Not every scientist is against war, and not everyone is entangled.

In fact, in a war, most people will show their patriotism. For the vast majority of scientists, their position is very simple, that is, to use their talents to help win the war.

After all, scientists have their motherland.

For Tesla, the Ming Empire was his homeland.

As a patriot, after the war broke out, Tesla not only called on the scientific community of the Empire to play an active role through public speeches and other means to help the Empire win the war, but also personally participated in the development of weapons and equipment.

The electric torpedo, which has been highly praised by the military, is just his small test.After the success of electric torpedoes, Tesla began to study radio-guided torpedoes.

"Everyone, please take a look..."

Standing on the wooden trestle by the lake, Tesla held a controller the size of a typewriter and gently pushed the joystick.

"It's moving!"

The officers watched in amazement as a small model ship began to sail slowly.

"Can I sail left?"

Under the command of the officer, Tesla used the remote control to sail the model ship carrying a small antenna to the left, then adjusted the direction to sail to the right, and even accelerated.

Some officers who watched with great interest even went up to steer the boat with their own hands, and they didn't give up until the boat was tossed and lost the power, and naturally there was a lot of praise.

"This invention is an absolute miracle."

"Mr. Te, what is the boat controlled by?"

"Radio waves, Lieutenant Colonel Li, this controller emits radio waves. After receiving the radio signals, the receiver on the ship will adjust the navigation according to the instructions."

While Tesla was explaining radio waves, Lieutenant Colonel Li nodded, and then asked a lot of questions about radio wave control. Obviously, the other party was also a scholar. Scholars, they are also engaged in various research.

After learning that Tesla intends to apply this technology to torpedoes, the lieutenant colonel asked.

"Mr. Te, this invention of yours is very remarkable, but, Mr. Te, how far can radio waves travel underwater? If it is applied to torpedoes, how far can it control the torpedo at a water depth of how many meters?"

Facing the lieutenant colonel's inquiry, Tesla frowned, and spoke after a while.

"I'm afraid it will take experiments to draw conclusions, but I believe that future weapons should be like it, which can control the direction. Whether it is a bomb dropped by an aircraft or a torpedo by the navy, it should be able to control the direction, so that it can be accurately controlled." hit a specific target..."

Regarding the future of weapons, Tesla has his own ideas. Of course, he doesn't know it. At this time, his speculation is in line with the future development direction of weapons, but the current technology is too primitive.

Then they talked a lot about radio, and Lieutenant Colonel Li said casually before leaving.

"Mr. Te, you are the inventor of radio broadcasting. In fact, the army now needs a kind of radio broadcasting, which is a communication system that can directly use radio communication between people, just like using a telephone but without wires. Whether it is infantry or artillery, they all need such a system, especially between tanks and aircraft, if you can invent this communication system, it will definitely change the course of the war!"

The lieutenant colonel seemed to say it casually, but it made Tesla's eyes light up, almost subconsciously, and a simple idea emerged in his mind.

Radio system!

In fact, before this, Tesla had an idea in this regard, but it has been delayed by other things. After learning that the radio communication system is extremely important to the military, he put the research on it immediately. "Radiotelephony" was placed at the top of the research work in Tesla's laboratory.

Sometimes, some great inventions start from such casual remarks. No one would have expected that only one year later, Tesla's laboratory would launch their "radio communication system". Over time, with the successful research of throat talkers and other inventions, radio stations were quickly applied to the army, and the picture of holding a radio calling for artillery fire even became one of the symbols of the imperial military in this war together with the submachine gun.

It was also the invention of the radio station that allowed the imperial army to seize the absolute information advantage in communications during the war. This information advantage allowed the commanders of the empire to make more accurate judgments and to constantly respond to changes in the battlefield environment. , to make adjustments to troop deployment.The radio station was even called one of the most important weapons for the empire to win the war.

Of course, Tesla didn't know that he won the "Qingyun Medal" for his outstanding contributions in the war. Of course, he was not the first naturalized person to win the "Qingyun Medal".In fact, in this war, many naturalized people or Latinos who looked very different from the Chinese people all made their own contributions.

"Twenty years ago, if one day my son said that he would join the imperial army and fight the British, I would definitely say that he betrayed Chile."

In Taiyuan City, looking at his son who had already put on a military uniform, Benhamin looked a little complicated. As a scholar, he always thought that he was a Chilean.Even if he changed the surname according to the household registration management law of the empire, it did not change this view.

"And now? Dad."

Ben Muna, who spoke Mandarin, looked at his father and said with a smile,

"I don't know, why do you miss that Chile, Chile, no, it's just the past... The empire is the future!"

Listening to his son's words, Benhamin couldn't help but let out a long sigh. Now, his son volunteered for the conquest, and he was going to fight for the empire.And what about his uncle?was killed in the resistance against the imperial invasion.

Just kissed the childish forehead, and said.

"You must come back alive, my child."

Like many fathers, Benjamin sent his son to the train all the time. When he was at the train station, he looked at the people around him. Most of the people in the station were Chinese, but there were also Latinos like him. Looking at the excited expressions of those young people, Benhamin's expression seemed a little complicated. When listening to the children chatting with their friends in Chinese, talking about how they made achievements on the battlefield and devoted their allegiance to the empire, Benhamin felt a little lost in his heart. .

Chile... maybe really disappeared, in the hearts of their generation.

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