Chapter 1593: Destiny is clear (second update, please subscribe)

“The days of Anglo-Saxon world domination are over!”

On May 28, [-], in Vienna, after the British representatives signed the peace treaty in frustration, not only the British were lamenting, but other countries were also sighing.

Yes, an era is over!

The end of an era means the beginning of a new era. Once upon a time, the Anglo-Saxons ruled the world, but what about now?

It's Chinese!

"No, we don't rule the world yet!"

Standing on the beach of Beihai Island, letting the wind and snow blow on him, Emperor Zhu Da stared at Kuye Island in the north, which belonged to China.

It's just that it is occupied by Russia, and one day, Huaxia will definitely take that land.

"One day, knock it down."

Listening to his father's words, the seventh prince Zhu Youzi nodded.

"I understand that Sakhalin is the homeland of China. Our Ming Dynasty has ruled there since the days of Nurgan Dusi, so it should naturally be recovered."

Why Zhu Youzi said this is because according to the "Red Plan", he will ascend the throne in Nanjing. In the past two years, he has been in contact with all walks of life in Tangshan.

All that is waiting for now is the opportunity.

"Not only this reason, but also another reason is that Rome is too powerful. They not only occupied Persia, but also occupied half of India. Now they even plan to annex Afghanistan. The Russians are greedy polar bears. They will never They will not stop their expansion. If they stop, there are only two possibilities - one is that they occupy the whole world, the other is that they are starved to death, so..."

Staring at the north, Emperor Zhu pondered for a moment and then said.

"In the future, when the time is right, we can unite with other countries to completely solve Russia's problems. Of course, we can also use their internal problems to fundamentally disintegrate that country..."

In fact, who is the real biggest loser in this war?

It’s the Roman Empire!

The Roman Empire seemed to have gained a large area of ​​land, but Emperor Zhu Da knew very well what they had gained. Hundreds of new ethnic groups were added to that ethnic cage.Their internal affairs may be even more chaotic than in the other world. This seemingly invincible country may actually fall into internal collapse at any time.

As he spoke, Emperor Zhu suddenly smiled.

"It seems that I thought a little too far,"

"Father, you often say that if you don't have long-term concerns, you will have immediate worries. A king must have long-term plans."

His son's words made Emperor Zhu nodded slightly,


Walking on the snow-covered beach of Beihai Island, Emperor Zhu Da thought about twenty years ago, if he had not worked hard at that time and intervened in Japanese affairs, after the Meiji Restoration in this world, would Japan have become a friend or an enemy of the empire? ?
In fact, this is not important. What is important is that Japan is now a Japan that has been tamed by the empire. This Japan has been tamed not only in terms of land, but also in ideology.

Why did Emperor Zhu Da come to Japan at the turn of the century? To put it bluntly, it was to tell the Japanese people that they were no different from the subjects of the empire and that they were also Chinese.

This is the long-awaited dream of the Japanese. For this dream, millions of Japanese have sweated in Africa, and millions of Japanese have sacrificed their lives for the empire.As the loyal dogs of the empire, it can be said that they are absolutely worthy of these two words.

In fact, Emperor Zhu Da no longer hates them. After all, they have long washed away their hatred with blood. Of course, what is more important is that they have integrated into China - tens of millions of Japanese women have married Chinese. , even in the four provinces of Japan, the population of Chinese and their children has reached more than 30%. Compared with the mainland, young Japanese are more willing to go to Africa to make a living. Most of the people who stay here are the old, weak, sick and disabled.

In a few decades, Japan... I am afraid it will really be the Japan of the Chinese people.

Of course, they cannot have an advantage in Africa. After all, the demographic advantage of Chinese Americans is there.

"The Drunken Orchid at the foot of Mount Fuji..."

Thinking of this, Emperor Zhu couldn't help but sigh.

Who would have thought that the world would change so quickly?

The former enemy of life and death has been integrated into the empire and has become a part of the empire. Closing his eyes, Emperor Zhu thought of the welcome he felt in all parts of Japan along the way. The awe and pride from the heart cannot be deceived.

What is certain is that there are no more Japanese in this world.

The Japanese cease to exist as a people, just as the United States ceases to exist as a country.

The former will be completely integrated into China and become a member of China. As for the latter?It split into dozens of countries. In just a few years, three independent countries have passed bills to list German or Italian as official languages. In short, the Europeanization of North America will be irreversible in the future.

Thinking of this, Emperor Zhu felt that the world was so beautiful, and even the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

Pointing at Sakhalin Island opposite, Emperor Zhu said.

"Xiao Qi, we are just a part of the world. Everything we work hard is not to rule the world, but to let the Chinese nation enjoy its manifest destiny. What is this destiny?"

Seeing that his son seemed a little confused, Emperor Zhu Da smiled.

"This destiny is not the meritorious deeds of the ruler. The reason why we wage war is never for us—for the glory of the royal family, for the honor of the emperor, but for the people...for the benefit of hundreds of millions of compatriots. This is what we do. The purpose of the war. The destiny of China is the world of Great Harmony. What is the so-called Great Harmony? It means that all the people of China can live comfortably and live as human beings. In this way, it is the world of Great Harmony. It is the "people", so naturally there will be those who are superior and those who will be inferior. My father believes that the manifest destiny of my China lies in this - since the people of China will always be the superior! The resources in the world are their own. It is very limited, and if others get more points, we will get one less point, so in order to realize this destiny, we must defeat certain enemy countries."

It is not surprising that such innocent words came from the mouth of Emperor Zhu Da. After all, in this world where the weak eat the strong, the law of the jungle is the most basic law in this era.

"My son understands..."

After thinking about it, Zhu Youzi said.

"It will take me 20 years to start a war with Rome..."

"Don't be in a hurry, be prepared. Competition with big powers does not necessarily have to be resolved through war. Opportunities can also be created by creating internal conflicts. Just wait for the opportunity. The opportunity will always appear. Competition between people requires patience, and patience is the fundamental prerequisite for winning everything..."

The reason why I talk to children about patience is because they are different from me. They clearly control the development of the world situation, so they will not make misjudgments. However, they do not have this golden finger, so in this situation , they need more patience to win the competition with big powers.

"And in the competition with the Roman Empire, time is on our side."

Emperor Zhu Da glanced towards the north pretending to be mysterious. The next target was Rome... As long as he ate it, China would no longer have any worries...

(End of this chapter)

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