Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1643 Exposure

For Zhu Xianhai, who had experienced that era, he knew very well what changes smartphones would bring to the world. In the following time, he had been talking to Joanna about the future of mobile phones. Soon, Joanna was He was convinced. After all, she was extremely keen on new technologies. Through Zhu Xianhai's description, she was also able to realize what kind of changes all this would bring about.

"...People's lives have been completely changed. Life is becoming more and more convenient. People can no longer live without their mobile phones. Things that were never thought of before are happening one by one. A more intelligent life has quietly arrived."

When Zhu Xianhai said these words, he seemed to see the world he was familiar with, the era changed by smartphones. The advent of the era will give some emerging companies opportunities to develop. Various new companies such as They are springing up like mushrooms after a rain, which is almost equivalent to setting off a new industrial revolution.Not only will it promote further development of technology, but it will also bring more job opportunities.

Now all he needs is to bring what he knows to the people of this world.

"Will this be true?"

Faced with the era of smartphones described by Zhu Xianhai and the world changed by mobile phones, Joanna asked with some admiration but also some doubts.

"Will it really come true?"

"Why not? When your father invented the personal computer, did you imagine that all of our lives would be so closely related to computers? Believe me, this is our future."

our future!
Yes, Ming Dynasty will definitely once again lead the future development. Driven by the widespread application of new technologies, Ming Dynasty's economy will also advance by leaps and bounds.

Yes, maybe, this is the reason why I came to this world.

The only thing that makes Zhu Xianhai regretful is that even if he takes out the corresponding products from the mall now, it is difficult to directly copy them based on his current technical capabilities. Compared with the past, he can only give some theoretical guidance. However, it seems that some theoretical guidance can also be given. There are still some books in the mall.


But after thinking about it, Zhu Xianhai still gave up. After all, the current Ming Dynasty has already passed that stage. The current Ming Dynasty just needs some conceptual guidance. As for the technology, it is better to leave it to the people of this era to study. .

As for Joanna, she is undoubtedly more adaptable to being the head of the company than herself.

"So, you really don't want to take charge of the company?"

Putting down the tableware in her hands, Joanna looked at this man with some confusion. This man spent so much money to become the company's largest shareholder, but he had no interest in the company at all. This was simply unbelievable.

"I believe the company can do better under your leadership."

After enjoying a bite of lobster meat, Zhu Xianhai glanced at the diners. The restaurant was chosen by Joanna, and it was the same in the simulation.Most of the customers in this restaurant are movie stars, or at least people related to the industry. Other customers are obviously business tycoons, looking at the female models or not-so-famous young actresses who are dining with them. They are very attentive.

Among those businessmen, Zhu Xianhai found a familiar figure sitting across from the dining room. It was none other than Si Xingde, and he was actually here.

Who would have thought that the great-grandson who was so good at choosing Stanford would actually stand on the opposite side of the empire. Things really are unpredictable.

However, Si Xingde didn't notice him. He just sat there and enjoyed the food. This restaurant is a famous high-end restaurant in Zhongdu. The people who come to dine here are often rich or noble, or they are some actors. , of course, most of them are women.

"Joanna is actually here?"

Inadvertently, Si Xingde noticed Joanna. The reason why Si Xingde wanted to acquire Tomato Home was to improve the company's technological content, and secondly... he was chasing the most beautiful woman in the business world.

Although Si Xingde is already over fifty, it is well known that he was a famous playboy in the Ming Dynasty when he was young, and he is still the same now.

Seeing her smiling face, Si Xingde frowned and thought to himself.

"Who is that man? I've never heard of her boyfriend." In doubt, Si Xingde specially called his attendant and gave a few instructions softly.


In fact, Xu Zili never gave up tracking Zhu Xianhai.

In fact, after the first person sent by the Umbrella Company had an accident, he realized that it was probably not an accident, so he immediately instructed his cronies to set up a search team. In the past two months, he has been searching all over the world. Searching for any information about him.

After Si Xingde joined, this task was also given to him, and Si Xingde handed the task to the company's security department as usual.

Like all large consortiums, Stanford also has a state-of-the-art comprehensive intelligence system. The security department responsible for company security, counter-commercial espionage and other work is an integral part of this system.

After accepting the task, they set up a task team and began to collect corresponding information, trying to find the guy from clues.

That is, when they were collecting all kinds of useful information, suddenly, a new photo appeared in front of them.


One guy in the group adjusted his glasses and stared at the person in the photo, who was eating in a fancy restaurant.

"Did you compare?"

"Give me a few minutes."

After that, he started typing on the keyboard again, and soon the computer comparison results came out.

"That's right he is."

After saying that, the leader of the task team picked up the phone on the table and pressed a few buttons to dial.

Si Xingde, who was enjoying dinner, soon received a call.

"Oh? It's him!"

He couldn't help but be surprised when he got the news on the phone. Can he not be surprised? The target Xu Zili was determined to find was actually right in front of him, and this guy... was not an ordinary guy.

It was actually his investment company that acquired Tomato Homes. Seeing him chatting and laughing with Joanna, there was no doubt that in the near future, he would also acquire that woman Joanna.

"The point is, why are you looking for him?"

After a moment of silence, Si Xingde said into the phone:

"Hahaha... very good, very good. Tell Xu the news and see how he handles it."

After winding up the line, Si Xingde picked up the wine glass again. He glanced at the well-known female star in front of him, followed by happy words and said with a smile:

"Ah ha, Miss Lin, today is indeed a pleasant night..."

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