Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1616 Hunter and Prey

At the Central Railway Station in Mexico, a loudspeaker broadcast:

"Passengers, please note that Beihai train G1033 will depart from platform 15 at seven o'clock..."

A tall Chinese passenger wearing an open-collar formal suit looked up at the tall dome of the train station.There was a suspicious look on his sharp and angular face.The announcement on the station was in Chinese, and then again in Spanish.

Although not many Mexicans speak Spanish now, Spanish is still one of the two official languages ​​of the Mexican Empire, and there are some traditions that still need to be respected.

He brushed his hair off his forehead and walked toward the exit of the train station.Then entered the flow of passengers.There were a lot of people, and people from all directions passed by him and rushed to the various exits of the station, going their separate ways. These passengers from all over the place came here with different plans.Everyone is not in a hurry.

After leaving the train station, he hailed a taxi.

"Go to the Ocean Hotel."

While driving in the taxi, 007 thought a lot. He left Mexico City before to follow a clue, and now he has returned to Mexico City. His mission is still to find that person.

Find the guy.

Then...the most important thing now is to find that guy first.Only by finding that guy can everything be figured out.

"What did he spend the money on?"


Carrying a suitcase, 007 walked into the Oceania Hotel in Mexico City.When he walked into the hotel, years of special training made him aware of something abnormal at the first moment: there were several people whose faces were different from those around them, but with cold faces.Their eyes turned to him as he entered the hall.However, I just glanced at it and then moved over.

"It should be someone's bodyguard."

Meeting a bodyguard in a high-end hotel like the Ocean Hotel is not normal. Soon, after checking in, 007 got on the elevator. After stepping out of the elevator, he quickly realized that something was not normal.

At the end of the corridor, there stood two strong men in black formal suits with open collars. When he walked into the corridor, even though they were wearing sunglasses, he could still feel that the other party was staring at him.

You don't have to look closely to notice that their eyes are always following you!

They are not simple bodyguards.

The person standing on the left side of the corridor has his left hand, which seems to be covered, and his right hand inserted diagonally under the hem of his clothes, and the same is true for the person on the right.It only takes one glance to conclude that the hand inserted under the hem of the clothes must be holding a weapon, or at least approaching the weapon. If something unexpected happens, the weapon will be taken out immediately.

They are not ordinary bodyguards. This thought came to 007's mind. Years of training told him that the identities of these two bodyguards were different. It even reminded him that they were dangerous!

Of course, it could also be because it was a royal suite, and the guests staying there were either rich or noble. It was understandable that they would have such bodyguards.

If it were an ordinary agent at this time, he should evacuate first, and there should be no delay for a second.But his many years of career told him that evacuating now was the most dangerous thing.

007 did not retreat, but continued to walk forward. Feeling the gaze from the end of the corridor, 007 walked to the door of his room very calmly, and then used the key card to open the door.

Just when he entered the room, before he could take out the weapon from the suitcase and prepare for the next move, he suddenly froze.

When he settled down, the lights in the room turned on, and there was a person sitting on the sofa under the lights. The person was looking at him with a half-smile.

It's him!

The person waiting for him in the room was no one else.But the target he has been tracking recently!

Now he is waiting for me here!

At this moment, 007 felt cold sweat break out on his back. This was the first time in his career that he felt like this.For the first time, I felt real danger.

He even felt like a mouse diving into the opponent's mousetrap.

Yes, now we have entered the opponent's trap.It is even very possible that even during this trip to Mexico City, the target person deliberately exposed himself, and he actually broke in.

It's like the prey suddenly broke into the hunter's trap.

But how did he know that he was following him?

And why was he waiting for me in this room?

Although he had many questions in his heart, 007 still took the initiative to speak.

"Hello, Mr. Zhu, we finally meet!"

While talking, 007 put the suitcase on the bedside. At the same time, he heard footsteps in the corridor. Although it was very slight, it also reminded him that the other party was ready, as long as he made the slightest movement. , people outside the door will break in.

"It's your person outside the door!"

"On the building opposite, there are three snipers targeting this place!"

Zhu Xianhai did not answer his question, but told 007 directly - not just the people outside the corridor.

This is why he needs snipers for perimeter security.

Without him, safety comes first.

"First of all, I know you are an agent of the Imperial Bureau of Investigation!"

Zhu Xianhai put down the teacup in his hand, looked at him and smiled slightly,
"Mr. 007!"

In an instant, 007 felt a chill on his back. As the sense of crisis became increasingly intense, countless questions emerged in his heart.

How did he know himself?
How did you know you would live in this room?

and also……

Many years ago, in the secret service school, he had faced such a situation. In his career after graduation, he had faced danger countless times, but he had never felt like this. It seemed that everything was accurately controlled by the opponent. It's calculated.

Everything was designed by the other party, just waiting for you to break in?

It took almost two or three seconds for 007 to understand that he had met his opponent.

"Zhu Mingde, that shouldn't be your real name, right? Who are you? The Mexican Imperial Military Intelligence Agency? Or the British M16? The French General Directorate of External Security? Or..."

Savoring it carefully, 007 feels more and more that Zhu Mingde is not a simple person!
This guy... is by no means an ordinary person as the data says.

Um!This is only reasonable. How could an ordinary person lead himself into such a trap?
Zhu Xianhai did not answer his question. How many times was this conversation?
No.13 times!

In the simulator, he died three times, was caught twice, and then had eight conversations, only the last one where they reached a consensus,
This gentle-looking guy is now standing at the door, seemingly devoid of any threat.However, this seemingly harmless guy is actually a killing machine, and even under a sniper's gun, he has a chance to kill himself.

Despite facing such a threat, there was no wave in his heart.

Spoiler Dog is so calm.

Zhu Xianhai glanced at 007 standing by the door - just by looking at this code name, he knew that the other person was the ace agent of the Investigation Bureau.

Sitting on the sofa, he shook the wine glass in his hand and said.


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