Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 15 Taking medicine does not kill people, is that still medicine?

Chapter 15 Taking medicine doesn't kill people, so is it still medicine (first update, please collect, please recommend)
This is one small step for Zhu Xianhai, but definitely one giant leap for mankind.

When Helen Pharmacy was established in Buenos Aires, it was just an ordinary pharmacy, but soon its medicines would shock the whole world.

Of course, the most important thing is to apply for a patent.

The patent of "Lieasy" must be taken, but there are more than one patents that can be applied for.After studying for about a month, Zhu Xianhai has a deeper understanding of the pharmaceutical industry in this era.

The so-called "Western medicine" is actually not only extremely primitive, but also barbaric.The European pharmaceutical industry, known as "the watershed between modern human medicine and classical medicine", the so-called "watershed" is nothing more than extracting alkaloids from plants.The application is nothing more than oral administration. Oral administration of some alkaloids is extremely unsatisfactory and even harmful to the human body. Further purification is required. After synthesis and further processing, they can be made into injections for injection.

But what about the needle?

Well, the syringe has just been invented now, and the purpose is...

Even if Zhu Xianhai did not come from a medical background, thanks to the "sharpening" of the college entrance examination, his chemistry is good, and his theoretical knowledge of alkaloid extraction is absolutely solid. Those alkaloids that are not ideal for oral administration can be further purified, and then Changed to injections, these are ways to make money.

Among those alkaloids, salicylic acid is probably the most attractive to him. As early as 1828, pharmacists isolated and purified the active ingredient salicin from willow bark.It is commonly called salicylic acid because of its sour taste.But salicylic acid was not successful as a medicine. It has an extremely unpleasant taste and is very irritating to the stomach. Many patients even think that its treatment is more unbearable than the disease itself.But even so, it is still an extremely effective pain reliever and fever reducer.

In 1897, chemists from the German Bayer company synthesized acetylsalicylic acid from salicylic acid and acetic anhydride, which is the famous aspirin.

It is this seemingly inconspicuous Baiyao tablet, which was even called a "panacea" that can cure all diseases in the following two decades.

Of course, as we all know, in fact, it’s all about relieving pain, not the root cause, but it’s also for the benefit of all mankind, isn’t it?

Relying on the two drugs "Liqing" and aspirin, Zhu Xianhai believed that he would definitely be able to make a lot of money in this era.

No, his purpose of opening a pharmacy is not to make money, but to benefit mankind!

"Just by relying on these two magical medicines, you can earn at least a few million pounds!"

Standing in front of the door of Helen Pharmacy, Zhu Xianhai stared at the signboard and sighed.

From now on, our pharmacy will exclusively sell Helen of Troy's "elixirs". Although he has never studied medicine, Zhu Xianhai is no stranger to the way of making money from medicines.

The key is not to cure the disease, but to alleviate the pain of the patient, let alone in this ignorant age of medicine, even in the [-]st century.Especially the kind of painkillers that treat the symptoms but not the root cause and are very addictive are very popular among patients. After all, too many patients suffer from chronic pain for a long time, especially in this era of unscrupulous capitalists.

But now, what Zhu Xianhai has to do is to use his medicine to reduce the exploitation of European and American people by black-hearted capitalists, to reduce their pain...

This is benefiting them!
If we don't "li easily" earn him millions of pounds, we will be sorry for those white skins!

"Next year, when the American Civil War starts next year, it will be a big business for millions of people!"

Looking forward to a bright future, Zhu Xianhai felt proud.

Even if we haven't used the "system" for a while, we have also successfully opened up a new business, right?

Just then, Buffett got out of the carriage.

"Buffett, is the patent registration going well?"

The process of registering a patent for a drug is not complicated. You only need to submit the corresponding documents and pay a patent registration fee. Buenos Aires may be located in South America, but the corresponding legal system is quite complete.Not only that, Argentina has not only signed patent protection treaties with South American countries, but also major countries such as the United States, France, and the Federal Republic of Germany. Patents registered in Argentina can be protected in most countries in the world. In fact, there are not many countries in this era .However, because the duration of patent protection varies from country to country, it will still be necessary to register patents separately in each country in the future.

"Everything is going well, the patent office has confirmed that no one has registered a similar patent, and they will approve our patent application soon."

Hearing Buffett's answer, Zhu Xianhai laughed.

"That's good. When the patent comes down, the factory can almost start production."

"So fast!"

Buffett looked into the pharmacy. The so-called factory is a large laboratory behind the pharmacy.

This is the case with pharmacies these days. There is a shop in the front and a "factory" in the back. They are self-produced and sold, and there are no tests or approvals.

What if you take medicine and eat dead people?
If taking medicine won't kill you, is that still medicine?
These medicines are for white skins to take anyway.Let them try the medicine themselves.Think of it as contributing to the development of human civilization!
"It's nothing complicated, just a few sets of large equipment. The key is sales,"

Before Zhu Xianhai finished speaking, Buffett spoke.

"Sales are not a problem. Dr. Madeleine said that now the whole Buenos Aires is talking about our "Liqing", saying that it is a magic medicine that can make people rejuvenate. Many people are scrambling to buy our medicine. After a while, those people will definitely break down the door of our pharmacy,"

What kind of doctor is the current doctor?
In this era where pain-relieving is a miracle doctor, how could such a miraculous little pill be unpopular with doctors.

"I can guarantee that by then, we will earn at least tens of thousands of pesos. Every month!"

Seeing Buffett's excited appearance, Zhu Xianhai didn't even bother to talk to him, this guy is too unambitious!

Only 1 is enough.Our goal is the sea of ​​stars... Uh,

"Buffett, we need to take a long-term view. Don't limit ourselves to Buenos Aires. We need to set our sights on Europe and the United States, where the market is broader..."

(End of this chapter)

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