Chapter 1489 Ambush (first update, please subscribe)

Staring at the map, Peng Guoliang said.

"Once the order is issued, the Tenth Tank Division will act as the vanguard, with the cooperation of the 23rd, 116th, and 135th Infantry Divisions, break through the enemy's defense line, and then enter the Central Valley along the Salmento River..."

In the headquarters of the Ninth Army, the generals of the Ninth Army and the staff officers of the headquarters turned their attention to the sand table when they heard the commander of the front army deploy combat missions, and when the commander asked about the details of the mission, they would answer them immediately.

What kind of fortress attack, what kind of air cover, and so on, after a long period of preparation, it seems that everyone is ready. The Ninth Army is the attacking army, and it must have been fully prepared.

As the commander of the front army, Peng Guoliang frowned while listening to the detailed report...

He is not tall standing beside the sand table, staring at the sand table, sometimes nodding, sometimes frowning, with a pair of eyes shining brightly on his slightly tired face.

Many people who are not very familiar with Peng Guoliang think that he is different from Sun Hu, Wang Wenju and other first-generation generals of the empire, who are used to fighting fiercely. Feng, in fact, he himself very much hopes that not only does he look like this on the outside, but he is indeed such a person.However, the fact is quite the opposite. He is actually a somewhat impatient person with extremely strict demands on others and himself.

It was this rigor that made him fully aware of the immense personal responsibility he bore to the millions of men on the Northern Front and the millions of men in the Northern Territory.In the past year, he has shown unimaginable caution to the outside world, even restraint. He did not make bold and fast attacks, and even played steadily and never made rash advances, and even preferred to miss the opportunity.In fact, it's not that he would rather miss the opportunity, he is waiting for the opportunity, and the requirements of the base camp are also the same.

"San Francisco!"

Peng Guoliang pointed to San Francisco on the sand table and said.

"San Francisco is the last stronghold of the U.S. Navy in the Pacific Ocean. As long as we unplug San Francisco, it is also the top priority of our operation. The core of all our missions is to occupy San Francisco as the core, but we don't just occupy San Francisco. At the same time, San Francisco needs to encircle and annihilate the effective forces of the US military as much as possible, so we must attack violently, forcing them to withdraw their active forces to San Francisco and rely on fortified areas to resist the attack..."


This military meeting lasted from three o'clock in the afternoon to midnight, until more than twelve o'clock in the evening. After the meeting was over, Peng Guoliang was ready to return to his headquarters.

The officers of the Ninth Army advised him to stay overnight and wait until the next morning before leaving.

"Mr. Peng, we have also received some worrying information."

Cheng Zhongxiao, commander of the Ninth Army, reported,
"Now that the frozen snow in the mountains has melted, the guerrillas lurking in the mountains have become active again. Our convoy and signal troops have been ambushed many times. Commander Peng should wait until dawn before returning to the headquarters."

Although the guerrilla threat was negligible to the Imperial Army, those guerrillas were like flies.It is an extremely annoying existence.

They will continue to attack the transport convoy and attack the soldiers who are alone.In short, those guerrillas will never face the imperial army head-on.Even when attacking the transport convoy, if you can beat it, you can run away if you can't.

The existence of this group of flies caused everyone a headache. Even though they invested a large number of troops to wipe out the guerrillas, the results achieved were still very limited.

If the commander encountered guerrillas on the way back, there would be a big mess.

"It's just a few lunatics. It's not a big deal. I have to go to the Thirteenth Army tomorrow, so I decided to leave now."

Although he knew it was dangerous, Peng Guoliang still decided to leave immediately.After all, hundreds of thousands of troops are now preparing for the attack, and he, the commander, has to be prepared.

Faced with the commander's insistence, Cheng Zhongxiao had no choice but to nod, but before leaving, he still specially sent a squad of vanguard soldiers to escort the commander away.

The return road is terrible. In the United States, there is no developed highway and road network in the empire. After leaving the city, there are no paved roads. There are potholes and simple roads everywhere. The driver is concentrating on driving the car. Come and go.

While the driver was driving the car, Peng Guoliang sat in the car and looked at the map in silence. He spread the map on his knees, trying to think about various possibilities after the battle broke out.At this moment, Peng Guoliang almost hit the back of the front seat due to sudden bumps.

"Xiao Xu, you have to be careful, the officer is looking at the map!"

The adjutant quickly reminded.

"Yes, sir!"

The driver quickly slowed down and drove cautiously on the road, the sky outside the car window was getting darker.Some stars can be vaguely recognized in the sky, and the weeds and bushes on both sides of the road are swaying in the mountain wind.

Two cars and three trucks drove on the mountain road like this for several hours, and the journey seemed to be very peaceful, just when Peng Guoliang looked at the time and wanted to take a nap for a while.

At this time, at a place about twenty meters away from the car, there was a sudden explosion, and a puff of black smoke rose into the sky.

The driver braked the car with all his strength, Peng Guoliang and the adjutant braked suddenly, and their chests hit the back of the front seat.

"There is an ambush!"

In a split second, Peng Guoliang and his party jumped out of the car, lying on their stomachs and staring at the pitch-black forest.The soldiers of the two squads escorting them also jumped out of the truck, but they didn't even see the enemy.

The sky is clean, the stars are twinkling peacefully, the surroundings are silent, and the quiet mountains and forests are eerily quiet.

Suddenly there was another explosion.About ten meters behind the car, another puff of black smoke mixed with sand rushed straight into Yunxiao.

"Due east, shell!"

Tian Wu, the leader of the guard platoon, shouted loudly. He and the soldiers buried their heads in the ground. After a while, they raised their heads slightly and looked around.

At this time, there was another whistling sound of shells in the air, and in the next moment, another stream of soil and gravel flew up into the sky in the explosion, and then fell on the roof of the car with a crackling sound. This time it was very close.

"It was fired by mortars, Platoon Leader Tian!"

Peng Guoliang shouted.

At this time Tian Wuyi jumped up and rushed towards the commander.

He had just rushed to the Commander's side when a mortar shell hit the car directly.There was an explosion, and the intact car was blown up, igniting a big fire.

The heat wave emitted by the burning car made them breathless. The soldiers did not attack the forest blindly. The most important thing now is to protect the safety of the chief.

"Sir, it's probably a guerrilla. They have mortars. They should be the regular army that was defeated last year."

Peng Guoliang nodded.

"Now the enemy is dark, I am in the light, defend on the spot, wait for them to attack..."

At this time, there was another sound of a pursuit shell exploding, this time hitting somewhere nearby.At the same time, from nowhere, another machine gun fired "da da", and several bullets whizzed and swept over their heads.

(End of this chapter)

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