Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1564 Chance of Victory

In war, there are all kinds of conspiracies and calculations. In fact, in essence, war is precise calculation. Through precise calculation of the enemy's deployment, troop strength, logistics and other aspects, the war is finally won.

Those who count more temples win, and those who count fewer temples win!
In order to achieve victory, war strategists will even count every step, and they will lead the enemy into traps little by little, and sometimes, some traps are open.

Almost when the South Pacific Squadron was cheering to repel the Anglo-American Joint Pacific Fleet, in London, officials of the British Admiralty immediately realized the danger.

In the operational command room of the Admiralty, a lieutenant commander looked at the chart of Australia on the wall next to him and said to his colleagues:
"The South Pacific Squadron is dispatched. They have just repelled our fleet in the Tasman Sea." He pointed to the chart and said:
"Right here, we lost the "Century", and the "Barfleur" was flooded with thousands of tons of water, but because of the effective damage management, it sailed back to the port, and several other battleships also suffered heavy damage What is certain is that, at least in the next six months, it will be difficult for the United Pacific Fleet to go out to sea to intercept the Imperial Navy."

"So our intelligence is accurate"

A naval captain said:
"Now, the empire has plans to reach out to Australia."

"And this also means that their Pacific Fleet will soon escort the Army troops to attack Australia..."

The vice admiral continued to check the chart and said.

"In the past year, they sent a large amount of combat materials and personnel to New Guinea through merchant ships from neutral countries such as Datang and Mexico. They occupied New Guinea last year and directly threatened Australia. Now... "

After thinking about it, he flipped through the information about the Imperial Navy's shipbuilding.Then said.

"They finally have enough force to land in Australia, and my judgment is that they will still continue to land in southern Australia, not in the north."

"Yes, although it is very close to New Guinea, it needs to cross the entire continent. Without railways and roads, the long logistics supply will be a nightmare!"

"The purpose of the South Pacific Squadron's attack is very likely to weaken our maritime power in Australia and pave the way for the next landing. If they land in South Australia, it means that a large number of warships need to be escorted, including them. After all, we have deployed a large number of aircraft in Australia. Well... this means that the Pacific Fleet of the Imperial Navy will hardly appear on another battlefield!"

Suddenly, the Vice Admiral's eyes lit up and he said.

"This also means that our opportunity has come!"

"Yes, it does matter."

"I must submit this information immediately."

Soon the vice admiral found the admiral in the war room.After the admiral listened to the report, he slowly pointed from one point to another on the chart with a pencil, and began to make comments:
"It seems that this is the opportunity we have been waiting for for a long time. Now, the only question is when the Imperial Navy's Pacific Fleet will be dispatched. You know, their naval base is completely closed, and Cape Island is completely a naval base. There is no way for outsiders to enter the island, and we have no way of knowing when their fleet will sail... However, we must pay close attention to their every move. If they are sending a transport fleet, they will definitely pass by here— —, here—, here—, we can deploy some scouting ships here, um, we can equip the fishing boats with transmitters. Although we may not be able to defend Australia, if we win this naval battle, then , the Imperial Army of Australia, will eventually be trapped and starved to death there!"

As long as we can win this naval battle!

In the next few days, information about the naval battle in the Tasman Sea was sent to London by telegram one by one, and then sent from London to Washington. Naval experts from the two countries learned from the performance of the South Pacific Squadron in the naval battle. Analyzing the pros and cons of the Imperial Navy, even though there have been hundreds of naval battles of varying sizes between them before that, those naval battles are not worth mentioning, at most it is between one or two battleships Collision, and for the first time, fleet against fleet.

In the eyes of intelligence officers and technical officers, many data were listed by them one by one. They accurately evaluated the combat effectiveness of the Imperial Navy. In fact, naval warfare has always been a war of technology and calculation. The battle between battleships is battleship construction, artillery The calculation of various aspects such as construction techniques and the training level of sailors determines the outcome of the war.

This is a business of superb professional skills, where the best personnel wage a life-and-death battle on the blue table of the ocean, with people's lives as wagers.

Those who count more temples win, and those who count fewer temples win!
Through their calculations, and after repeated war games by the naval staff, they finally came up with the results, which will soon be reported to the highest levels of the United Kingdom and the United States.

The wargames of both countries are consistent - we will win the naval battle and defeat the Imperial Navy.

"We are sure to sink 6 battleships of the Imperial Navy and severely damage the other 6 battleships of the Dreadnought class..."

Twelve... As a matter of fact, the Imperial Navy only has seventeen Dreadnought-class warships in total, and the other three are "Dynasty-class" built overtime after the outbreak of the war. Although powerful, the combined fleet has an advantage in numbers.

Soon, both Washington and London's high-level officials approved the "South Pacific Combat Plan". When the governments of the two countries approved the plan and the British-American joint fleet was formally formed, there was only one last problem left.

"We must know when the Imperial Navy's Pacific Fleet will escort the landing fleet to Australia!"

Once again, all the pressure was put on the intelligence department, because all the assumptions were based on one premise-the Imperial Navy only invested in the Atlantic Fleet, not the Zhenyang Fleet-that is, the main forces of the two ocean fleets combined into one a fleet.

Facing four Dynasty-class ships... It's a nightmare to think about!
"...Therefore, they must grasp the intelligence of the Pacific Fleet's accurate attack..."

In an office of Naval Intelligence in London, Sam Max ordered Jerry,
"Activate Plum Blossom, let her get the corresponding information at all costs, this is our only chance to win this may even be our last chance!"

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