Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1531 I have shed blood for Da Mo

"Oh, I want a drink now, and some ice."

Leaning comfortably on the soft back of the chair, Zhu Youyang answered lazily.

Being in the army base hospital, Zhu Youyang relaxed a lot. As the prince of Ming Dynasty, he could only truly relax when he was in the military camp of the empire.

To some extent, perhaps this is also very helpless.After all, even the Mexican royal family does not fully control Mexico now. In this case, the safest place is the barracks of the imperial army stationed in Mexico.

"Yes, Your Highness, what wine do you want? It's..."

"Beer bar."

Zhu Youyang ordered.

After the adjutant brought the beer over, he took a sip of the heart-cooling beer, narrowed his eyes, and said to himself.

"Okay, it's time to act."

Just as he finished speaking, the phone in the ward rang, and when he answered the phone, a voice came from the other end of the phone.

"The assassin is recruited, ordered by Luis Terrazas."

"Well, very good, well, order the gendarmerie to do it!"

Although the Chihuahua militia is controlled by Luis Terrazas, there is also a gendarmerie loyal to the royal family in the state. They are not only responsible for maintaining law and order, but also a kind of deterrent, a deterrent to local powerful factions.

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Youyang thought for a while, picked up the phone again, dialed a number, and said after the call was connected.

"Release the news. Luis Terrazas has made a move. He colluded with the Americans to assassinate the Prince of California. Well, yes, you can fill in the content of the news. According to the previous plan, don't worry, he will confess."

Who will confess?
Luis Terrazas, of course.Just when Zhu Youyang hung up the phone, led by two armored vehicles, hundreds of gendarmerie directly broke into the manor of Luis Terrazas, which was as luxurious as the palace.

"How is this going!"

In the face of the military police who broke in, Luis Terrazas looked extremely confident. Although the person who did it was his subordinate, it had nothing to do with him.He yelled directly at the leading gendarmerie captain.

"Wei, why did you break into my place?"

Wei Changsheng said directly.

"Mr. Luis Terrazas, according to the order of the prince, please cooperate with us in investigating the assassins at the train station."

"Cooperate? What am I cooperating with? I will explain all this to the prince... Ah!"

A scream came from Louis Terrazas, and the leading officer took a sharp step forward, punching Louis Terrazas in the stomach, and instantly he squatted down in pain.


As soon as the people around wanted to move, the military police raised their guns, and the machine guns on the armor were aimed at them.

"Damn it, Wei, how dare you..."

"What dare you!"

The left hand tightly grabbed Luis Terrazas's arm, dragged him up abruptly, and said.

"Come here, handcuff him!"

Amid people's dumbfounded gazes, Wei Changsheng said.

When being handcuffed, Luis Terrazas shouted excitedly.

"Damn it, how could you treat me like this, I am the count of the empire, I am the governor, this is a conspiracy! This must be a conspiracy..."

He was pushed out when Luis Terrazas yelled excitedly.

"The assassin was definitely not sent by me. I'm going to see the prince, and I'm going to Mexico City to see His Majesty the Emperor..."

Until this time, Luis Terrazas still seemed extremely conceited. He believed that the emperor would never dare to do anything to him. After all, there were local nobles like him in every state.

However, what he didn't know was that on the day he was arrested, all newspapers in Mexico reported a big news-a conspiracy group headed by Luis Terrazas colluded with the United States to assassinate the Prince of California and try to overthrow the royal family. rule.

Overthrowing the rule of the royal family and establishing a republic may be able to win the support of some republicans, but "collusion with the United States" will not work. In the past 30 years, what is the basis of patriotic education in Mexico?

It is based on hatred of the United States. Moreover, in the past year, in order to drag Mexico into the chariot and force the royal family to stop the land reform, those local nobles, including Luis Terrazas, did their best to encourage The people, inciting the hostility and hatred of the people against the United States.

Fortunately now, with the hat of colluding with the United States put on, Luis Terrazas naturally became a street mouse, the kind that everyone shouted and beaten. As for those places in Guizhou, they also drew a clear line with him. I was also afraid of being implicated. After all, the newspaper wrote about a conspiracy group, and if they became part of the group, it would be over.

Faced with the atrocity of the attack on his son-in-law, the Mexican emperor Maximilian I naturally ordered a thorough investigation while condemning it. The investigation was only just started, and it was found that many local powerful factions were involved in the matter.

Immediately there was a turmoil in Mexico, and in just a few days, many local nobles were arrested, and you are all naturally members of that conspiracy group.

When people were panicking, when Zhu Youyang, who was attacked in Chihuahua, returned to Mexico City, Emperor Maximilian I personally went to the train station to meet his son-in-law.

"How about it, is there any problem with your body?"

As soon as he got into the car, Maximilian I asked with concern.

"I was wearing a body armor at the time, but I wasn't injured. Right now, I'm most worried about the next thing..."

Glancing out of the car window, Zhu Youyang said.

"We have to cut through the mess quickly and solve those problems quickly and completely. Right now, the speed is still too slow."

"This one……"

Maximilian I squeaked and said.

"My child, you know, some of them once stood by my side in the war, I think, maybe some people can change the way, after all, they also shed blood for the empire..."

Bleeding for the Empire?Is this the reason to let them go?Is politics so naive?Such innocence would be fatal!
"His Majesty,"

Facing the weakness of Maximilian I, Zhu Youyang said directly.

"Your Majesty, they have sweated and shed blood for the empire. However, ordinary people are suffering under their pressure. If we can't solve the problem fundamentally, then one day, the riots of the people will solve us. Since they have shed blood for the empire, I believe that for the long-term stability of the empire, they don't mind shedding blood again!"

do not mind?
is it possible?

Maximilian I looked at his son-in-law in disbelief and said.

"Do they really not mind?"

Facing the emperor's question, Zhu Youyang didn't even bother to answer. Isn't this asking nonsense?I don't want to answer such an idiotic question, but he still said it in a flat tone.

"I'm sure they won't mind. After all, they are loyal ministers loyal to Mexico, so why would they mind another bloodshed?"

Seeing that the emperor still had some doubts, Zhu Youyang said directly.

"Believe it or not, I believe it anyway!"

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