Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1524 Weak Mike

"In just one month, the imperial invaders conquered one fort after another. The era of forts is over, God bless California..."

After the Imperial Legion launched a large-scale offensive, many observers in California and the United States held a certain kind of pessimism. After all, the enemy they faced was too powerful, especially the so-called "most powerful fortress on the West Coast" The successive fall of the Grant Fortress group also proved their guess to a certain extent.

Facing the pessimistic views of observers, Arthur MacArthur, the commander-in-chief of the US military in California, held a completely opposite attitude.

"We will turn California into the heartbreak of the empire, and let them pay the price of blood for every step forward!"

Facing the reporter's questioning, MacArthur replied so confidently that no one knew how true or false his oath was.

"We will block the attack of the Imperial Army at Fort Grant!"

At his headquarters in Sacramento, Arthur MacArthur revealed his plan.

"If Fort Grant is occupied by the Imperial Army, then the entire Great Valley will be open to the Imperial Army! And compared to the wild, good luck is more suitable for blocking the attack of the Empire, trenches, barbed wire, anti-tank trenches, there is the last place we hold California Hope..."

The fortification area is definitely more suitable for resisting the enemy's invasion than ordinary field fortifications. Moreover, there are heavy artillery forts that are not found in other areas. Shells are also extremely deadly to attackers.

"Sir, my suggestion is that we send another corps of reinforcements there."

Lieutenant General Whitney, the chief of staff, pointed to the map and said.

"Although the imperial army continues to capture the outer fortresses of Fort Grant, the main body of Fort Grant is the core of the entire defense line. Facts have proved that the fort system is completely effective. At present, there is a Sixth Army led by General Post on the front line of Fort Grant. , but General Post believes that to defend Fort Grant, he needs at least 15 troops, and he also needs reinforcements from three divisions..."

"Transfer the 77th Division, the 79th Division and the 13th National Guard Division to General Post."

MacArthur said without hesitation that Post, like him, had participated in the Civil War, and even in the Civil War, Post's military rank was higher than his, but Post had left his military post in the middle of it. He was invited to rejoin the army just before, so he became his subordinate, but he respected this old general very much.

"I believe he will be able to hold the fort, at least..."

"It can last for at least half a year."

As soon as Lieutenant General Whitney's voice fell, MacArthur said.

"The premise is that there is no word "God's scepter"."

What is the "Scepter of God" is a heavy bomb dropped by the empire's airship troops, a super bomb that can easily destroy the fortress - it can even penetrate into a mountain ten meters high.

It is also its devastating power that makes Americans call him "the scepter of God" to describe its almost destructive power.

In the past year, the Imperial Legion has used time and time again to destroy the fortresses of the US military. The seemingly strong and indestructible fortresses are completely vulnerable in front of the "God's Scepter". In MacArthur's plan, it is God's blessing that the "Fort Grant" can last for a month. After all, the Imperial Legion has the "Scepter of God".

However, when the imperial invaders attacked the "Fort Grant", they only used the "Scepter of God" twice, because... the sky is no longer the sky of the empire, although in the past time, the air force lost more than Five hundred planes, but at least the air supremacy is no longer exclusive to Ming Dynasty, it is difficult for them to bomb the fortress at will like in the past.

"Therefore, we must increase air support to the front line as much as possible. Only with sufficient air power can we ensure air supremacy in our hands!"

Nodding, Arthur MacArthur said.

"Tell Colonel Durant that we need the air force to attack as much as possible, whether it is cruising in the air, bombing, or intercepting the empire's planes. In short, we must compete with the empire for air supremacy! God bless."

While speaking, Arthur MacArthur even involuntarily drew a cross on his chest,

"Aeroplanes are, perhaps, the smallest gap between us and them right now."

This can be said to be luck among misfortunes, but in fact it is not lucky. After all, this is what the United States bought with the "Great White Fleet". At the cost of losing a fleet, several "Sea Holly" were captured and imitated. Such a price... is indeed quite high.

"Indeed, our planes are no worse than those of the Empire. The only difference is the pilots, but they are constantly improving. The biggest gap is the army weapons. They have long-range heavy artillery and submachine guns, which we don't have. "

The chief of staff's words made MacArthur nod his head in agreement, and then asked.

"That's true, but...we still have submachine guns. When will the next batch of submachine guns be delivered from Harris' factory?"

As a military commander, in the past year, MacArthur not only needed to organize defenses, but he even needed to directly intervene in military production. He appointed some local arms manufacturers in California to produce weapons that the army urgently needed, from anti-tank rifles to Submachine guns, even mortars and shells, he mobilized almost all the factories in the California area... In fact, there are not many, after all, the industrial center of the United States is now in the east, and Harris' factory is the largest among them .

Facing the commander's question, the chief of staff replied rather helplessly,

"This is exactly what I want to report to you. Judging from the news from San Francisco, Mr. Harris seems to be relocating his factory. He is planning to move the factory to the interior..."

Before the chief of staff finished speaking, MacArthur said angrily.

"Damn guy, how could he do this? Doesn't he know that California needs a submachine gun now? Damn, he is treason! He is betraying the United States!"


What is betrayal?

If fleeing a war zone is betrayal, then many people have already betrayed the United States.But those who left here are just civilians, but what about that guy?He left here with the factory!
This is the real betrayal!

At this time, MacArthur was just complaining. He knew that he didn't have much means to punish those profiteers. After all, American laws did not prohibit them from leaving here, and they were still under the banner of industrial transfer...

Although there was no way to sanction those profiteers, MacArthur still sent a telegram to Washington.In the telegram, he once again emphasized the importance of sanctioning those traitors.

"In war, the ugliest side of human nature will be exposed. If we can't take decisive measures to stop the patriotic behavior of those traitors, then we will definitely lose this war."

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