
The moment the shot was fired, Zhao Jie pushed another capped armor-piercing projectile into the barrel again, and there was a crisp metal impact sound when closing the breech breech.

When he aimed at the tank again, he didn't notice that he was also being watched by someone-it was a 5-ton truck that was staring at him.

In the fierce tank battle, almost no one would notice those trucks. When the infantry on those trucks jumped out of the trucks and organized defense nearby, Mason, who was driving the car, did not jump out of the car and sat in the driver's seat with his cat bent. In the room, he watched for a while, then slammed on the accelerator and rushed towards a tank at full speed.

At the moment when the side of the tank was hit violently, Zhao Jie was shocked and fell off the seat. He was dizzy from the fall, and only one thought remained in his mind.

"what happened?"

The self-weight of a 5-ton truck is actually similar to that of a Type [-] tank. After all, a Type [-] tank is only more than six tons.The violent impact caused the tank to shut down immediately. Of course, Mason, who was driving the truck, was not much better. His head was bleeding from the impact, and he fell directly on the steering wheel.

"How about it?"

Amid Zhao Jie's nervous shouting, the driver shouted loudly.

"It's okay, turn off the ignition, I'll start it again..."

This kind of impact was not just a small episode on the battlefield. Before the dizzy Mason came back to his senses, he was sent into his soul by another tank, and the car turned into a pile of scrap metal.

The six Type 40 tanks continued to attack like tigers descending the mountain, and even used armor-piercing projectiles to end the final struggle of the US tanks when they approached [-] meters.In the violent explosion, the turret of a tank was blown high into the sky, and then fell to the ground. The tank that lost its head turned into a huge torch, burning there mixed with black smoke.

Although this was a battle between tanks, the American infantry did not stand by. Some of them even bravely used the "Thor's Hammer" to attack the tanks of the Ming army, but this did not hinder the outcome of the battle. .

When the U.S. infantry pushed two cannons and tried to build a position to counterattack, another six machine gun tanks driving out of the forest also launched an attack. artillery.

Those with armor are undoubtedly the kings on the battlefield. Although those American soldiers looked brave, they were soon awakened by the cruel reality.When the tank roared and rushed towards them, running over their bodies with steel tracks, looking at the flesh and blood hanging on the tracks of the tank, the courage that had been so hard to muster before had been blown away by this terrifying scene.

What followed was a sense of powerlessness and despair. Some desperate soldiers even shot at the tanks of the Ming army with their rifles at a loss, but only heard a metal impact. Some daring people screamed and wanted to When using the "Thor's Hammer" to fight back against the tank, it was torn to pieces by the tank machine gunner with bullets.

For infantry who have not received anti-tank training and fight tanks by instinct, courage is the only thing they rely on, but sometimes courage is not as good as steel.

Facing the oncoming tanks, some veterans began to prepare to flee.They felt that it was impossible for them to stop the tanks of the Ming army, not to mention the machine guns and shells of the tanks of the Ming army, which kept calling them.

Some soldiers' spirits had collapsed. They cried and knelt down on the ground, kneeling in despair and praying for God's rescue, and then they were knocked down by the howling bullets.

Those infantry officers looked at the roaring imperial tanks in panic, and while watching the American tanks being blown up, they realized that it was impossible to win anyway, and if they continued to stay here, they would be dying .

As smart as they were, they abandoned those soldiers one after another, and fled to the rear desperately. Between honor and survival, many of them firmly chose the latter, but not everyone was like this. Retrograde Warrior.

Through a gap in the armor plate, Lu Daqiang saw an American officer holding a saber in his hand, and seemed to be shouting something there. A small group of American soldiers seemed to be gathering towards him, and some of them even carried a heavy square iron You don't need to look carefully to know what it is - Thor's Hammer - the iron box contains a full 2 ​​kilograms of explosives.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lu Daqiang immediately picked up his machine gun and fired at the group of American troops.In the dense rain of bullets, the group of enemies fell down in pieces.

After seeing the enemy fall, Lu Daqiang kicked the driver and shouted.

"Press it up, press it up..."

Although there were many wounded U.S. soldiers on the ground, the tanks still directly crushed them. For a while, the battlefield was full of desperate screams of the wounded and the sound of bones being crushed.

Such a cruel scene scared many Americans out of their wits. They watched in horror as the tanks were crushed into meat like a meat grinder by death. , but even if they wanted to escape, these Ming people seemed unwilling to let them go. Cannon fire and machine guns began to extend towards the direction of their escape.With bursts of intensive gunfire, the fleeing American soldiers were knocked to the ground.

How can a person outrun a tank?
The tank roared like this, and rushed towards the surviving American soldiers, machine guns fired, and the tank crushed them.Seeing this scene, the remaining US troops finally began to collapse across the board.In order to flee for their lives, the soldiers threw away their backpacks, rifles and other burdens on their bodies, and then desperately fled towards the rear. Some smart soldiers fled directly towards the forest. Fleeing into the forest is always better than being chased by tanks.

The wounded soldiers knelt on the ground and raised their hands. They kept begging for the imperial tanks rushing to them to let them out mercifully, lest they be crushed by the tank tracks and turn into a slump.

Not only the infantry was fleeing, but also the few remaining American tanks, and they fled even faster than the infantry. Seeing that the situation was not right, four tanks put into reverse gear and fled backwards.

When the U.S. troops fled in all directions, the tank company was advancing at a rapid speed, and after a while, it rushed past the front soldiers of the infantry and rushed in front of the tanks.Those slow American tanks have long been frightened by the previous battles. Although their tanks can also destroy the imperial tanks, the problem is that their courage has already dissipated.

Accompanied by the sound of a cannon, a fleeing tank, the body of which was hit, and when thick smoke came out of the tank, the American tankers who had nowhere to escape saw the imperial tank rushing up, There is still no hesitation there, and he quickly climbed out of his tank, and raised his hands towards the imperial tank that was forcing up.Among them was their company commander, Lieutenant Davis.

As an officer who was born in the cavalry, he didn't know tanks at all, and he didn't know how to command tanks to fight. He even completed "tank training" on a car.Originally he thought that tank battles were like cavalry-to-cavalry battles.But he didn't expect that during the battle, he completely lost contact with his subordinates. The result of this battle was worse than their training on the training ground-this time, even the man and the car became prisoners of the tank troops.

"Gentlemen, they won..."

Davis heaved a long and helpless sigh, looked at the approaching imperial tank, and let out a long sigh.

"Okay, now let's surrender with dignity."

After an officer took the lead in surrendering, everything became very simple. As an officer, Davis is no stranger to surrender. It’s not that he has surrendered before, but that he had learned it when he was in the military academy. After ordering the surrender, he did not forget to ask the imperial soldiers to give them treatment commensurate with their ranks, and at the same time asked the imperial side to allow them to treat the wounded.

When the battle ended, corpses were scattered everywhere in the valley. A dozen burning tanks were randomly scattered in the valley. One tank even fell down in the valley. It was an American tank that fled in a panic. prevented his escape.

On those burning tanks, there are still some corpses, the corpses of tankers!
They hung like that on the hatch of the tank, they were charred in the burning tank, their car was still burning, and black smoke rose into the air amidst the billowing flames.Around the wreckage, many American soldiers were still clutching their rifles before they died. These infantrymen proved their courage with their blood. Unfortunately, even the fearless warriors are powerless in the face of steel machines.

The wreckage of the tank, the flames and fireworks, and the bodies on the ground make for a sad yet spectacular picture.

Among the tanks, there were hundreds of American officers and soldiers squatting on the ground, all of them had become captives. Just as they looked at the Ming army tanks in panic, they obediently obeyed their orders and tied the shoes of their comrades with their shoelaces. Suddenly, there was a roar in the air.

It's an airplane!
Standing on the turret, Lu Daqiang listened to the roar of the plane, and when he looked up into the sky, a trace of doubt flickered between his brows.

Suddenly his brow furrowed and he shouted loudly.

"Enemy plane!"

It's an enemy plane!
The next moment, gunshots rang out, and the machine gunners on the two planes in the air operated their machine guns and fired at them. Even though the machine guns would not cause any damage to the tank, they still forced them into the tank.

While the planes were firing, the prisoners who seemed to have given up their resistance fled in all directions with a bang.


The bomb fell, and in the violent explosion, the tank commanders drove the tanks towards the forest on the roadside.

It was a short air-to-ground battle, and the two U.S. planes dropped only four bombs. After the tanks drove into the forest, they flew around and left.

"Damn it, what kind of luck did we have today, not only did we encounter tanks, but also American planes!"

Looking at the plane going away, Zhao Jie couldn't help wondering whether he didn't read the almanac when he went out today, or how could he be so lucky.

Not to mention encountering a tank, even an airplane.

Eight tanks hid like this on the edge of the forest-in the previous battle, they lost four tanks, three tanks were destroyed by American tanks in the battle, and one was hit by infantry with "Thor's Hammer". A violent explosion occurred, and all the crew members were killed. As for the crew members of the other three vehicles, when they evacuated, they were besieged by infantry, causing many casualties.

"Now the teams are reporting losses."

Zhao Jie shouted loudly.

In fact, it can be seen clearly at a glance that the eight tanks are all parked at the edge of the forest.

"Car 03 was not damaged."

"The 05 car is not damaged..."

"Car No. 10 basically suffered no losses. However, during the bombing just now, the road wheels were damaged, but this did not affect the operation."


Listening to the reports of his comrades, Zhao Jie nodded in satisfaction, and then said.

"Very good, brothers, although the battle we fought today is not a beautiful victory, but this is the first tank battle. We can win four to twelve, and the result of capturing three other tanks is already a good result." A complete victory. When this battle is over, I think everyone will have an extra medal on their chests."

"Company commander, I guess everyone must have a chapter of loyalty and bravery!"

When Li Wenlei, the driver of No. 3 car, was talking with a smile, someone suddenly shouted.

"Americans! Americans are coming!"

The Americans who came over were captives who hadn't come to escape in a hurry, or he didn't run away at all. During the bombing, Ender was bandaging the wounds of the wounded. In fact, he had also considered whether to escape, but facing the machine gun, he Give up anyway-a damaged tank, parked near them, with the tank's machine gun pointed at them.The reason he's here now is because he needs medicine.

"Mr. Sir, there are still 26 wounded in my place who have not been treated."

Walking up to the tank, Ender asked directly.

"Excuse me, sir, can you provide us with some medicine and bandages for the wound?"

In fact, when he made this request, he seemed very

In fact, when he made this request, he seemed a little nervous. After all, this was his first time dealing with soldiers of the Ming Empire.

Ming Dynasty is a civilized country.

They shouldn't abuse the captives, right?
Probably not, after all, they are also civilized countries!
With strong uneasiness in his heart, Ander looked at those Daming people whose appearance was different from theirs. Would they treat the captives in the way of a civilized country?

Facing the request of the U.S. military doctor, Zhao Jie did not refuse, just as he had previously promised that the U.S. military who surrendered would receive treatment corresponding to their military rank. As a victor, he did not mind showing his benevolent side, which is of course more important. Yes, the empire is indeed a civilized country, and it doesn't need to abuse prisoners of war to show its strength.

Moreover, according to the official plan of the empire, these American captives can all play a certain role in Africa.

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