Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1607 Chasing and Killing

...Took out the key and opened the apartment door.Zhu Xianhai's hand touched the light switch in the living room and pressed the switch, but the lights in the room did not turn on.

"No electricity? Didn't you pay the electricity bill?"

He frowned and muttered to himself. After pushing the door and stepping into the room, the door slowly closed under the action of inertia.

Through the light on the roadside, Zhu Xianhailong vaguely saw a guy in black sitting on the sofa in the living room facing him, with a pistol in his hand pointed at him.

"Choo Choo Choo"

Three shots!

Another three shots!


"Damn... I was actually discovered!"

After exiting the simulation, Zhu Xianhai couldn't help but curse, and then he lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling. The room was dark, with only a ray of light coming from the street lamp through the narrow window.

Car horns and sirens outside the window rang from time to time.

Just lying on the single bed, Zhu Xianhai's eyes flashed with a strange look.

"They're still tracking themselves!"

Zhu Xianhai didn't know how he was exposed.

But in the past month, he has been hiding his identity. Although he has hundreds of millions of yuan in his bank card, in order to conceal his whereabouts, he has not used the money at all, but rented it in cash. I moved into a semi-basement and settled down temporarily.The neighborhood where he lives is a famous slum in Mexico, home to millions of people, half of whom are illegal immigrants.

Contrary to what Zhu Xianhai expected, the official policy of the Mexican Empire towards illegal immigrants was very relaxed.As long as illegal immigrants do not commit any crime, neither the police nor the immigration bureau will bother to deal with them.The police almost never stop and interrogate people suspected of illegal immigration on the street, because the police will arrest illegal immigrants only at the request of the immigration bureau. Of course, crimes are another matter.

However, illegal immigrants are just that, illegal immigrants, and they will never become part of the Empire.

What is the biggest difference between Mexico and other countries in dealing with illegal immigrants?
Even Zhuxia’s nationality bill is not based on the principle of landing, but on the principle of parental nationality. This also means that the children of the millions of illegal workers stranded in the empire will never be able to obtain nationality, and the conditions for naturalization in the empire are It is very harsh. Unless they are academic talents needed by the empire, it is difficult for ordinary people to naturalize. Even if they get married... it is only limited to the marriage partner of the empire nationals. Others, even if they are immediate relatives, cannot take care of them as needed. Waiting for naturalization.Even their minor children cannot be naturalized. They are only issued fixed-term visas and must return to their home country after that.

All of this was due to Zhu Xianhai drawing on the great Latinization and formulating an extremely strict naturalization bill that did not even have any loopholes to exploit.The Ming Dynasty Nationality Act affected various Xia including Mexico.

The only reason Mexico doesn't check illegal immigrants now is... they need cheap labor.

These cheap labors from North American countries only need to pay half or even one-third of the salary, and there are no insurance expenses such as pensions and medical care. How can they not be good?
good smell!

Therefore, the official attitude towards illegal immigrants has always been very ambiguous.

The large number of illegal immigrants in Mexico City also provided Zhu Xianhai with an opportunity to hide. The neighborhood where he lived was a neighborhood filled with illegal immigrants from North America and a small number of Europeans. Mixed in tens of millions of people of all kinds, Zhu Xianhai He didn't think that the guy would find him so easily. He even believed that as time passed, the other party would give up tracking him.

But just when Zhu Xianhai was about to start a new life with his head held high, a simulation revealed that the other party not only did not give up.

"How did he find me?"

In doubt, Zhu Xianhai recalled his experience in the simulator, trying to find out the reason why he exposed his identity.

Although repeated searches could not find the reason, death in the simulator reminded Zhu Xianhai that it was time to leave here, otherwise the other party would come to his door.

"Could it be that you have been like this all your life, hiding here and there like a mouse?"

Suddenly, as if he thought of something, Zhu Xianhai was stunned, and then scratched his hair in annoyance:
"Fortunately, you are still an emperor. The more you hide from danger, the more dangerous it becomes. The other party kills you because you are a nobody worth mentioning. Even if you kill him, it will be in vain and will not attract anyone. Attention..." Since a small person will not attract the attention of the outside world, then turn yourself into a big person!Only in this way can they be made to take action.

But before that, some preparations need to be made.

Since there were only fifteen days left between now and the day he was killed, Zhu Xianhai couldn't afford to delay for a moment. He took out the prepaid anonymous mobile phone and then took out a crumpled ticket with the number on it from the drawer. The note was passed over.

In the past month, Zhu Xianhai has not done anything. There are all kinds of people living in this mixed place, not only illegal immigrants, but also people who provide various services to illegal immigrants.

After a few beeps, the phone was connected, and a slightly aged voice came from the receiver:
"Speak, I'm listening."

The tone was cold and unkind.But Zhu Xianhai didn't care about this at all. He lowered his voice and said:

"I need an ID, something that can stand up to inspection."

"What's your ethnicity?"


"Is he a mixed race?"


"Oh, that's easy. A passport and a general driving license, a total of 600 yuan." The other end of the phone quickly gave a quote.

One thousand, six hundred yuan, I can afford it with the cash in hand. Thanks to the fact that when I was traveling, I took out tens of thousands of yuan in cash because I was going to a very remote place. Otherwise, I really wouldn’t have the money to buy fake documents now.

But he still has some doubts.

"Passport? Why not a Social Security card?"

"The social insurance card requires an additional 400 yuan, but the government has already connected the social insurance card to the Internet, so it cannot withstand inspection." The other party explained a few words impatiently, and then asked.

"Boy, are you sure you want to apply for a document that won't stand up to inspection?"

"As for the passport..."

Zhu Xianhai was a little unsure.

The person on the other end of the phone cursed and muttered, and then explained impatiently:

"To live in any country in Zhuxia, it is enough to have a passport and a driver's license. The police in Mexico will not track down Ming or Huaxia for you, unless there is some trouble passing through customs. Most of the time, a copy of Zhuxia's A passport and driver's license are enough for you to live in Mexico."

After hearing the right explanation, Zhu Xianhai nodded and said.

Okay, it's a deal.

"Then it's settled. At ten o'clock tomorrow morning, Mr. Linde's memorial bench will be on the south bank of Pigeon Lake in the Royal Park, on the west side of the oak forest. Pay first, then deliver. Don't be late. I'll only wait for 2 minutes."

After saying that, the other party hung up the phone directly.Listening to the busy tone coming from the phone, Zhu Xianhai took a deep breath and pumped his fist vigorously.

"Okay, now you have a new identity. The next step... is to turn yourself into a big shot before they find out!"

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