Chapter 149 It is better to come to South China than to break through the Guandong (first update, please subscribe)
The sailing conditions in this era are harsh, not to mention such crowded immigrant ships.

In order to tap the transportation potential of merchant ships as much as possible, the space of the "multi-layer bed" designed by Zhu Xianhai is extremely narrow, with a width of 55 cm, a length of 1.9 meters, and a height of only 60 cm. It is similar to the sailors on many warships during World War II. The beds are about the same size.

However, medical conditions in this era are limited.

Besides, they have to spend at least two and a half months of journey in such a crowded and dark environment.Fortunately, he considered the ventilation problem from the very beginning—using iron pipes or a large number of bamboo pipes as ventilation pipes to ensure the ventilation and ventilation between the cargo holds.

Otherwise, after two months, it is estimated that many people will suffocate to death.

But even so, about 10% of the people will sleep forever under the waves of the South China Sea, Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean in each voyage.

This is still its own merchant fleet. Passengers on board can eat two meals a day and drink one liter of water.If it is replaced by a foreigner's Chinese labor ship, the conditions will be even worse.During the long sea journey, the climate was extremely hot, hundreds of coolies were locked in the bilge, and the living conditions were extremely poor. The death rate of the coolie ships going to Cuba was as high as 45%.That is the veritable "floating hell on the sea".

Because it is their own fleet, the transportation mortality rate is reduced. After all, the income of the captain and crew is linked to the immigration mortality rate.If nothing else, Nanhua's merchant fleet will bring about 30000 Chinese immigrants to Nanhua every six months.

Those who are alive are lucky, they have successfully arrived in Nanhua, and started their new lives in this peach blossom garden, which is far away from China and also far away from the flames of war.

"Hey, there's no other way, that's all we can do now!"

While sighing, Zhu Xianhai pointed to the "Great Oriental" and said.

"However, after the arrival of the Great Eastern, all this will change. You see, after the arrival of the Great Eastern, its speed can reach 14 knots. It is powered by steam and does not need to grab the wind like a clipper ship. By then It can be shortened to about 40 days."

Zhu Xianhai knew these numbers well. After all, he was looking forward to this ship. After all, having it would completely change the immigration speed of Nanhua.

"Only this "Great Eastern" can bring 10 immigrants to Nanhua every year, plus the current eleven immigration ships, it can bring at least 16 immigrants every year.

It is now 1862. Even if the transportation capacity does not increase, within ten years, the number of immigrants introduced by Nanhua from China will be conservatively estimated to be no less than 160 million. Coupled with the new born population, ten years later, the number of Chinese immigrants in Nanhua will The population will exceed 300 million!This is still a conservative estimate! "

This is indeed a conservative estimate. After all, in the next ten years, Nanhua will put more immigrant ships on ocean routes, and all of them will be steam ships.If the "Great Eastern" is successful, Zhu Xianhai will consider ordering several large steamships from the UK, the ones with tons of tons.

Until then, the rate of immigration will only increase.

300 million!
But just conservative numbers!

"Three million! That's a lot!"

For a moment, Sun Muli didn't even know what to say, but seeing the lord's excitement, he felt a burst of unconcealable excitement.

Three million!

In the future, this will also be a land of one country. He is the first magistrate of Jingzhao Mansion. If everything goes well, will he also be a first-rank official and a center in the future?

Pursuits vary from person to person.

For Zhu Xianhai, after learning the lesson of the sparse population in the simulator, there is only one thing he thinks about—to increase the population of Chinese immigrants in Nanhua as much as possible.

This is about Nanhua's survival!

"However, my lord, this ship is so big, when he arrives in the Qing Dynasty, where will the ship stop!"

The seemingly casual question made Zhu Xianhai dumbfounded, yes!

How many ports in the world can accommodate the Great Eastern this year?
Fortunately, Nanhua Bay is deep and wide enough to accommodate it.

"Don't worry about it. China is so big, why don't you have a place to stop?"

After thinking about it, Zhu Xianhai said.

"In the future, when it arrives in China, it can be moored in the bay first, and then people can be transported up by small boats. Well, it doesn't have to be in Hangzhou Bay. It can sail to Shandong, and from Shandong all the way along the coast. Emigrates are put on board by boat, so that..."

Suddenly, Zhu Xianhai's eyes lit up, and a word appeared in his mind-immigrant mother ship.

Just like the "fishing mother ship" in another world - a fleet of several fishing boats led by a larger ship as the mother ship, engaged in the production, transportation and sales of ocean fishing.The mother ship collects the catch and distributes it for sale, resupplying the fishing vessels, while the smaller fishing vessels scoop up the catch in the depths of the ocean.

"Yes, yes, yes, that's it!"

Zhu Xianhai walked to the map a little excitedly, then pointed to the map and said.

"Nanlin, aren't you from Shandong? Don't Shandong people like to go to the Guandong for a living? Shandong must have a lot of people and less land. We can send people to Shandong to recruit people, and then hire small boats to send the recruited people to the "mother ship." "Come on, the mother ship is parked in the deep sea. In this way, even if Man Qing wants to ban it, they can't stop it!"

That's right!

Clapping his hands vigorously, Zhu Xianhai stared at the map and said.

"We can put one in Bohai Bay, one in the Yellow Sea between Shandong and Jiangsu, and Hangzhou Bay. If we have more than a dozen large ships, we can transport at least hundreds of thousands of people in that year! As long as We send enough people in these places to recruit people, and we can continuously bring people to Nanhua, and by then, let alone millions of people, even tens of millions of people are not impossible!"

Looking at the excited protagonist, Sun Muli couldn't help feeling a little dazed. He glanced at the map first, and then at the owner, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Why is this so?

Don't even think about it, he knows how those people will recruit people, it must be a scam!In a word, they must have tried every means to lure people into the boat, and when they got on the boat, it would be really ineffective every day, and the earth should not work!

"Boss, then...are they willing to come?"

After thinking about it, Sun Muli still wanted to say something for his fellow countrymen.

"After all, our side is not Kanto!"

Zhu Xianhai, who was in a good mood, smiled.

"What's the matter if it's not Kanto? Life is forced, and you leave your hometown. Going to Guandong is a trip, and coming to Nanhua is also coming! Who said that they can live a good life when they go to Kanto? Going to Kanto? The life there is definitely not as good as ours, we It’s just a little farther here, but life must be easier than in Kanto!”

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(End of this chapter)

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