Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1632 1 Group of Insects

How powerful is capital?

Capital can buy everything, as long as enough capital is invested.

Xu Zili is very clear about this.

“Everyone has a price, it’s just a question of whether the price is more or less.”

In the car heading to the club, Xu Zili said to Li Zhijian next to him.

“All we need is to find a guy’s price and make him work for us.”

Xu Zili's success over the years is precisely based on this. He clearly knows everyone's price, and then the rest is to bid.

"Then CEO, what's his price?"


After saying that, Xu Zili took a look outside the car and said.

"That kid is just as ambitious as I was back then! He has the ambition to change everything!"


Ambition is the most fundamental driving force that drives people forward. Without ambition, who can achieve great things?
It is precisely because of understanding this that Xu Zili understands those who have ambitions, especially those young people.

Young people, especially those who are ambitious and capable, have always been the targets of Xu Zili's recruitment, because he knows what those people desire, and he also knows what they hate.

"Golden spoon!"

In a restaurant in the club, Xu Zili said directly to the young man in front of him.

“What do you think a silver spoon is?”

"Nobles of the Empire."

Zhang Haitao answered directly.

"It is well known that they are born with wealth that is beyond the reach of ordinary people. According to statistics from some survey agencies, the personal wealth of the poorest baron in the empire exceeds 1 million yuan. Well, this is just a conservative estimate,"

Zhang Haitao wiped his lips with a napkin and said.

"Based on the information I came across at the District Prosecutor's Office, their assets should have more than doubled. It is known that during the early days of the empire, many powerful people purchased large amounts of land in Nanhua, Yingtian and Zhongdu. Their assets Private residences later became part of the business circle. Even the poorest aristocrats owned no less than three or four commercial properties. The annual rental income alone was as high as millions of dollars. This money was enough for them to squander. Some powerful people had annual rental income. , even up to tens of millions of yuan. Since the founding of the empire, they have accumulated huge amounts of wealth. Almost every powerful person has wealth from birth that ordinary people cannot accumulate in their lifetime, so they are called "gold-containing" spoon "born person."

Zhang Haitao's answer is that the most common view of the imperial aristocrats from the outside world is that they are rich.

“There are no landowners in the Empire, only homeowners, and the biggest homeowners are them.”

Xu Zili nodded.

"Indeed, this is indeed the most common view, but do you really think wealth is their silver spoon?"

Zhang Haitao raised his brows and said in confusion.

"Please teach me, senior." In front of Xu Zili, a senior prosecutor who once rose to the rank of deputy prosecutor general, Zhang Haitao of course has to be called a junior.

"100 years ago, the richest people in the empire were oil tycoons, steel kings, passenger transport kings, and shipping kings. 50 years ago, they were retail kings, mechanical and electrical kings, and hotel kings. What about now? They are technological upstarts. They are on the rich list of the empire in 30 years. Hedong, Hexi in 30 years, but there is a group of people who will always be on the list."

"Is he an Imperial Honorary?"


Putting down the chopsticks in his hands, Xu Zili said.

"In this era where money is paramount, many people feel that wealth is everything and give up power for money. Almost everyone in this city has made this mistake. Money is just a Park Street mansion with a shelf life of only ten years. Power is ancient The temple will stand for hundreds of years."

This city is not just a city, it is the heart of the empire, but also the heart of the world. Mastering the power here is equivalent to mastering the supreme power of the world, and this is exactly what Xu Zili desires.

"The power we pursue throughout our lives - the power to benefit the people, is ridiculous in front of them, because they are born with power, and they have firmly held power from birth to death."

"Many people think that the Councilor is glamorous, but the Council's resolutions need to be reviewed by the House of Peers before they can be submitted to the Executive Yuan. Without the approval of the House of Peers, everything is empty talk. Because of this, the Council is just for the deaf. It’s just ears. Why do many bills fail midway? In essence, they are the nobles. They look at the common people with a superior attitude. In their eyes, they never care about the interests and power of the common people. For them, it is just to consolidate It’s just a tool for personal wealth.”

Looking at the thoughtful young man in front of him, Xu Zili said.

"How can we manage the future of the empire with such a group of insects?"

"Senior, do you want to change all this?"

"What about you?"

Xu Zili asked rhetorically.

"Don't you want to change all this?"

Afterwards, they talked a lot. The reason why Xu Zili talked so much with Zhang Haitao was simple. He understood this young man. In fact, he was not young, but in front of them, he was a young man.

He knew this guy 26 years ago when he was admitted to the School of Law at the University of South China.

Because at that time, he was in the Namhwa District Prosecutor's Office, and this boy was interning in the Prosecutor's Office during the holidays. Later, after he was promoted to Deputy Prosecutor General, it was he who personally transferred this boy to the Gyeonggi Prosecutor's Office and entrusted him with it. This was the reason why this young man became so famous. He was often on the front page of newspapers for presiding over major cases.Zhang Haitao himself is a member of the "Peace Peace Society", but he has not yet entered the core.

"Senior, if what you said today spreads out, I'm afraid someone will think that you want to commit suicide."

Hearing this, Xu Zili laughed loudly.

"It's not so much ZB as it is change. Change always comes quietly and unexpectedly. One small step at a time. In the end, we will always achieve our goal. How about it, Haitao, are you willing to join us?"

Care to join?
Facing Xu Zili's invitation, Zhang Haitao understood that the reason why he was entrusted with the important task of investigating the "stock market crash" this time was, in the final analysis, not the stock market crash, but to use the stock market crash as an opportunity to launch an attack on the mountain of the empire. .

If he succeeds, he will receive unimaginable rewards, but what if he fails?That is a place to die without a burial!

Opportunities always contain dangers, but dangers and opportunities always coexist. After thinking about it, Zhang Haitao said.

"Sir, what do you need me to do?"

A change of title showed Zhang Haitao's decision. In fact, this is human nature. When faced with temptation, as long as the temptation is big enough, one will always succumb to temptation.

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