Chapter 1556 Launch (Second update, please subscribe)

Inadvertently, the whole world is moving towards one goal.

Everyone seemed to be trying to end the war in its second year.

No matter what the purpose is.

What is certain is that the long and cruel war that lasted for a year and a half is overdrawing people's patience little by little.Of course, it is also overdrafting the financial resources of all countries. Without money, this war cannot continue. Of course, the more important resources are not every country has the resources to continue the war.

Under such circumstances, how to end the war as soon as possible has become an inevitable option before all countries.

"So the British have made up their minds?"

In the palace, after listening to Lin Yuehu's report, Emperor Zhu put down the brush in his hand, then wiped his hands with a towel, and said.

"Is the information accurate?"

"Your Majesty, the information is provided by the Investigation Department. They have further confirmed the authenticity of the information through agents in the United States. Britain and the United States will form a joint fleet to launch an attack on the mainland of the empire."

"Attack the homeland!"

"Your Majesty, it is not to attack the mainland, but to force us to concentrate our sea power to fight a decisive battle on the sea."

"The decisive battle at sea..."

Emperor Zhu nodded slightly, and then asked.

"What if they win?"

"If they win this naval battle, then we are bound to lose this war. First, we will be unable to guarantee the supply of northern troops, and second, our support to the French battlefield will also be seriously affected. In this case, We will have to consider peace talks, which will be inevitable if the main force of the fleet is lost."

After thinking about it, Lin Yuehu added.

"Perhaps, our logistics on the northern front can barely be maintained. Although the railway in Colombia has not yet been connected to the railway in the Central American Federation, the road transportation can barely maintain the logistics. However, the continental transportation line is affected by politics to a certain extent Influence."

Regarding this supplement, Emperor Zhu ignored it at all. After all, whether it is Colombia or the Central American Federation, they are all foreign countries that are not controlled by the empire. , will also prevent imperial cars or trains from passing through their lands on the grounds of neutrality.

"What if the combined Anglo-American fleet fails?"

The war is full of variables. In fact, this naval battle is beyond Emperor Zhu's previous "deduction". After all, when he adjusts the battle plan according to the results of the deduction, the world situation will also change. This kind of change brought about corresponding changes.

"The answer is also obvious. The difficulties of the Allies headed by Britain and the United States are far greater than ours. This battle is an adventure for them to break the stalemate of the war. If they fail, or even suffer serious losses to their fleet, they will lose the war. The capital of the United States, the east coast of the United States, and the coast of the United Kingdom will all open their doors to us, as long as we are willing to attack their homeland at any time..."

After thinking about it, Lin Yuehu said.

"At that point, summing up will be their only option, and the only consideration for us is how to force them to spit out as much as possible at the negotiating table, after all, this is our war. the goal of."

Not to spit out as much as possible... but to weaken them to a certain extent, or to make them lose the ability to challenge the hegemony of the empire, but a strong Rome is not in the interests of the empire either.

Nodding slightly, Emperor Zhu said.

"So, what do you need me to do?"

"Your Majesty, the Navy wishes to implement the "South Pacific Raider" immediately, which I and my colleagues in the Naval Staff believe will help the United Kingdom and the United States carry out their military adventures. This is the next step in our implementation. The key to the battle plan..."

Then Lin Yuehu pointed to the globe and introduced their plan. The "South Pacific Raiders" was supposed to be launched around May last year, but due to the failure in the deduction, the plan was postponed. The Navy and the Marine Corps have been increasing their landing forces to ensure One hit wins.After more than a year of preparations, the empire has almost completed the corresponding preparations.

This is also the reason why Lin Yuehu proposed to implement this plan. If it wasn't for the success of the evaluation plan, he would not dare to risk the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers to implement this plan.

"...If the plan is successfully implemented, we are sure to destroy 70% of the sea power of the British and American navies through three attacks. At that time, the sea will be completely controlled by our army."

After all, Lin Yuehu looked at His Majesty and said.

"And the war will also end because of this. According to the calculations of the Navy Staff, if this plan is not implemented, the war will end in about two years, but the army and navy will lose more than 150 million people. Your Majesty, for the empire , the most precious resource is manpower! As a military general, you should not only consider winning the war, but also try to reduce the casualties of your own side as much as possible.”

Nodded, because the empire's human resources are limited, so apart from the early habit of "not enough manpower to make up shells", the military has long formed a tradition of cherishing the lives of soldiers over the years. When formulating combat plans, it is also how to reduce Under the premise of casualties on the side, the implementation of the plan will never take risks unless it is absolutely necessary.

But it's worth the risk!

150 million lives!

Even so, when faced with a choice, Emperor Zhu still hesitated for a while, took out a cigar from the cigar case on his desk, lit it, took a sip silently, stood up and came to the window, staring at the outside the window.

It was raining heavily outside the window. Hearing the sound of the rain, Emperor Zhu frowned.

"South Pacific..."

Is it risky to implement this plan now?
If this plan is not implemented, will the British cede Australia in the future?
The answer is no. For those old powers, to cut meat from them, the meat must be eaten first.Otherwise, they would never give up the meat willingly.

But in this way, the problem came again. The United States... until now, the empire has only occupied its west coast. Although the two ocean powers of the United States have almost been turned into countries along the Atlantic Ocean, the potential threat of the United States has not disappeared.

The United States just lost a few states... Such a United States is still a potential threat to the empire. Isn't the purpose of this war just to eliminate this threat?

How can the world hegemony of the future empire be guaranteed?

From the perspective of the security situation of the empire, there must be no hegemonic country in the Americas, which is why the empire will strike hard in the United States, in order to completely break the possibility of the rise of the United States.

But... now, this is an opportunity to end the war early.

If the war ends early, it will not only save a lot of money and war resources, but also reduce millions of casualties.

But... America!
The United States... can think of some other ways.

Frowning tightly, Emperor Zhu silently smoked his cigar, stared at him outside the window, and nodded after thinking for a long time.

"Put the "South Pacific Raiders" on the agenda!"

(End of this chapter)

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