihuahua, the Dios Gutierrez brothers in the state of San Luis Potosi, and the Molina Montes in the state of Yucatan. family, the Labasas family of Chiapas, etc.They not only own the local militia, but also own a large amount of land in the state.

"Is it published at their behest?"

Sophia looked at her husband in surprise and asked.

"They, how could they do that?"

"Because this will make the empire shift its attention from the inside to the outside. You know, the dissatisfaction with His Majesty's family has been around for a long time, not only because they once supported the republicans, but because they used the so-called "land survey" They have usurped a large amount of civilian land, and more importantly, land is the most important source of their power and wealth, because they have the ability to fight against the central government of the empire because they have the land in their hands."

When referring to "land surveying", Zhu Youyang raised the corners of his lips, and his tone was full of contempt. As the prince of the empire, he may have known the shamelessness of "Caudillo", but he underestimated their shamelessness. In Mexico Well, those Caudillos—that is, the big estate owners before and after independence, the commanders of local militias, and the generals of the military after independence—their shamelessness is simply beyond people's imagination.

After the independence of Mexico, the authorities set up a "private land surveying company" to "measure and determine its ownership" of the land, and attached hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of Indian village land "without legal certification documents", small farmers' cultivated land, and attached to the church. A large amount of land under his name was confiscated as unowned wasteland, and then auctioned off or given to dignitaries.Who is buying the land?They are also rich and powerful, and they bought a lot of land at extremely low prices.

Are those lands really unowned?
Many of them are owned lands, but so what if they are owned?Even though there were land documents issued by the Spanish colonial authorities, the Mexican authorities refused to recognize their validity. The land in the town was judged to belong to the new manor owner, and all residents had to pay rent to the new owner. Just go to the army.If you don't want to be a soldier, you are a deserter, and if you are caught, you will be sentenced to death by hanging.

You see, they have perfectly set up a closed loop.

This is how the gentlemen of Caudillo in Mexico eat, and it is extremely ugly.It's not that it's ugly, it's that it's shameless at all.

"In recent years, we've recovered a lot of land from local powers by recognizing colonial-era land documents in a new round of land surveys, like the Terrazas in Chihuahua, five years ago, They own 2.8 square kilometers of land, and now only 1.4 square kilometers are left. They lost half of their land in the land reform of the empire. Their hostility to the empire is naturally conceivable..."

Picking up the teacup, Zhu Youyang drank a cup of tea, and then said.

"Maybe, they dare not kill me, but, my dear, they can encourage Mexico to join the war. Once the war breaks out, in order to maintain internal stability, His Majesty will naturally order to stop the land survey in exchange for the support of the local nobles. Their purpose is also It's reached."

When referring to "kill me", Zhu Youyang's tone was very calm. Why did someone want to kill him? It was because he was in charge of the land survey committee. The new round of land survey was implemented under his auspices. Under the auspices of China, more than 40 square meters returned to their real owners.

It is also because of this that those local dignitaries are eager to get rid of him as soon as possible.

But they dare not... Because behind Zhu Youyang is the Ming Empire. The Ming Empire not only has troops stationed in Mexico, but also has 350 million Chinese immigrants.

In fact, he was also quite heartbroken, because,,, those people dared not do anything.


Sophia once again looked at her husband gratefully. He had taken too many risks for her.

"I don't know what I would do without you."

Looking at the gratitude, love and worry in his wife's goal, Zhu Youyang said with a smile.

"Sofia, the reason why I did all this is for our future, I hope you can become the real emperor of Mexico, I hope that in the future our children can inherit a real empire, a normal country, not a fragmented one, A country where people are displaced and ruled by a very small number of people."

Of course, the reason why he did this in person was not only for Mexico, but also for... himself, he is the husband of the crown prince, and if he wants to become the "double king" of Mexico in the future, he must win the support of the people , not only the support of the Chinese, but also the support of the vast majority of Mexicans. Those big estate owners and their land are his tools to make people prosperous.

Sometimes Zhu Youyang even hopes that someone will assassinate him, so that he can fundamentally solve some problems.

Looking at her husband in front of her, Sophia nodded vigorously, and then said.

"I believe that with your efforts, Mexico will definitely become a normal country, and the people here will live happily like the people of Ming Dynasty..."

For Sophia, who grew up in Daming, the future she imagined for Mexico should be of Daming style, where everyone can live happily, and that is what a normal country should look like, not what it is now - Controlled by the big landlords.

"That's what we're trying to achieve,"

Zhu Youyang cast his gaze into the distance.

"When we worked hard to change everything in the past, we were always cautiously worried about what might happen, especially when we had an uneasy neighbor in the north, but now..."

After a pause, Zhu Youyang continued.

"After the outbreak of this war, the neighbors to the north will not have the energy to take care of Mexico. At the time when we are making drastic reforms, as long as..."

Staring at the north, Zhu Youyang thought to himself,
"Now that they've started the California campaign, it's almost over."

For the past few days, he had been waiting for the full-scale attack of the Imperial Army on California.Only when Americans' attention is completely absorbed can he really push for reform, rather than being patient like he has been in the past few years.

Patience... Sometimes it really hurts to be patient.


That's my king's California!

 The old group is dead, and a new book friend group: 739209015 is welcome to join, discuss the plot together, and deduce the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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