Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1646 Desperate Escape

Chapter 1646: Desperate Escape (First update, please subscribe)
When a ray of gray-white dawn appeared in the east, a high-speed train rushed across the vast land.

Zhu Xianhai, who was sitting in the business car, was closing his eyes and concentrating, while Julia, who was already exhausted before getting in the car, had already fallen asleep.


Today is the weekend and I am going to Huizhou... to lure the snake out of its hole.

In fact, the snake has already come out of its hole.

An hour ago, not long after getting in the car, Zhu Xianhai saw the snake.

The sniper was in the car, sitting two rows away from him.

Zhu Xianhai would not have recognized the sniper if he had not repeatedly watched the assassination he suffered in Huizhou from a God's perspective.

And now, the sniper was sitting in the same carriage as him. Not only that, besides the sniper, there were several people in the carriage who might also be his accomplices.

When in doubt, proceed with deduction.


Once again, Zhu Xianhai started the deduction.

Familiar picture, familiar beginning...

When everything was over, Zhu Xianhai opened his eyes again, with a complicated expression on his face, and said to himself.

"It's getting a bit interesting."

It was indeed interesting. Originally, he was curious about who the other group of people were.

Now he already knew the answer.

After thinking for a while, looking at the sleeping Julia, Zhu Xianhai glanced at the sniper, and then closed his eyes again.

The train was traveling at a fast speed. An hour later, Zhu Xianhai had arrived in Huizhou, the "City of Carnival". As soon as he entered the city, he had already felt the charm of the city - on the roads along the seaside, there were many people everywhere. They are beauties with hot bodies and sexy clothes. This city is hot and there are only bikinis and hot pants.

It can definitely be called a man's paradise.

"No wonder it attracts so many tourists every year..."

Lying on the beach chair, Zhu Xianhai, like most men, always lingers on the beauties in bikinis around him. There is nothing he can do about it. After all, as a man, he has always been upright.

At this moment, he saw Juliet walking over with a surfboard. Next to her was a beautiful woman who also held a surfboard. She was also young and full of energy.

"Honey, this is Ji-hyun from North Korea, a friend I just met."


Looking at the slightly green woman in front of him through his sunglasses, Zhu Xianhai laughed. This woman seemed a bit familiar.

However, due to the in-depth communication in the simulator, Zhu Xianhai is not only no stranger to her, but can even be said to be very familiar with her. She is an exchange student from North Korea who came to Daming to study in Daming. She took advantage of the weekend to travel to Huizhou, regardless of her appearance. She is young, but she is actually an extremely passionate woman.Everything happened naturally. They lay there chatting together. In the evening, Zhu Xianhai sent out an invitation at the right time, inviting Zhixian to the hotel for dinner, and Julia also enthusiastically invited her.

Everything that happened next happened in the simulator, and there were no surprises. Zhixian, who drank a few glasses of beer, also showed her initiative and enthusiasm.

When the scorching sun shrouded the earth at noon the next day, Zhu Xianhai, who had worked hard for countless times, got up from his bed, stretched his waist, glanced outside, and then said to himself.

"Okay, today is the day!"

It's today!
After briefly washing up, Zhu Xianhai put on a beach suit and walked on the coastal road like all the tourists who came here.

Just when he was about to pass an intersection, Zhu Xianhai saw the car that had appeared in the simulator more than once. When he walked to the road, the car rushed towards him at full speed again.


Everything was like in a simulator, cars coming, then snipers, then...

The only thing that changed?
It was Zhu Xianhai's security personnel who did not act as quickly as in the simulator. It was not that they did not want to, but after the car failed to hit the car, amidst the violent tire friction, several off-road vehicles drove over quickly along the road. When the SUV didn't stop, armed men in black masks rushed onto the street, attacking the security personnel who were trying to protect Zhu Xianhai with a crazy train attack.At the same time, a dozen armed men wearing tactical vests ran towards the opposite side and chased Zhu Xianhai.

Things have changed. Zhu Xianhai can no longer hide in the store opposite as he did before. Faced with the sudden pursuit, he can only run at full speed.

As he was running, the glass wall in front of him suddenly shattered and splashed, and the bullet missed!

In order to avoid the sniper, he could only quickly run into a department store on the roadside, and then ran all the way. Zhu Xianhai ran like a crazy horse race.Under the threat of a fatal crisis, the speed brought by the enhanced body after traveling was astonishing in the eyes of passers-by, but he didn't care about all this, he just ran as hard as he could.

If anyone pays attention at this time, they will find that this guy actually ran all the way at a speed that broke the world record of [-] meters.

Although there were many customers in the department store, they still couldn't stop him from running like this. Behind him, a dozen armed men wearing black tactical vests, like heavily armed SWAT police, were still chasing him. .


Although they couldn't catch up to him, whenever they had the chance, they would use their submachine guns to blast him with a burst of output.

Everyone in the department store screamed in horror, and the scenes in the movie were displayed in front of everyone.

Zhu Xianhai, who was running all the way, was thinking rapidly, where should he escape now?
Running at high speed caused his physical strength to decline rapidly. He knew that he would not be able to hold on for long if he continued like this. He must escape from their pursuit before his physical strength was exhausted.

Obviously, even though there were many witnesses, the pursuers did not restrain their hands, and the police seemed to be unable to figure out the situation. However, despite this, they did not give up their duties and drew their pistols to try to stop the armed men. Just when they tried to stop them, they were met with a violent output.

This is the time!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhu Xianhai immediately sped up. He had just crossed the department store and stepped on the sidewalk with one foot. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a car approaching at high speed from the right.

It's a red sports car.

With the sound of brakes, the car door opened, and then a woman stuck her head in and shouted to him.

"Get in the car quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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