"Order, use the Chongming ship and the Yong'an ship as the lead ships..."

Following the orders of Zuo Xiaotong, the commander of the fleet, the battle formation of the fleet was constantly adjusted.

The Chongming ship and the Yong'an ship are both Taiyuan-class armored cruisers. Yong'an is the capital of Shandong Province. As for Chongming, it is the seat of the territory of New Guinea. facing the sea.

Although they are armored cruisers, the 254mm main guns of the two ships are not much inferior to those of the battleships. After all, the [-]-inch main guns in the UK were once the main guns of the second-tier battleships.

"Raise the Z flag!"

After completing the change of formation, Zuo Xiaotong gave the order to raise the Z flag, which seems to have become a habit in decisive naval battles of the Empire.

At the same time as the "Z" flag was raised, the flag bearer began to play the flag language--hundreds of millions of people are looking forward to everyone's hard work!
In the armored fire control room on the top of the mast of the Battleship Chenggong, Li Jieyun ranged and stared at the opponent in the distance. At this moment, he was using his eyes to observe through the left and right eyepieces at the same time, and at the same time adjusted the adjustment knob without turning— — This is the characteristic of the stereo rangefinder, which is the latest achievement of the Imperial Optical Technology, but it is awkward to use.The image seen by both eyes is the image of the same target formed by the two ends of the rangefinder. He stared intently at the distant target. He constantly manipulated the rangefinder wheel to move the diamond-shaped cursor in the eyepiece back and forth.


When seeing the diamond-shaped cursor coincide with the image of the target, Li Jieyun immediately read out the latest distance figure aloud.

"Sir, the Imperial Fleet has been spotted!"

September 9, 13:4 am.

A powerful sigh came from the voice of the watchman of the former dreadnought battleship "Iowa".The officers even seemed a little excited as they began to adjust the scopes and telescopes.

Because they knew very well how powerful they were—in the pre-dreadnought era, the "Iowa" was definitely the king.Its bow and stern have two twin 305mm naval guns, eight 8mm secondary main guns, and six 203mm secondary guns. In terms of firepower alone, there are only two "Huizhou-class" ships in the Imperial Navy that can compare with it. .

But even the best pre-dreadnoughts are still pre-dreadnoughts.

"Twelve ships versus nine ships, the advantage is mine!"

Before Admiral Schroeder finished speaking, his brows suddenly frowned. At this time, the distance was closer, the sea level was as smooth as a mirror, and the Imperial South Pacific Squadron had completely exposed their shadows.

Although the distance is very far, the enemy's six capital ships can be seen. Although they are in a line of battle, the distance between them is very close, so close that it almost gives people the illusion that they are a warship .

"What are they going to do?"

When Schroeder, the commander of the US Pacific Fleet, was puzzled, at this time, on every battleship of the South Pacific Squadron, the well-prepared gunners were eager to fill the 254mm or 305mm armor-piercing bullets one by one. Entering the gun bore, while the turret turned to point at the enemy ship, the thick barrel rose to the maximum elevation angle, pointing maliciously at the opponent.

Moreover, the damage control team is already in place, and they are squatting in the hatch, ready to attack at any time. Whether a warship can defeat the enemy depends not only on the inaccuracy of the shells, but also on whether the damage control team is excellent. A good damage control team with a good watertight cabin is enough for a warship to survive a brutal naval battle.

Suddenly, the damage control soldiers at the hatch only felt their feet stepping for a while, and the next moment, the deafening sound of artillery came over, when the violent artillery wind swept across the deck.

Everyone's heart tightened, the long-awaited battle finally began!

"17000 yards away!"

The moment the distance measuring officer sent the reading of the distance, Admiral Schroeder frowned.

The enemy ship is firing!

so far!

In the artillery exercises of the U.S. Navy, the furthest shooting range was within 12000 yards, but now the Imperial Navy began shelling at a distance of 17000 yards.

So far, can you hit it?

It takes 305 seconds for a 16000mm shell to fly 22 meters. Standing in the conning tower of the flagship battleship Chenggong, Zuo Xiaotong held a telescope in his hand, and beside him, the young chief officer counted with a stopwatch.

"...20, 21, 22, 2..."

Finally, two water jets rose about [-] meters away from the "Iowa".

"One more chance!"

At this time, Zuo Xiaotong's heart twisted into a small ball. He knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity—as early as five years ago, with the invention of the new body position rangefinder and calculating disc, the Imperial Navy The artillery battle distance has increased from 12000 meters to 16000 meters, and some warships even hit the target ship at a distance of 20000 meters.

This 4000 meters is their advantage!

Although the advantage brought by technology is only a few minutes, if you seize the opportunity, you can deal with these Yankees severely.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of the Imperial Navy. The artillery skills are so powerful at such a long distance..."

In addition to praise, Schroeder ordered.


Just when Schroeder gave the order to try to close the distance and fight at the position he was good at, the Imperial Navy warships conducted two more rounds of shelling. After two rounds of calibration, finally, the shells hit more and more, and the third round of shelling , directly hitting a near miss.

At this time, when the gunner of the battleship Chenggong uttered an angry cry, the shells of four 305mm main guns were fired suddenly. At the same time, the other five battleships of the Second Fleet had eight 8mm main guns. The cannon, 305 12mm main guns and auxiliary guns fired at the same time. This was their first salvo.

Ten seconds later, the HMS "Barfleur" of the Royal Navy was accompanying the leading ship. The British sailors on the deck of the battleship "Barfleur" and the officers in the command tower all saw the explosion that tore through the sky in the air. With a flash, the shells landed accurately around the "Barfleur", almost one-third of them formed a near miss, and at the moment when the white water column vacated, there was a loud but piercing impact sound in the violent explosion When it came out, it instantly overwhelmed the sound of the explosion.

When the sound of metal impact came, everyone's expressions changed, and the battleship was hit!

The No. [-] battery on the port side of the "Barfleur" suddenly exploded a cloud of smoke directly under the conning tower, and the cloud of explosion suddenly spewed out in all directions.

At the same time, more violent explosions continued to explode on the port side of the "Barfleur" and near the port deck. The "Barfleur", which was taken care of by the concentrated firepower of six warships, became the most favored ship on the sea for a while. The Reds - the whole thing turned red!
The red one smokes, the red one turns black!
In the fiery red smoke, black smoke rose into the sky, and in the violent explosion, even a lifeboat was blown into the sky...

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