Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 165 Is It Too Late To Die Now?

Chapter 165 Is it too late to die now (Second update, please subscribe)
As the British wish!
Can they get what they want?
Of course they can't get what they want.

In the dark room without any light, Zhu Xianhai wanted to turn on the simulator more than once, choose a long-term simulation, and then conduct a deduction.

But reason told him that such a deduction would not only waste precious opportunities for long-term deduction and simulation, but more importantly, the unpredictable diplomatic choices between countries far exceeded the deduction process of the simulator.

Especially for the British, a country that can even make arrangements half a century ago, and then spend decades cautiously and slowly pushing the situation in a direction that is beneficial to itself.

Such a layout and persistence are far beyond the imagination of outsiders.

This shit-stirring stick... is really difficult to deal with!

"However, no matter what, the hero is still being used by us right now!"

In fact, the use of the United Kingdom to contain Buenos Aires this time was planned and carefully planned by Zhu Xianhai for a long time. He just wanted to use diplomacy to achieve some of his goals, although he successfully bundled commercial interests such as loans and orders the UK.

But actually?
What really made the British decide to make a move was not just commercial interests, but their overall strategy. How could the long-term strategy of Britain's dozens of deployments be changed because of Nanhua's disturbance?
"Two years later, the Paraguay War broke out, and the British layout was successful. At the same time, with the rise of South China, Britain's attention will turn to the south. Araucania is in Chile, and the Pampas is in Argentina. With these contradictions, the British How could that shit-stirring stick not be used?"

Zhu Xianhai was thinking about the conflicts with the two countries in his heart. These conflicts were obviously irreconcilable, and it should be said that he could not make concessions. For Nan Hua, making concessions was death, but what about the two countries?It is also determined to win.There is not even a need for British provocation, they will do it when the time is right.

"Without the support of the United Kingdom, the two countries will definitely not be able to persevere. In the final analysis, it is because of the rise of Nanhua!"

What does the rise of Nanhua mean?
It means that the layout of the United Kingdom in South America has been destroyed, and Nanhua's industrial products have also formed competition with the United Kingdom. It is precisely because of these two points that the United Kingdom will never allow Nanhua, or South America, to have an aggressive industrialized country. .

"This should be the fundamental reason why the British will directly intervene!"

After realizing the core of the problem, Zhu Xianhai frowned and smoked his cigar silently. If it was other issues, he could choose to negotiate, but the problem between Nanhua and the UK is obviously a conflict of core interests.

"It seems that the conflict must be inevitable."

Holding a cigar, Zhu Xianhai murmured.

"Now that the mastermind behind the scenes is discovered, do you have to be in a hurry?"

The answer is obvious, and it is urgent now, but the most important thing is to increase the population and grow ourselves rapidly. Only in this way, will it be possible to survive in the future war, or in this era surrounded by tigers and wolves .


Is the martyrdom still in a hurry?

Even until now, Wang Youling sometimes has such thoughts in his mind.

He didn't even know how he was captured. He only remembered that when the city fell, he was going to die for martyrdom. Standing out from the ruins of bricks and tiles, he just walked out of the yamen in a daze, and was tied up by the bandits in a daze.

and then?
Like many people in the city, his hands were tied and his neck was tied with a long rope, and he was escorted to the river outside the city like a walking dead. The others were escorted to the boat, and their braids were cut off like everyone else when they boarded the boat.

Then again?

When Wang Youling, who was dizzy and dizzy from the shock of the explosion, fully regained consciousness, he didn't know where he was.

The sound of the waves can be heard through the plank walls, and the biting cold wind through the gaps in the planks makes it difficult to sleep.

where is this place?
No one knows, only that they are on an island surrounded by the vast sea.

Although they don't know where they are, but for those people who were imprisoned here, they are fortunate that they neither died of starvation in Hangzhou city nor had their heads beheaded by the bandits.

In short, for the vast majority of ordinary people, it is not bad to be able to survive.As for the future, how can there be any future in this turbulent time?Don't you guys live every day?

In the following days, like the captured civilians, he was forced to practice military postures, goose steps, and run along the island every day.

Although Wang Youling wanted to die, the matter was so simple.Living with dozens of people, even if you want to commit suicide, you have to have a chance, right?
Besides, even if he, Wang Youling, died, someone needs to know, right?What's the use of martyrdom if no one knows?

Since death is impossible, let's just drag out life, maybe we can find a chance to escape.

After relaxing his guard for a while, Wang Youling didn't want to die like he did at the beginning. Instead, he ran and practiced all day long like everyone else. What's the only difference?That is, he wants to teach others how to read.

What the hell is this place?
Why do men and women, women and children, have to drill like soldiers?And what is being practiced is foreign gymnastics?
Could it be that this is the "men's camp" and "women's camp" of the bandits.

But why do you need to be literate again?
Haven't heard that bandits need to be literate?

Besides, those guards with foreign guns were dressed more like foreigners than bandits.Before Wang Youling figured out what was going on.One month after he came to the island, he boarded the "Nandou Xing" clipper ship and set off. As soon as the ship left the sea, he went straight to Nanyang.

Even though he was the governor of Zhejiang Province, Wang Youling had never been on such a big ship. Although the ship was huge, the cabins were very crowded. The seven-foot-high cabins were filled with multiple beds, and the space between each layer was only two feet. High and two feet wide, such a coffin bed can only be squeezed in sideways, and when walking in the cabin, one can only walk sideways.

People can lie down, but because the space is too small, after lying down, at most, they will turn over.More than [-] people, old and young, were squeezed into the cabin, and men and women had different cabins on the boat, and they were stuffed into each cabin like cargo.

The day I boarded the ship was the first day of the new year, February 1862, 2 in the Western calendar. From that day on, Wang Youling was like everyone else. Only when he was eating, he had the opportunity to squeeze on the deck to take a breath and line up to get the food. Finally, I filled another bamboo tube with water, and after eating a rice ball mixed with diced meat, I reluctantly returned to the dark and stuffy cabin.

In this way, the ship was sailing in an unknown direction on the sea. Sometimes the ship would encounter wind and waves. It was at this time that the stuffy cabin was a little more comfortable, but seasickness made them vomit all over again. , so that the cabin is full of sour smell.

There was no Jiazi on board, and in the end, like everyone else, Wang Youling didn't know how long the boat had been on.

Until one day, a sailor's shout came from the hatch.

"Okay, pack up, go ashore, go ashore..."

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(End of this chapter)

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