
At this time, the warship was silent and there was no light.Most of the sailors on the ship were asleep, but one-third of the sailors were still in combat positions. After all, they had already penetrated into the enemy's waters.Here, they may encounter enemy ships at any time.

The reality of going deep into the enemy's territory will always make the sailors a little nervous.After nightfall, the entire fleet has already implemented light control. At this time, this huge fleet is like a ghost fleet sailing in the Styx, sailing in this dark sea.

The moon was covered by dark clouds. Although the sea waves reflected a little starlight, the visibility was poor because of the wind and waves. The lookout on the top of the mast tower just kept looking at the sea. When looking at the sea, the "Edinburgh" lightened The two lookouts on the cruiser chatted.

"As long as there are no submarines."

"Submarines are a group of thieves. They don't dare to attack the large fleet. Besides, we still have sonar and depth charges..."

War will promote the development of technology. Facing the threat of submarines, it only took one year for sonar to be invented ten years ahead of schedule. Although the empire's submarines cannot attack unscrupulously like in the past.

But who knows?
Sonar is notoriously unreliable.

However, what they didn't know was that at this moment, a group of assassins holding daggers on the sea were approaching them.

On the pitch-black sea where the moon and stars could not be seen, the torpedo boat slowly climbed up the steep wave crest, then rapidly increased its speed, and sank with a roar.The bow of the torpedo boat was raised high for a while, and then disappeared in the rustling white foam.From time to time black waves crossed the deck.

On the bumpy boat, Lin Xianyu clumsily climbed onto the command bridge, and hugged the compass frame with her hands and legs to measure the direction.The bearings of the compass kept turning under the locator, like a phonograph record.In front of his eyes, rows of numbers scrolled past.

After seeing a number that he thought was the most correct, he would go down the command bridge again and walk into the deckhouse to locate it on the chart.Every time he came back from the command bridge, he always saw the same situation in the deckhouse: the chart was hanging down from the table, and the paperweights, rulers, protractors, and compasses pressed on the chart were all rolling around. Side wall rolls to that side wall.

"Damn it, this wave is really big..."

While cursing, Lin Xianyu put her things back in place, and then measured the direction.

"I hope the troops won't get lost!"

Lin Xianyu prayed in his heart, the brigade had set off for more than two hours, and now he was most worried about getting lost!
On this turbulent and starless night, there is almost no reference point on the sea. The most difficult thing to navigate under such weather conditions is to keep the course. As long as you think about the possible consequences of getting lost, Lin Xianyu's aftermath The back is full of cold sweat.


In this war, their voyage may even lead to the defeat of the entire country in this war. If it happens, then they are all sinners of the nation!

The inside of the small torpedo boat is filled with the choking smell of gasoline. The torpedo boat is almost sailing on the top of the waves. When sailing at high speed, it maintains its unique shaking. If she hadn't already gotten used to all of this, Lin Xianyu would have felt dizzy and wanted to vomit by now.

However, they have long been used to all this.

"Our location should be here..."

Holding the longitude table in hand, Lin Xianyu kept counting her position, and the same was true for other boats. The 52 torpedo boats were divided into four groups. They were like 52 sharp arrows, sailing on the sea. , heading towards the enemy.

At this time, all captains are more concerned about the enemy's position!

Where is the enemy?

As the captain, Zheng Peiyun frowned. Although the bumps brought by the undulating torpedo boat made him a little sick, he still firmly grasped the chopping board with his hands and stared at the chart.

Where is the enemy?

"Receiver, is there any news about the scout boat?"

Once again, Zheng Peiyun asked loudly.

"not yet."

In fact, a reconnaissance airship was still hovering high in the sky. In order not to be exposed, the airship crew did not always "live broadcast" the traces of the enemy ship. Moreover, the dark clouds blocked their sight, so they could only keep looking for the fleet. Keep it out of sight.

At 18:2 a.m. on the 15th, after confirming the position of the Anglo-American combined fleet through the gap between the dark clouds, the airship No. 503, which had been keeping radio silent, sent another telegram.

As soon as he sent a telegram, the telegram signal was intercepted by the British fleet.A British officer entered Admiral Fisher's cabin.The admiral would be dozing in an armchair with his head resting on his hands. "Sir, we intercepted a telegram 15 minutes ago."

The officer said respectfully.

"It should be a telegram from the Imperial Reconnaissance Airship, and the azimuth is very close to us."

Fisher woke up immediately.After scanning the telegram with Xingsong's eyes, he said:
"Call the captain."

After a while, Captain Hidel arrived.

"Here, this is the telegram from the Imperial Navy that we just intercepted. Their airships have been staring at us... Now is the time. I ask the fleet to enter the second combat readiness immediately. Half of the sailors will be on duty within 10 minutes."

"Yes, sir," said the captain.

Soon the fleet entered the third level of preparations, with anti-aircraft guns on duty.Through the thick night on the deck, the crew members on the artillery positions shrouded in sea fog can be vaguely seen.In the living quarters below decks, half the people were sleeping or dozing.

At this time, the loudspeaker suddenly issued an order that the secondary artillery personnel should be on duty and all personnel should be in place.People rushed out of the cabin, and the entire warship immediately became busy in an orderly manner.

In this way, whether it is the crowded turret, the ammunition compartment below, the control room, or the engine room and boiler room, all crew members are on duty.Half the crew was on watch; the other half staggered and tried to rest on the spot.Those who are lucky find a place to curl up and lie down; those who have no choice but to lie on the deck.There are also some people leaning on the bulkhead and falling asleep under the bumps and shakes of the warship, but they are awakened by the sudden vibration of the warship from time to time.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night...

The new book "I am a foolish king in the Ming Dynasty" has been released. I beg you all to continue to support me!Thank you! ! !A book club group has been created: 739209015. Everyone is welcome to join and discuss the plot of the new book.

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