Chapter 1611 The black hand emerges (second update, please subscribe)

The next second, Zhu Xianhai locked his eyes on the mobile phone - this is a typical prepaid mobile phone. You can buy such a mobile phone for only 10 yuan on the streets of Mexico.

This type of phone has always been a favorite among criminals.

In fact, Zhu Xianhai is now using this kind of untraceable mobile phone.

Turning on the phone, the small yellow-green screen lit up. Although there were no records in the phone book, there were some call records in the call logs, including twelve calls, all with the same number.

"It must be this!"

After staring at the screen and hesitating for a while, Zhu Xianhai finally pressed the launch button.The moment he put the phone to his ear, his heart beat vigorously due to nervousness.He knew it was risky, but he wanted to know who the guy on the other side of the phone was.

After a few rings, the phone was connected, and a slightly impatient voice came from the receiver.

"I said, the boss is pressing me very urgently. Unless you have good news to tell me, don't call me!"

He glanced at the dead body.Zhu Xianhai knew that the guy on the other end of the phone was not the real culprit behind the scenes. There was a boss behind that guy.

He remained silent, hoping to hear more useful information from the other party.

"Hello? Hello! Are you still there? Don't tell me that you can't even handle a little person like that."

little people...

The corners of Zhu Xianhai's lips raised slightly. Yes, in their eyes now, he was just a nobody, maybe even an ant worth noting.Although the person on the other end of the phone was not the mastermind behind his murder, he was the one who issued the mission.

And he must respond now. If he continues to be silent, the other party will definitely hang up the phone.The clue will be broken here.

Zhu Xianhai lowered his voice and tried to imitate the voice of a middle-aged man, and said:
"Target cleared."

"very good……"

Zhu Xianhai breathed a sigh of relief at the other party's answer.But the next moment, the voice suddenly became sharp:
"No...who are you?"

Zhu Xianhai did not answer the other party's question.The other party was also silent, seeming to be consumed with him.

After a moment, Zhu Xianhai spoke and asked:
"who are you?"

"Ha, who are you again?"

There seemed to be questions on the other end of the phone.

"I think you should know who I am...otherwise you wouldn't have sent that guy to kill me."

Zhu Xianhai's brows knitted together, and the development of the matter seemed to be somewhat beyond his expectation.

who am I?
They don’t even know who I am and why they sent people to hunt me down?
"Ah... you really surprised me. I didn't expect you to be alive... He should be dead! I should really applaud you. Not only did you escape from his hands, but you also killed others, and even He called me on his cell phone. Tsk tsk tsk. You really surprised me."


"It seems that I underestimated you!"


"Ha, your identity..."

Suddenly, the voice on the other end of the phone suddenly changed and said sharply.

"You are from the Bureau of Investigation!"

The next moment, the call was suddenly hung up, and only a "beep" busy tone came from the receiver.


After the simulation, Zhu Xianhai touched his shoulder. Even though the pain after being shot in the shoulder was still clearly reflected in his memory, everything felt like a real experience.

But there was a smile on his face.

Without him, it was that phone call. Although it was just a simple conversation, he got a very useful information. "The person from the Investigation Bureau...that is to say, the Investigation Bureau is no longer involved, so who is he?"

Although he did not know the identity of the man behind the scenes, Zhu Xianhai still breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the man behind the scenes was not the Bureau of Investigation.

After all, as the true founder of the Bureau, he is well aware of its capabilities.

"He thought I was from the Bureau of Investigation, which means that there is an antagonistic relationship between the mastermind and the Bureau of Investigation."

After writing a few words on the whiteboard, Zhu Xianhai's brows knitted together, and suddenly he seemed to remember something and spoke immediately.


After entering the simulator again, Zhu Xianhai chose replay on the virtual light screen.

"Replay Simulation,"

Then, the scene he had experienced before flashed in his mind again. After fast forwarding, Zhu Xianhai saw the conversation with that person again.




Through constant replay, Zhu Xianhai finally heard the background sound on the other end of the phone.

“…Umbrella Corporation has been committed to biopharmaceutical development…”

Although the sound was not clear, Zhu Xianhai still heard the key words clearly.


After exiting the simulator, Zhu Xianhai casually drew an umbrella-shaped logo on the whiteboard.

"Umbrella Corporation!"

He is no stranger to this company. This is a company he founded and is a medium-sized pharmaceutical company.During Sidde's 35th year, in order to avoid the monopoly of the imperial industry, he took the initiative to divest hundreds of medium-sized enterprises, including umbrella companies, from the imperial industry to ensure the diversity of the Ming Dynasty's economy.

“Who bought Umbrella back then?”

Several names deep in his memory flashed through Zhu Xianhai's mind.

"Is that you?"

With a cold smile, Zhu Xianhai opened the laptop beside him.Soon the Umbrella Company homepage appeared on the browser.

Staring at the familiar red and white logo, Zhu Xianhai's expression became a little strange.

Could it be that people from this company are chasing me?
But why would they do this?
Also, why did they misunderstand that they were from the Investigation Bureau?

Although Zhu Xianhai has not figured out the reason yet, all the clues are faintly pointing to a huge force hidden behind the scenes!
Umbrella Corporation!
Might be just the tip of the iceberg!
In an instant, Zhu Xianhai realized that he might be involved in a huge conspiracy.

"Everything should be caused by accounts, the Bureau of Investigation, the umbrella company, the board of directors of the umbrella company..."

When he spun off the umbrella company, Zhu Xianhai knew very well who the company was handed over to. Could they... be them?

Of course, they must be dead and now, if nothing changes on the board, it must be their descendants.

"If it was them, what was their purpose?"

"What benefits can they gain from chasing you?"

After stringing together all the clues on the whiteboard, Zhu Xianhai frowned.

No one will do anything that is not beneficial.

Who are the biggest beneficiaries of this matter, and what is their purpose?
(End of this chapter)

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