Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1596 New York Republic

Chapter 1596 New York Republic (first update, please subscribe)
What does it feel like to travel to the future?
And this world was created by oneself.

Emperor Zhu.

No, Zhu Xianhai didn't know it clearly, but when the supersonic plane he took landed at the New York Airport, he deliberately looked back. The supersonic plane was completely different from the Concorde in another world. Its appearance looked even larger, and The interior of the cabin is very spacious, typical of a wide-body aircraft.This kind of supersonic passenger aircraft produced by the Ming Empire is now the mainstream aircraft for intercontinental flights in various countries around the world. As for subsonic aircraft, they are often only used for short-distance regional routes.

New York!

Zhu Xianhai, who was holding a suitcase in his hand, didn't even know why he came to New York, just like he didn't even know why he took off from Africa.

What am I doing here?
The time of doubt.He noticed that there were three lanes at the customs checkpoint.

"Home Channel", "Foreign Channel", "Imperial Channel"

Although this is New York, the pass is still written in big Chinese characters, and the English is not so obvious.

"The imperial passage, there is actually a separate passage? Well, I should go from here..."

Looking at the few people, Zhu Xianhai walked over with his passport.

"Hello and welcome to New York."

A beautiful customs official with blond hair and blue eyes smiled at him and said it was also standard Mandarin, authentic Jianghuai Mandarin.


He handed over the passport, and the other party simply glanced at it, and before Zhu Xianhai could figure out what was going on, the other party stamped it.

that's fine?
Is this the big and beautiful customs?It was so easy...

It was at this time that Zhu Xianhai noticed that the seal actually said "New York Republic", and even in addition to English, there was also Chinese in the seal.

Obviously there is no more beauty in this world - well, isn't this caused by myself?

Also good.

This... After glancing at the passport in his hand and then looking at the words on the seal, Zhu Xianhai felt mixed emotions for a moment.

While he was having mixed emotions, he unexpectedly discovered that there was a note in his passport, and a phone number was left on the note - it was left by the female customs officer.

Well, I didn’t expect that their service awareness is so strong, and they can also provide corresponding services outside of work.


This, this is New York...

New York is no longer the Empire State, but... the capital of the Republic of New York. Now New York is far less influential than the other world. It is just a big city on the east coast of North America... Although it is still prosperous, that's all!

"Why am I here?"

Just when Zhu Xianhai was confused, there was a sign over there that said "Zhu Mingde". Under the sign, stood a woman wearing a windbreaker.

Zhu Mingde is the name of Zhu Xianhai's body. The name has been changed, but the surname has not been changed. Although the surname is Zhu, it has nothing to do with the royal family, at least according to the passport, it has nothing to do with the royal family.

Just an ordinary person.

"Hello, I'm Zhu Mingde, who are you?" "I'm Kelly, the associate manager of the New York branch of Huamei Trading Company, manager Zhu."

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but the moment the woman saw him, Zhu Xianhai felt that the woman's eyes were shining, like...a bad wolf had touched fat.


This is an illusion!
"Welcome Manager Zhu to New York, I will be your assistant from now on..."

What does New York look like in this world?
Sitting in the car, Zhu Mingde couldn't help but look out the window. The New York outside the window didn't look much different from the other world. There were still many tall buildings, but the Empire State Building was missing - that building was in Yingtian, as early as During the reign of Shengde, it was already the tallest building in the world.

As for the Statue of Liberty, it had long since been reduced to ruins under the bombardment of the Imperial Navy, and even the remaining copper had been looted by the public.

"...Later, we built the Statue of Reflection on the base of the Statue of Liberty. Well, even if it was for reflection, it was also to commemorate that ridiculous war."

Reflection on the goddess statue?

Zhu Xianhai suddenly became curious. He really wanted to go and see how Americans reflect. He even erected a statue of the Goddess of Reflection. She really knows how to reflect!

However, it seems that the United States no longer exists in this world, and that’s not right. Doesn’t the South still have a Confederate State?That is also the United States.

Hey, it's a pity that there is still the United States in this world...

Looking at New York outside the car window, the New York of this world is not a melting pot of races, because there is no place for black people here at all. The division of the country and the economic recession have caused black people to be excluded everywhere. As early as Sidley During the [-]s, white people began to kidnap and sell black people from the north to the south. In order to avoid being sold into slavery, many black people fled to the south and volunteered as "lifelong servants" on plantations.

This world is so magical. The black slaves who originally longed for freedom fled back to the south after feeling the iron fist of the north in various places in the north. Perhaps in the eyes of many people, at least they did not need to worry about food and clothing on the plantations. Of course "Life-long servants" are different from ordinary slaves. Semi-slaves can get a small piece of their own land, build their own house there, have their own family, and the plantation owner will give them food and clothing every month. After paying a certain amount of remuneration, although it is very small, it is definitely freer than slaves. They do not need to worry about being sold, and because they have an owner, they do not need to worry about being beaten or even killed by white people.

Although he was a little curious about whether slavery still existed in the South in this era, Zhu Xianhai was even more curious about this world.

What kind of changes have taken place in this world after you left?
"Manager, because the head office informed you that you are single, the company rented an apartment for you near Central Park..."

While speaking, Kelly took a special look at this man. He was unexpectedly young and handsome. In her opinion, this man was just like the leading actor from a Ming Dynasty movie - handsome and personable, such a Ming Dynasty man. It would make the whole of New York go crazy. When talking to him, Kelly only felt hot all over.

Isn't this the man she longs for?

"Thank you, Miss Kelly, do you know where there is a library near the apartment?"

Although he felt Kelly's enthusiasm for throwing herself into her arms, at the moment, Zhu Xianhai didn't have any love between men and women. He had already been an emperor. What kind of woman did he want in the Three Palaces and Sixth Courtyard?
He really has no interest in ordinary women.

He was reborn again. He must first figure out the era he is in now. With this thought in his mind, looking at the cars and neon lights outside the window, Zhu Xianhai couldn't help but glance at his mobile phone...a foldable mobile phone, silver. Yes, it looks a bit like the V3 from my father's era.

Is there Internet in this era?


Kelly was stunned for a moment, then said.

"Manager, it's already evening at this time. If you want to read a book, there is a computer in your room. The computer is connected to the Internet. You can check the books you like online."

There is internet!
That wouldn't be too convenient...

(End of this chapter)

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