Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1552 Goodbye at Martyrs Shrine

Chapter 1552 Goodbye at Martyr's Shrine (Second update, please subscribe)
There was a hoarse roar resounding in the trench, and An Dekai was holding a grenade in his hand. His green military uniform was already soaked in blood, and the blood flowed down the corner of his clothes.

The pistol held in his left hand had been lost for a long time, and An Dekai only held an engineering shovel in his right hand.His eyes stared at the American soldiers in front of him, the blood was still dripping from the engineer shovel, on his hands, body, and face, blood was everywhere, and he couldn't tell whether it was his or the enemy's.

He was wounded all over his body, and his legs felt weak even when he walked, but he still stared and walked towards the American soldier who had sneaked up on him.


The American soldier on the opposite side looked at this devil who seemed to have crawled out of hell, and backed away involuntarily. The black face that was smoked by gunpowder radiated fear from the bottom of his bones.

"Don't, don't come here..."

As Underkai approached him, Billy screamed in terror, and his fear drove him to stab with the bayonet.

"Whoosh" the moment the bayonet pierced into his chest, Andekai stretched out his left hand and grabbed the bayonet forcefully. The tip of the knife sank into his chest and he held the bayonet without any pain.

It seems that now he has forgotten the pain, and his body has automatically blocked the pain.


The bayonet was held tightly by the devil, and Billy, who could not move forward or retreat, was terrified by this scene. He screamed in horror and tried hard with both hands, trying to stab the bayonet into the man's body and kill the man. Devil's.

But when he was trying his best, he saw the bloody guy laughing like a devil's smile.

"Ah! the devil, the devil..."

I don't know whether it was fear or slipping, the man fell suddenly, the gun was hanging there, and Andekai, who was holding the bayonet, pulled out the bayonet with his left hand, and then threw the gun and bayonet out, and he just held the engineer shovel , walked forward.

Holding the engineering shovel in his right hand, Andekai had a bloodthirsty grin on his face. When he was sitting in the ditch, walking backwards with both hands and feet, the engineering shovel scraped against the wall of the ditch, making a loud noise. A palpitating sound.

"Don't come, don't come..."

Billy was shrouded in fear, screaming and crying like a child, his legs were weak, he just sat there and shrank back. .

As he was approaching this poor guy, above the trench, a soldier and the American army fell down there. When the two of them were fighting with all their strength, Andekai didn't even look at it. The engineer shovel he was holding slashed to the neck when he lifted the shovel with his hand. With a crisp "click", the American soldier who was pinching the neck of his comrade in arms was cut off in half.

In an instant, the blood sprayed out from the broken neck was like a fountain, and it splashed out suddenly.

The blood poured directly on An Dekai's head, and he wiped it with his hand, and a smile appeared on An Dekai's face.


The scene in front of him really frightened Billy. He cried out in terror, using his arms and legs and even his buttocks to back up, crying, cursing, and begging as he backed up.

But all of this was meaningless. Andekai stared at the American soldier and continued walking in the trench. At this moment, his ears were ringing and he couldn't hear any other sounds, and the whole world seemed to have fallen into a kind of silence. Among them, the only American soldier left in his eyes.

Finally retreated to the end of the trench, which was actually just a corner. Henry screamed desperately, unable to retreat. He tried to retreat, but the trench wall blocked his attempt.


Suddenly Billy's crying turned into laughter. He looked at this blood-covered Ming man standing out from hell, and laughed aloud. He even forgot the instinct of survival, just sitting on the edge of the trench, watching The Ming man smiled.

Finally, the man from Ming came over, raised his right hand, and Billy, who was just smiling silly, suddenly yelled.


In the next second, Billy felt something slash his neck.

"Hiss... hiss..."

Billy, who was spitting blood, could clearly feel the sound of the sapper's shovel cutting his neck and hitting the bones.

Once, twice, three times...

Finally, after chopping off the enemy's head with a sapper shovel, Andekai laughed.

"Did I care for you!"

Another hoarse curse burst out from Andekai's throat, and when he chopped off the head of the American soldier with the engineering shovel, on the other side of the trench, several American soldiers were frightened and dumbfounded. Looking at this man, he didn't even dare to move.

He... he, this man is a devil.

An Dekai, who was covered in blood all over his body, raised his head and looked at the American soldier who was more than one meter away in front of him. The man was holding a rifle in his hand, but the bayonet at the end of the gun was trembling there. De Kai looked at the American soldier and grinned, showing his white teeth.


When the American soldier saw his smile, he screamed, and then he dropped his gun and fled back as if he had lost his soul.

"Fuck you..."

With a muffled curse in his throat, the engineer shovel in his right hand was thrown out, and the engineer shovel accurately hit the man's back like a flying knife. It fell to the ground like mud.

Taking a few steps forward, his right hand naturally removed the engineering shovel from the enemy's back. Andekai, whose consciousness had already been blurred due to excessive bleeding, was just following his instinct and continued to walk forward. For this purpose, it will not even be able to distinguish the enemy from the comrade-in-arms, but only use the color to distinguish the enemy from the friend.

When a yellow shadow appeared in front of his eyes, he would slash with his right hand. Sometimes the enemy was one or two steps away from him. He just walked forward in the trench step by step, moving his heavy steps. His life was taking one step at a time. Steps passed by, but he still walked forward step by step.

A khaki figure crashed into his eyes, and the engineer shovel held in his right hand kept slashing at the enemy. When that figure fell down, the blood-stained face would show the brightest smile.

Serve the country...kill the enemy!
Although An Dekai's consciousness has been blurred, there is an idea in his heart supporting him, and there is only such an idea.

Every time he kills an enemy, a hoarse sound comes out of his mouth.

At this time, no one can hear what he is saying clearly, even he himself does not know what he is talking about, his steps are getting heavier and heavier, and his eyesight is getting more and more serious, he just drags his heavy steps like this, Walking staggeringly, looking at his steps, one even suspected that a gust of wind could blow him down.

But he still stood there and continued to walk forward. His precarious body could not even support his head, so he just lowered his head and walked forward.

Suddenly, he tripped over something, struggled with An Dekai to support his body with his hands, and wanted to stand up, but just when he remembered, he knelt down heavily again, and he could no longer stand up, just like that Kneeling there, leaning on the blood-soaked engineer shovel.

With his head down, he let out a heavy roar, blood and sweat dripped from his chin, and the red sweat dripped onto the silver winged Suzaku on the corpse's armed lead.

"Did da..."

For some reason, this voice was amplified in his head. Apart from this voice, the world seemed to fall into an inexplicable silence.

"Tick da!"

The sound of blood dripping was very familiar, like the rhythmic drumbeats on the training ground of a military academy, or their walking steps on the training ground, or like... the pictures of memories were in front of his eyes one by one emerge.

"Sir, my name is An Dekai!"

"I am a soldier of the empire, and I will die to fulfill my wish!"

The young faces in his memory, and the firm roar echoed in his mind.

The smiles of the classmates floated in front of his eyes, and a smile appeared on his face.

"It's up to you... Shrine of Martyrs, Shrine of Martyrs, let's meet again..."

At this time, An Dekai, who could no longer stand up, knew that his road had come to an end, but the road to the empire was still long, and it was up to them.

"You will definitely do your duty..."

An Dekai smiled, even his classmates would also do their duty. After all, in the profession of a soldier, there is nothing more noble than this, and one point cannot be missed...

Once again, Andekai's consciousness seemed to have returned to the Imperial Military Academy, and he walked through the gate again. He saw himself standing there with his classmates on the training ground, with firm eyes on his immature face, looking at When faced with the officer's lecture, they replied in unison.

"I am a soldier of the empire, and I will die to fulfill my wish!"

There was a thunderous roar from the training ground, which emerged in his mind.He saw his former classmates, who, like him, longed for the war, longed for his hard work in the war to prove his courage, and longed to fulfill his oath.

"If one day you die on the battlefield, will you regret it?"

Another instructor's growling voice rang in his ears.

"No, Sergeant Major, if that day comes, I will gladly die!"

Yes, my time has come.

Suddenly a smile appeared on Andekai's face, yes, it's time...

(End of this chapter)

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