Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1505 Infernal Affairs

Not everyone wants to be a subject of the empire.

But everyone wants to survive. For Billy, when faced with torture, he almost compromised. The arrival of his sister gave him a reason.

Once a person's will collapses, he no longer has any scruples. Facing his sister's lobbying, physical pain and yearning for a better life in the past, he made a quick decision.

Let's cooperate!
After all, Billy wanted to survive.

Not to survive as a guerrilla, but to survive as an ordinary person. After all, as a guerrilla, it seems difficult to survive, but what is more difficult?
is life!
Although this dense forest is very familiar to the guerrillas who fought in the Rocky Mountains, so what?

Going to the mountains to hunt and living in the mountains are two completely different concepts.Last winter, when the mountains were covered by heavy snow, the guerrillas felt hungry and even cold for the first time. Although there were many animals in the mountains, in winter...all the animals were suffering.

It wasn't until spring came that they finally got enough food from the bottom of the mountain, which allowed them to survive.

That is, when he went to purchase supplies outside the mountain, Billy exposed his identity.become
The place where the guerrillas live is a valley among the mountains.Surrounded by a forest, tall redwood trees, drifting mist for more than ten hours a day, combined with moss and lichen, making everything under the big tree moldy.

The smoke rising in the woods and the low chorus in the woods express this camp.There is no house here, but a wooden platform is built directly on the wooden beams of dozens of fir trees, and a simple thatched shed is built with the wooden platform. Brown bears can also avoid many other risks.

The guerrillas usually live on the ground at the bottom, and only live in the trees when they sleep.The lives of guerrillas are simple and simple. They use fresh ferns and hay as bedding. What is the only thing they are lucky about?That is, there is enough food in the forest.

As usual, Billy was sitting by the campfire, staring at the venison in the pot, his mood seemed a bit complicated, which camp was this?
After the last camp was wiped out by the security forces, he and the survivors fled to this camp. The camp leader, Captain Will, warmly received and took them in.

Billy sang along with the group, as he had done at other camps in the old days.These people, like Billy's old comrades in arms, seemed very happy, as if they were not in a forest campsite but in a tavern.But the only difference is that they used to have wine glasses in their hands, and now they have weapons in their hands, and tomorrow they will go out and shoot at the enemy.

This is different from the past.In fact, all of them are different from the past. These people don't know how to think about other things, such as love. When they are chatting, their fingers will touch the ruler of the rifle from time to time.What they were talking about there was the battle with the Ming army. Of course they would also sing love songs, and of course they would also sing some of their own songs spontaneously-songs written with blood and life. It's exciting.

When Billy used to hear these songs, his blood boiled and he wanted to fight with them.

However, now, all he thinks about is when all this will end.

The number of guerrillas was small, and they would only attack some small units of the Ming army. In many cases, they lived in the forest like this.They talked, they sang, and at night they went to sleep, and Billy dreamed again, and he dreamed that he was back at home in the comfort of his bed, with a naked woman on the bed, and when he woke up in the morning...all this again. Disappeared.

As the dream ended, Billy glanced at his watch.

"It's today!"

Today is the appointed day.

This morning, when Billy went to the nearby river to check if there was any harvest in the fish dam as usual, the guerrillas were sitting around the campfire as usual, chatting and bragging. Aware of the danger, you don't know it at all, and you have already been exposed.

In fact, their positions had been exposed as early as half a month ago, but in order to protect the safety of the informant, the security forces did not launch an attack immediately.

Today is the appointed day. An airship cruising at high altitude has arrived in the nearby area, using the airship to carry out the task of clearing and suppressing. This is a pioneering work of the security forces. Although poor airships cannot be used on the front line, they are perfect for suppressing guerrillas.

After the observers on the airship noticed the cooking smoke coming out of the forest, they immediately adjusted their course and soon flew over the camp. Although the camp seemed hidden, the observers on the airship could still find the camp through a telescope search.

"The resistance camp is directly below us."

"Fly over them and drop bombs!"

Many times, everything is so simple. Facing the dense virgin forest, the imperial military did not just send security forces into the forest to clear it up, but adopted another method - airship, perhaps the airship was eliminated by the plane It is doomed, but the airship with a large bomb load still has its uses, such as search and reconnaissance and bombing, especially the search and bombing of guerrillas.

When the airship in the air moved a little bit to ensure that it was aimed at the camp, the guerrillas in the camp were still singing and chatting there. This day was no different from the past, but they didn't know The danger has come.

However, not everyone knew about it. Billy, who was catching fish at the fish dam by the stream, knew about it. At eleven o'clock at noon, he took a special look at the sky.

"Billy, after everything is over and I return to the Olympics, I will definitely pursue your sister."

Listening to his friend's words, Billy glanced at him noncommittally, and then said.

"That's your business, the most important thing is that we end this."

end it all?When will it end?
Just when this idea popped up in Billy's mind, he heard the sound of an explosion coming from the direction of the camp. The violent explosion engulfed the entire camp, and billowing black smoke rose into the air.

"Billy, what, what's going on..."

Just as Jerry was screaming in horror, Billy had drawn out his pistol at some point and shot his friend in the chest.

Jerry, who was shot in the chest, looked at his friend in astonishment. When he fell down, his eyes were still full of doubts. He didn't know what happened. He didn't even know why Billy died. Will shoot at him.

"Jerry, don't blame me, I can't help it. You once said that we will live no matter what, yes. I will definitely live. And I will live well. I don't want to be like this anymore... ...But don't be angry, after all, this is war, and in a war, you die or I die, right?"

When he said these words, Billy didn't have a trace of regret or remorse in his heart, only a certain sense of determination...

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