Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1637 The Fatal Temptation

Chapter 1637 Fatal Temptation (Second update, please subscribe)
A white car silhouette sped past the railway.

From the white bullet train to the current high-speed rail with a speed of nearly 600 kilometers per hour, the Empire's high-speed rail technology has been leading the development of the world. From the American continent to the African continent, and then to Europe and Asia, high-speed rail has connected the world.

Even in this era of supersonic aircraft flying all over the world, high-speed railways still occupy most of the medium and short-distance transportation markets.Among the numerous railway companies, the one with the most abundant capital and the most advanced technology is the Imperial Railway Company.

This company not only owns a large number of railway lines on all continents, but also has commercial real estate centered on stations. As the world's largest railway company, it can earn billions of dollars in profits every year just by renting out commercial buildings near stations.

Like all train stations, there is a train building near Zhongdu Central Railway Station. It is a 72-story building. Although it is not outstanding among the high-rise buildings in Zhongdu, it can still be ranked among the top ten. This building is The building was the headquarters of the Imperial Railway Company, a corporate empire so large that anyone could look up to it.

Even in a small restaurant, you can still see the building. Xu Zili put a lot of thought into the location of today's meal. Not only can he see the building, but also the high-speed railway running next to it. train.

The reason why he chose this place is because Xu Zili knows very well what the Si family desires most.

"Last year, the Imperial Railway Company's profit was more than 510 billion yuan. However, if the income from railway land operations is deducted, in fact, the Imperial Railway Company has been in a state of loss since 30 years ago. In these years, the railway company's operating losses have accumulated to more than 1500 billion yuan. Yuan……"

Xu Zili's words were not loud, just enough for Si Xingde to hear, but Si Xingde did not take over the conversation because it was a well-known thing.

"Of course, many people will definitely say that we can't just see that the Imperial Railway Company's line operations are losing money. After all, most subway companies are also losing money. Their profits rely on comprehensive operations to maintain profitability. Comprehensive operations are what maintain a company's profitability. The prerequisite for profit, what do you think about this?"

Regarding Xu Zili's question, Si Xingde just said casually.

"President, you should know that our family has not been involved in railway affairs for decades. I have no interest in railway matters at all."

Regarding Si Xingde's answer, Xu Zili just smiled indifferently.

"The Si family has always owned 0.5% of the equity of the Imperial Railway Company, and even has voting rights in the railway company. Why haven't you given up your equity in the Imperial Railway until now?"

Why did the Si family own stock in the Imperial Railway Company?

To put it bluntly, it was because after Stanford joined the Ming Dynasty, he kept his property in return. Later, the Imperial Railway Company merged with the railway company under his name, and Stanford became the major shareholder of the Imperial Railway Company.

Until now, although the Si family has rarely been involved in the affairs of the railway company, this does not prevent them from being the largest individual shareholders of the Imperial Railway Company.

"Give up? Why give up? You know, the annual dividends from the Imperial Railway Company are still very considerable."

"Indeed, the Imperial Railway's dividends are very substantial indeed."

Not only the dividends of the Imperial Railway Company are very impressive, but in fact the dividends of many state-owned enterprises in the Ming Empire are very considerable. In the past hundred years, investment in state-owned enterprises has always been the investment that the private sector is most willing to make, because the dividends are much higher than bank interest .Of course, this also has a lot to do with the imperial official's supervision of state-owned enterprises. In fact, in the early days of the empire, there were many corruption incidents among the imperial state-owned enterprises. What followed was continuous strengthening of supervision, and eventually the establishment of A complete set of supervision, management and operation mechanisms has been established to ensure that state-owned enterprises will not waste due to the corruption of certain officials.

Xu Zili said with a smile.

"The dividend is considerable, but the dividend will always be a dividend, if..." Putting down the tea cup in his hand, Xu Zili directly took out his trump card.

"If the Imperial Railways were privatized, maybe..."

Before he could finish speaking, Si Xingde said directly.

"This is impossible. No one will agree to the privatization of the Imperial Railway. Even if you are sure to advance this matter, it will not be approved by the palace. Don't forget, the largest shareholder of the Imperial Railway is the Empire, but the largest Private shareholders are royalty!”

Si Xingde even glanced at Xu Zili with a sarcastic look and emphasized.

"Perhaps the royal family will not intervene at first. He only needs to exercise veto power on the company's board of directors. Privatization... Dean Xu, you are really thinking!"


Regarding Si Xingde’s sarcasm, Xu Zili said.

"Yes, it is indeed a bit risky to say all this, but what we all know is that the Imperial Railway is just one of many state-owned enterprises. Maybe those enterprises are in good operating condition, but now is an era of high commercialization and a rigid management method. It is difficult for enterprises to develop in real competition. Times have changed, and the empire’s economy needs to be infused with more vitality. Only in this way can we firmly occupy the world’s leading position in future competition, and the flood of Enterprises with a bureaucratic atmosphere are not suitable for this era, so..."

Xu Zili stared at Si Xingde and said.

"My next term will be devoted to promoting privatization, and the first step is to split the Imperial Railway line. The main purpose of privatization is to improve the business of the Imperial Railway Company through privatization, sell the national railway assets, thereby repaying huge debts and alleviate the National financial burden, etc.”

When he said these words, Si Xingde couldn't believe what he heard. Before coming to Zhongdu, he only thought that the message conveyed by the other party was to promote the privatization of certain enterprises and help He obtained controlling stakes in certain businesses in exchange for financial support.

But now, Xu Zili is not playing according to common sense!
It was an unimaginable bait right out of the gate.

Why is it said to be bait rather than a benefit?
Because in this business, there is never any benefit. There are only baits for the other party to take the bait. Everyone is fishing. Everyone will throw the bait and wait for the fish to take the bait. Once the fish takes the bait, it can be used by it. .

However, when Xu Zili threw out the bait, Si Xingde did not take the bait immediately, because he knew that there was a hook behind the bait, not just a hook, but a fatal temptation!
(End of this chapter)

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