Chapter 1652: Behind the scenes (first update, please subscribe)
Sydney Airport is the largest airport in the Kingdom of Australia.For many years, most flights from the Empire State to Asia have stopped at this airport for refueling.

When the Pacific Airways plane landed at the airport today, airport police were on board soon after.

The customs inspector's office suddenly seemed unusually quiet.Sitting in front of the inspector's desk was a detective from the Airport Authority Police Division.In front of him lay the Pacific Airlines passenger list for the spot flight.

The customs inspector stood aside, frowning.Sitting on two chairs against the wall were the captain and the stewardess in charge of managing the first-class lounge.

There was a police officer in police uniform standing by the door. After seeing the list, the detective was stunned for a moment and then said.

"Is it that Wang Songping?"

"Yes, he is the former president of Umbrella Company!"

After hearing this, the detective was silent for a moment, looked at the customs inspector, and asked in a suspicious tone.

"You just said that after the plane landed, two people got off the plane, walked straight through the corridor that was closed to passengers, entered the customs inspection area, and then disappeared without a trace, right?"

The bewildered customs inspector shook his head and said:

"That's true, but I don't understand how they disappeared. This has never happened before."

The detective turned to the stewardess and asked:
"Miss, do you really think these two people were drunk at the time? Are you right?"

The girl replied:
"That's what I thought at the time. However, I thought about it afterwards, and now I don't think so. They did drink a lot at the time. I'm sure they can't pretend, because they have been I poured them wine, and the two of them drank about a bottle and a half of whiskey. They seemed very drunk at the time, but they didn't cause any trouble."

"Did they secretly throw away the wine? I mean, they didn't actually drink it."

The stewardess asked:

"Where will they pour the wine?"

"I don't know about that. For example, pouring wine into ashtrays, chair cushions, etc. What's on the cabin floor?"

The counter-attacker replied:

The detective said to the officer standing by the door:
"Contact your people immediately and ask them to check the carpets, chair cushions, and ashtrays in the cabin immediately. Use a cordon near the cockpit to separate the left side of the small area of ​​​​deck that prevents passengers from entering. Be particularly careful. Pay attention to the inspection. Just touch your hands to see if it is wet. If you find out, report to me immediately."

The police officer said: "Yes!"

He immediately closed the door and left.

The captain said in an uncertain tone:
"Detective, I think people's drinking capacity is different."

The detective nodded:

"It's different. But according to the amount of drinking this lady said, no matter who you are, you will be drunk, at least almost drunk."

The captain said:

"Actually, this case has nothing to do with a person's drinking capacity. What is obvious now is that after these two people got off the plane, they were, in your words, 'missing out'. They should be the murderers. . I think it was all premeditated."

The detective thought for a moment and said.

"It's hard to say that the problem of alcohol consumption is not necessarily related to this case. This is similar to some cases we have seen before, and the methods are similar. In our line of work, we will encounter any unexpected situation. There are such a group of psychological abnormalities People are mentally ill, but they are very rich. They like to take supersonic passenger planes and travel around the world in search of excitement. This is also a symptom of mental illness. Some people rely on drinking to Some people smoke narcotics, in short, in order to obtain a kind of soaring pleasure and keep their spirits in a state of excitement. As far as we know, the two people we are paying attention to now are not at all like the deceased. Yes. The stewardess also said that she personally saw that neither of them had any contact with the deceased from the beginning until later. So why did they disappear? "

Since he disappeared, he was naturally suspected and became the target of his investigation.

"Now my concern is who killed him and why he was murdered."

"I think there must be many people who want to kill him, after all..." At this moment, the indoor phone rang, and the customs inspector went to answer the call.After hearing a few words from the other party, his expression changed slightly, and then he handed the microphone to the detective and said:

"It's the Executive Yuan calling you."

"Executive Yuan?"

The detective took the phone with some confusion and then said.

"I am Li Kehui from the Airport Authority Police Department. Yes, I am in charge of this case now. Yes, the identity of the deceased has been determined. Yes, it is Wang Songping, an imperial subject and former president of the Umbrella Company."

The other party said on the phone:

"Well, okay, I understand. I heard that the deceased died of a heart attack, right?"

Li Kehui interrupted the other party and said:
"The cause of death is not yet certain. We are still waiting for the results of the forensic examination. Please wait a moment."

At this moment the door opened and a police officer in police uniform approached.Detective Li asked:

"Did you find anything?"

"The lounge carpet and chair cushions were soaked."

Detective Li raised his eyebrows and said:

"That means these two didn't drink at all."

He nodded to the police officer and answered the phone again:
"Sir, although the forensic results have not yet come out, I think the deceased probably died of..."

Before he could finish speaking, the person on the other end of the phone said.

"The medical examiner's results have come out. He died of a heart attack."


Li Kehui said in shock.

"I don't know why the forensic results came out so quickly."

"Inspector Li, the director of the police department will call you later. Okay, that's it."

Later, the blind tone on the phone stunned Li Kehui for a long time. He looked at the hung up phone and frowned. When he hung up the phone, the captain said next to him.

"That guy has done so many things. I heard that he also participated in causing the stock market crash. I don't know how many people lost their money because of it. People who know him will definitely want him dead..."

The captain's words made Li Kehui's heart tremble slightly. When he contacted the phone call he had received before, he suddenly realized that this matter was not as simple as he thought.

The Executive Yuan actually called directly. At this moment, the phone rang again. Li Kehui directly picked up the phone. Sure enough, it was the director's call. After picking up the phone, he heard the director say.

"Okay, it's basically confirmed that the deceased died of a heart attack. Let's make a report as soon as possible, you know?"

After hesitating for a moment, Li Kehui said.

"Yes, I understand..."

(End of this chapter)

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