Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1547 I would like to die for the king


At the moment when the muzzle flashed, Bantaro's body backed up heavily, looking at the blood gushing out of his chest, even the white sternum could be seen in the blood, the last two words flashed in his mind.

"There is an ambush!"

While turning over and lying down, Kang Mingwei fired a toe of bullets towards the room with his submachine gun.There was a messy gunshot, and the guns of the soldiers also fired towards the sides.For a time, the U.S. troops who were hiding from shooting on both sides of the house were knocked down a large area.

Desperate screams and wailing just broke into Li Hongan's ears without the slightest concealment. Although he was extremely nervous, he continued to pull the bolt and shoot. He didn't know if he hit the enemy or if anyone kill people.He only felt a kind of admiration welling up in his heart, a kind of passionate blood washing over his soul.

"I'm covering, rush over!"

Kang Mingwei shouted loudly, and casually picked up the submachine gun and fired at the front with a burst of suppression.

As they got closer and closer to the Bay Area, the battle became more and more intense. There were US troops stationed in every town, and the battles in the streets became more and more fierce. Even if the heavy artillery turned the town into ruins, the US military still The stubborn fight in the ruins.

A burst of machine gun fire crushed Kang Mingwei and his comrades to the street again. When lying down, he fell heavily on a brick. The severe pain in his chest made him unable to even breathe.


At this moment, a grenade was thrown from nowhere, and the "Zizi" grenade with white smoke fell beside them.


At the critical moment, a soldier turned into a shadow and rushed towards the grenade.


The moment Li Tao fell to the ground, there was a sound of "boom", and the grenade exploded under his body. At the moment of the explosion, everyone's eyes turned red, and blood and flesh splashed on their bodies.

Looking at the corpses of their comrades in the pool of blood, everyone's eyes couldn't help but heat up.


Chen Lei, with red eyes, rushed out with a submachine gun in his hand. His figure was flashing on the side of the street, and the dense bullets hit the enemy, causing sparks to fly on the wall. When the bullets emptied, he hid in the In the ruins on the side, just as people lay down, the US military's machine guns rang out again, and the streets hit by bullets were full of dust.

"Kill the machine gunner, the grenade man, the grenade man..."

When the voice fell, the grenadeist with the grenade lay on the ground and supported the 50 grenade, aimed at the machine gun position at the end of the street and fired a grenade. Only the 800-gram heavy grenade flew to the machine gun position 300 meters away. . With a "boom", before the smoke cleared, another one flew out...


Two clouds of thick smoke exploded near the machine gun position. Taking advantage of the dense smoke, the soldiers immediately jumped forward with their guns in their hands. They had only advanced for a while when the machine gun sounded again, and the attack was once again blocked.

"Company commander, the machine gun should be installed in the house. The grenade is too small to be useful."

shouted the Grenadier.


Cursing in his mouth, Kang Mingwei saw Chen Lei approaching the T-junction among the ruins, but the American soldiers guarding the intersection didn't notice him.

"Machine gunner, suppress fire, cover him!"

The machine gunner immediately held the light machine gun and lay down among the ruins at the corner of the street, put the Type [-] light machine gun weighing more than ten kilograms on the ruins, and fired violently at the U.S. troops. Chen Lei, who was running, finally approached the T-junction, and threw out a "Thor's Hammer" at a distance of more than ten meters. A second or two later, in the violent explosion, the house was directly blown down, not only the machine gun bunker It was buried, and even the nearby fortifications were collapsed, and the shock wave flew around the mutilated limbs.

"Well done, Da Leizi!"

After the US machine gun positions were destroyed, he roared excitedly, and Kang Mingwei commanded the troops to attack again.

"Assault, assault..."

When Kang Mingwei jumped out to charge, the soldiers immediately followed him to charge.

Enduring the sound of bullets piercing the air that strongly stimulated his heart, Kang Mingwei, who was carrying a submachine gun, took three steps in two steps, and rushed to the intersection with all his strength.

At this time, Chen Lei had already rushed to the enemy's position recklessly, holding a submachine gun and shooting at the remaining US troops.

Facing the fierce firepower, the U.S. troops did not retreat. A soldier stood up from the bunker, fired a shot with his rifle, and then picked up the revolver. A hail of bullets fired at Chen Lei.

"Machine gunner, kill them!"

The machine gunner who did not need Kang Mingwei's order to cover the attack of the troops immediately aimed at the enemy and fired.

A string of bullets flew out and knocked down the U.S. Army man who was running in the front. Amidst the screams, he ran forward for a few meters when he fell down. Mi talent fell down.

There were a few more red tracers, and the body of another American soldier suddenly stopped.The bullets flew out, dragging the bones and pieces of meat.Under the intense firepower of Type [-] light machine guns, the remaining U.S. troops could not organize an effective counterattack at all.

Chen Lei, who approached the fortification, first fired a box of bullets at the back of the fortification, and then threw out a grenade. Accompanied by a violent explosion, the rear of the fortification was full of screams. He who had just replaced the magazine He advanced into the fortifications again, and with a submachine gun in his hand, he rushed left and right, knocking down the American troops who were trying to counterattack one by one.

Just when Kang Mingwei led the brothers to rush up, Chen Lei, who was attacking inside the fortification, was stunned and fell limply. He was shot in the chest and saw the basement window by the corner. face.

It was a young American with a pistol in his hand, probably he fired it.Sitting upside down on the ground, he wanted to pick up the gun but couldn't, so he could only watch the enemy helplessly.

Just then someone rushed over.

"Da Lei..."

Listening to the voice of his comrades in arms, Chen Lei saw the enemy in the basement pick up the pistol again.


When his comrades rushed over, Chen Lei didn't know where the strength came from, and threw his comrades down with all his strength.

Gunshots sounded.

"Bottom, there is someone underneath!"

Chen Lei, who was shot in the back, clung to his comrades tightly, his head drooping weakly.

The comrade who was rescued quickly threw a grenade through the window. After the violent explosion, Chen Lei, who was helped up by his comrade, was already dying.

"Really, I really don't want to die..."

When he was speaking, the corners of Chen Lei's mouth were dripping with blood. He said the last sentence with a smile, and then he fell down limply.

"My mother-in-law..."

Hearing the scolding voices of his comrades, and looking at the sacrificed Chen Lei, Li Hongan felt a little depressed. The blood on his face had dried up. It was the blood spattered when the grenade exploded under Li Tao's body.

Li Tao, Chen Lei, and... thinking about the comrades who died before their eyes after joining the army.Looking at Chen Lei's somewhat youthful face, he was young, but he was willing to protect his comrades with his life. Looking at them, Li Hongan had a word in his heart.

Comrades are willing to die for each other!

This is a comrade in arms.

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