
"You are gone, what shall we do!"

"Master...Master, think of a way! We can't go to the front line..."

Seeing her husband come home with the green military uniform in his hands, the woman burst into tears immediately.

I cried even more vigorously, as if the cry could really reach the Forbidden City in Zhongdu, thousands of miles away, and move that hard-hearted Emperor Lao Tzu.

Listening to his wife's words, Li Hongan said directly.

"If you don't go, if you don't go, I will go to jail!"

In fact, Li Hongan was also a little confused.

He is 40 years old this year. As a mid-level civil servant of the empire, like most civil servants, he has a background in law-this is the basic requirement of imperial civil servants, and he must understand the law.

Of course he knew the relevant provisions of the Imperial Military Service Law and the National Mobilization Law.Knowing what will happen if you don't obey the mobilization for military service, it will start from ten years until the death penalty!

The Ming Dynasty is different from the Tang Dynasty, where the law is the most important.

Even the emperor can't break the law casually. "Judicial justice is the last line of defense to maintain social justice." In the past 30 to [-] years, Emperor Shengde has repeatedly emphasized this sentence.It is also because of this that Daming pays attention to the law, pays attention to the equality of everyone before the law, and pays attention to everything that obeys the law.This is different from the rules of China for thousands of years. It is good that the Chinese dynasties have laws, but whether the laws are useful depends on the likes and dislikes of the superiors.

And this is where the confidence of Li Hong's case lies.

Li Hongan, the director of the Huizhou Vehicle Management Bureau, knew that he would be punished when he read the news, but as a top student of Nanyuan University Law School, he believed that he would be safe because he did not break the law.

After "Late License Plates" caused an uproar in the society, Li Hongan immediately wrote a report explaining in detail why the license plates were late. —The state prison has only two license plate pressing machines, and the production capacity is limited. It is the state prison that expands production capacity when it is not in a hurry. The responsibility lies with him not wanting me.The second thing is that the state prison claims that the supply of galvanized steel plates for the production of license plates is tight, resulting in a shortage of raw materials for the production of license plates. Of course, not only steel plates, but also paint is a controlled product. Couldn't get enough ingredients.

These two reasons are definitely not fabricated by him, they are facts!

Faced with this fact, even the "clerks" who came to inquire were helpless. The DMV did not have any problems, and there were no problems in their entire operation process.If it is necessary to have it, it is that the ability to respond is poor, the report was not submitted in time, and the problems faced were not dealt with in a timely manner.

Of course, this is also excusable, after all, in the early days of the war, there will always be some inevitable chaos.

In terms of the law, Li Hongan couldn't find anything illegal, not even a place where he would be fired. Is this a major work mistake?

Even Li Hongan considered that if the city government fired him, he would go to court to sue.Even if he knew that he had made serious work mistakes, he just didn't make corresponding arrangements in time according to the development of the matter.

Regardless of this fact, they have absolutely not violated the law, so they must not be able to expel themselves.

Empires have laws.

The next thing, just as he expected, his report was officially adopted, and he himself was reprimanded. In order to alleviate public anger, the mayor removed him from the post of director of the Vehicle Management Bureau.

This is all expected, he only needs to wait for reappointment-according to the Imperial Civil Service Law, after receiving disciplinary action, he must complete the job adjustment within half a year, that is to say, his vacation is only half a year at most.

Think of it as a half-year unpaid leave!

Just when Li Hongan was thinking about going skiing in Kunlun Mountains to take a vacation, he was completely confused by a sudden recruitment letter.


How did this come to me?

I'm already 40!According to my age, I should be the last wave of mobilization.

And I'm still an imperial civil servant, and I'm already in the war mobilization sequence—it's just that I don't have to go to the front line, it's part of the rear mobilization.

Why is it being mobilized now?And it's still the kind that goes to the front line.

"Master, you have to think of a way quickly. The front line has no eyes. If there is something wrong with you, what can we do..."

Seeing his daughter-in-law crying, Li Hongan let out a long sigh.

"An idea? What idea? Do you think that Daming is the Tang Dynasty, and that if you pay a little money, you will be exempted from military service. Even if you pay a little money to clear the way and find a safer seat, it may not be possible."

"Not necessarily, why not necessarily, master, you have been the chief of the bureau, hurry up and find a way, let's pay the money, use the money, find a safe place, don't have to go to the front line..."

If spending money could solve the problem, he would have spent money to deal with this matter long ago.He has been in the imperial court for so many years.How could Li Hong'an not know that the biggest taboo in the officialdom is bribery, and the empire has always dealt with corruption and bribery with heavy blows.The unforgiving kind.

In the empire, bribery of more than 10 yuan, whether it is cash or gifts, will be dismissed from public office, and more than 50 yuan will be sentenced to more than three years and less than five years in prison.Corruption and bribery of more than 100 yuan will be sentenced to more than ten years in prison, with no upper limit until the death penalty.

In the empire, some civil servants were even prosecuted for legal responsibility because they ate someone else's meal and drank once-because the price of that meal exceeded 50 yuan.Although many people participated, it was identified as personal bribery by the Imperial Independent Commission Against Corruption, because the table of meals and drinks were the cost of the other party's bribery.

Had a meal and not only lost his job, but also spent five years in prison.This is the empire's zero-tolerance attitude towards countless societies.

In the face of strict laws, almost no one dared to embezzle, and no one was willing to risk their jobs or even their freedom. After all, the remuneration of imperial civil servants was extremely generous, and even if they did not take bribes, they could live a very rich life.

"You are a woman, what do people know? If I could get money, I would have used it long ago. Before the money was sent out, maybe I would be sent to prison. At that time, I might as well go to the front to fight, at least die Also a martyr on the front line, not ruined."

"I don't care, master, if you really go to the front line and die there, how will our mothers live?"

The woman yelled loudly regardless.

Hearing his wife's words, Li Hong'an also began to think about it in his heart. He was used to being well-behaved, and he never thought about joining the army. .

That's really...

"Madam, don't worry. I'm still a high-ranking civil servant of the empire. I don't look at the monk's face but at the Buddha's face. Then they will definitely arrange for me to be in charge of logistics. I may not really let me go to the front line."

While comforting his daughter-in-law with his mouth full of calculations, Li Hongan felt ominous in his heart.

His eyelids twitched one after another, why did the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became?
Why was the recruiting letter sent to me?

Why did I get kicked out when I started a long vacation here...

There must be some conspiracy in this matter, but he couldn't tell where it was?
Just at this time, the son's voice sounded.

"Dad, dad, is this your military uniform? You're going to serve soon!"

His son's cry brought him back to reality from his own thoughts.

"Qi'er, why did you leave school so early today?"

Li Jiaqi is the eldest son of Li Hongan, who is only 16 years old today. He is currently a student of Huizhou No. [-] Middle School and is preparing to apply for Nanyuan University. They will become alumni.If he evades military service, it is not clear whether he will be allowed to say goodbye to Nanyuan University, but what is certain is that Nanyuan University will never admit a child who deserted to the university.

Therefore, the matter of evading military service is unthinkable for the sake of the child's future.

Besides, like Qi'er's generation, they are all the generation who shouted "Long live the empire, long live your majesty!"From childhood to adulthood, all I heard were heroic stories about the imperial army sweeping America and Africa.

If it weren't for his firm opposition, Qi'er would even have wanted to go to the Royal Army Military Academy, planning to open up thousands of miles of territory for the empire after graduating from the military academy.

In any case, you can't show an appearance of being greedy for life and fear of death. If you do that, you will definitely be looked down upon by your son. Thinking so, Li Hongan said.

"Yes, Qi'er, someone from our Li family has finally served the empire. Dad is going to serve in the army. How about you? You must study hard and strive to be admitted to Nanyuan University!"

Young Master Li immediately said:
"Father, my son is also a good man. He shows his true qualities when he goes to battle and kills the enemy. Two years later, I will also serve in the army and serve the empire just like you!"

Li Hongan raised his eyebrows, his face was ugly, why is this silly boy so stupid...

Being a big soldier has turned into a man's true colors. Hasn't this kid ever heard that a good man doesn't serve as a soldier, and a good man doesn't make nails?
Of course, such words must not be said directly, after all, he still needs to establish a heroic appearance in front of his children.

"You silly boy, the battle may be over in two years. Don't think about it. In short, go to college first, and then talk about other things. If you want to serve the empire, there will be opportunities in the future. Both of us, even if we want to go to the front line, we must I go first."

Ignoring his daughter-in-law's rolled eyes, Li Hongan put on a brave and fearless look.

A few days later, the former Director Li gathered together like many conscripts and left Huizhou by train...

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