Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1498 Big Plane

After the outbreak of the war, stimulated by military appropriations exceeding tens of billions of dollars, almost every enterprise in the empire that had the capability to produce armaments joined military production, switching to lucrative weaponry and military supplies.

Driven by profits, especially the high profits brought about by the war, enterprises have shown enthusiasm for technology research and development beyond people's imagination.Even many little-known companies are bursting out with unexpected imaginations.

Bingzhou, located in the middle of the empire and adjacent to Paraguay Province, has always been the most important agricultural state in Ming Dynasty because of its dense water network and flat land. Although it is an agricultural production area, it does not mean that there is no industry. It is in the industrial area in the western suburbs , there are dozens of flour mills, biscuit factories, and canning factories and other agricultural product deep-processing factories. After the war broke out, the business of these enterprises was also extremely prosperous. Every day, trains full of flour, compressed biscuits, and canned food were transported to All over the empire, and shipped to the front or overseas markets through the ports on the east and west coasts.

The demand for war has stimulated the development of all aspects. The military appropriation of tens of billions is like a gust of wind, blowing everything up, but the pigs in the wind... are still weapons and equipment, but any company involved in the production of weapons and equipment, Fly in this gust of wind.

However, not all companies are like this. At least for Blue Sky Glider Company, the war did not bring much business to the company. Even because of the appearance of airplanes, gliders, like airships, seem to be obsolete.

Still, even that is outdated when the car rolls into the company.When he saw several gliders on the tarmac, Wu Anpeng still had a strange look in his eyes.

"Old classmate, you haven't seen a glider for a long time, right?"

"From graduation until now."

When he said these words, Wu Anpeng's tone seemed a bit disappointed, after all, he wanted to compromise with reality back then.Give up personal hobbies.

From the corner of his eye, he saw the strange expression on his old classmate, and Zhao Dekun knew that he had found the right person.

Like most glider companies, Blue Sky Glider Company only has a few simple wooden factories. After parking the car, Zhao Dekun led Wu Anpeng into the assembly factory. The smell, the hum of the drilling rig, and the characteristic "porf-poor" sound when stretching cloth.

After entering the workshop, a large glider with a wingspan of nearly 30 meters appeared in front of Zhao Dekun.

"Shouli, is this the large glider you mentioned?"

Facing this large glider, Wu Anpeng became excited, as if every pore was seeping vitality.

Like Zhao Dekun, he is the first generation of gliding pilots in the empire. They are alumni of Nanhua University and joined the glider club at the same time. The only difference from Zhao Dekun is that Wu Anpeng continued to engage in his research on power machinery after graduation, but what about Zhao Dekun?He founded the Blue Sky Glider Company and continued to pursue his dream - aviation.

In fact, it couldn’t be simpler for Zhao Dekun to dedicate himself to his feelings. His father was a second-generation immigrant. At that time, everything in Nanhua was in a hazy state. In the vast land, sparks of opportunity shone everywhere.Although his father lost his family business in Hangzhou, he quickly accumulated a fortune through small businesses, and then invested in industries and started factories. Like many early immigrants, they lived in the most vigorous era in the history of the empire. , in that era, as long as you work a little harder, you can change your destiny and make a fortune.

The superior family background gave Zhao Dekun the capital to pursue his ideals and dedicate himself to his feelings.As for Wu Anpeng, who comes from an ordinary family, although he likes flying and aviation, he can only be a vulgar mortal—a power mechanical engineer.

After all, compared to the uncertain future of the former, the income of mechanical engineers is extremely considerable. With the considerable income, Wu Anpeng not only married a beautiful wife, but also bought a suburban villa and owned a luxurious car , children can also receive education in the best school district.

For hungry people, bread is undoubtedly more important than ideals.So he chose bread and gave up ideals.

Now, standing in this factory building and looking at this large glider, he seems to have returned to his youth once again, and his suppressed love for the sky made him excited again.

"Yes, that's right."

Zhao Dekun nodded, and then said.

"This type of glider is larger than the military's Type 1000 glider. The Type 15.81 glider can only accommodate ten soldiers, and the load does not exceed 24.50 kilograms. But you see that the length of this glider is 4.40 meters, and the wingspan With a height of 64.4 meters, a height of 3200 meters, a wing area of ​​2100 square meters, and an empty weight of 21 kilograms, its huge fuselage can carry [-] kilograms of supplies or [-] fully armed soldiers."

Listening to the old classmate's explanation, Wu Anpeng said.

"Such a large glider must be released from the air with an airship."

It is impossible for a large glider to take off from the ground by being towed by a car.There is only one way to free such a glider, and that is to release it from the airship.

"Yes, and it can only be a large airship. I originally developed it to replace the Type [-] glider, but..."

Walking up to this large glider, Zhao Dekun said.

"Although its test flight was very successful, as far as the future is concerned, the sky must belong to powered aircraft. Gliders are destined to be eliminated, so..."

Looking at Wu Anpeng who was looking at the cabin from the hatch, Zhao Dekun expressed his thoughts.

"I have an idea to put an engine on him."


What the old classmate said surprised Wu Anpeng.

"Engine what?"

"Yes, it is to install the engine. With the engine, he can fly autonomously without relying on the airship. It can not only transport people, but also carry bombs and carry out bombing missions."

Zhao Dekun looked at his old classmates and said with a smile.

"How about it, old classmate, can you come and help me? Help me power it up!"

Facing the invitation from his old classmate, Wu Anpeng did not agree straight away, but stared at the glider for a while, and then said.

"Shoujie, such a big plane will definitely not be able to fly with one engine."

"Then install two, if two is not enough, then install three, even if it is four."

As long as there are enough engines, it will definitely be able to fly.This Zhao Dekun believes that as long as the motivation is strong enough, even a brick can fly into the sky!
"But in this way, these engines will increase the weight of the aircraft, and considering the fuel, engines, and fuel, these will reduce its load capacity. At that time, he may not be able to load much."

Wu Anpeng reminded.

"It does not matter."

Zhao Dekun said bluntly.

"Old man, what I need is to prove that it can, if it can fly by itself, then we can design a bigger, better aircraft, and then put an engine on it, which is my purpose, you know... ..."

After a pause, Zhao Dekun sighed.

"Although Hai Dongqing is good, it's really too small, a big plane that the imperial military needs!"

Big airplanes are the way of the future.Zhao Dekun has good feelings, but he is also a businessman. I hurt him. Of course, I hope I can seize this opportunity and make huge profits.

"But large aircraft need high-power engines. At present, all aero engines, especially high-power engines, are controlled by the military, and each one has its own fixed destination."

As an engine engineer, Wu Anpeng certainly knows the military's regulations.So he said it bluntly.

"Without the approval of the military, it is impossible for us to obtain a high-power engine. If we want to get it, we must at least obtain the approval of the military. Do you have anything to do with the military?"

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