Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1655 We Are All Lucky

Chapter 1655 We are all lucky (Second update, please subscribe)

Soon the kitchen was filled with the strong aroma of meat and the unique aroma of spices.

The old man asked, smelling the aroma wafting from the kitchen.

"What are you frying?"

“Chili stir-fried chicken.”

Zhu Xianhai took out a bottle of beer while stirring the water in the chicken, and then said.

"Among the fried chicken with chili, only the one cooked by my mother is the best. That taste has always been in my mind and I will never forget it. Over the years, I will make it whenever I have a chance. When it comes to cooking, I don’t actually want to stir-fry it, but I try to stir-fry it to bring out the taste in my memory, but I can’t stir-fry it…”

After thinking about it, Zhu Xianhai said.

"The taste is always very different. Sometimes it seems different, but there is no deja vu. I think some tastes have always been imprinted in my brain and will never be forgotten in my life. In fact, it is not this dish that I can't forget, but my mother's. smell……"

When he said these words, Zhu Xianhai's eyes were a little wet. He had always wanted to copy that taste, but he could never copy it.

How wonderful it would be if we returned to our parents during this time travel...

The old man didn't speak. He just stood there looking at the people who were busy in the kitchen.

After working for almost an hour, Zhu Xianhai brought the prepared dishes to the table, and then took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet.

"This is the "Lai Mao" of "Hengxing House Burning"."

Zhu Xianhai said while introducing.

"It's a local wine from China. You may not have tasted it before."

"I certainly haven't drank."

The old man said truthfully.

"Let's try it together today,"

In another world, this wine would require a price increase.But in this world, this wine only costs a few yuan, and you can't even buy it outside the local area.

The bottles of wine in the wine cabinet were brought by Zhu Xianhai through the human body of company employees. In fact, he had also drank this wine in his previous life.

"Then try it."

“This dish tastes really good,”

The old man took a bite of the fried chicken with chili pepper. After taking a sip, he looked at the person opposite and said,

"Well, I heard that Shizu liked this dish very much when he was still alive. However, Shizu never let the chefs in the palace cook this dish. He often tried it, but he was always disappointed."

Zhu Xianhai laughed.

"Maybe it's the taste, it's the feeling..."

Why not let the chef do the... sentimental thing.

"So, this dish does not exist in palace cuisine, but it does exist in family cuisine."

What the old people call home cooking refers to royal home cooking. It is different from palace cuisine. It is just dishes cooked by the royal children themselves.

Zhu Xianhai didn't say anything. He remembered that when he was cooking, the children would come over to help him, and later they would also cook for the children.

"For the royal family, it's not just a dish, it's something of a tradition."

The old man put down his wine glass, looked at the person in front of him thoughtfully, and then said.

"Thank you for the food. Actually, I came here this time because there is one thing I want to ask you."

"That matter has nothing to do with me."

Zhu Xianhai said directly. "I know, it's just the reaction of some people, just to show their loyalty, it's understandable. If you kill the chicken to show the monkey, the chicken will always be killed."

The old man's tone was calm, as if he could see through everything.

"I want to ask the prosecutor, you know, the reason why Shizu gave the prosecutor extremely special powers back then was actually to put a tight spell on the bureaucracy and give them full discretion so that they could have sole power of prosecution. This way we can avoid external factors, that is, the influence of officials guarding each other, and this is one of the reasons why the imperial officialdom remains clean, but now it seems that things are still a little unsatisfactory."


Zhu Xianhai said.

"Because of their special power, they are even more tempted. Therefore, in Ming Dynasty, prosecutors and doctors have become the two positions that people most want to be. Doctors are a symbol of money, and prosecutors are a symbol of power."

Glancing at the old man, he continued.

"What this incident exposed is not that its power is too great. Its power comes from its special status in the judicial system, and this special status is also established based on practical needs. The problems exposed by this incident Yes, those prosecutors will use their power to pave the way for the future during their tenure. For example, Xu Zili, when he was in office, had already begun to prepare for entering the Advisory Council, and after entering the Council, with the help of his The prestige and connections of the prosecutorial system are used to benefit oneself..."

In fact, this is human nature. Everything Zhu Xianhai designed back then was essentially based on one thing - human nature.It is to do everything possible to ensure the restraint of human nature, at least to restrain it within a certain framework, but the world is always progressing, nothing is static, just like no one has ever thought that there is an advisory council that can have such a wide range of things. power.

The two of them were drinking and chatting. Occasionally, the old man would ask questions. Finally, he asked.

"Is there anything you can do?"

"Actually, the method is still the earliest method!"


"Do not interfere with each other."


"Why Councilors should not serve as executive officers."

"This is to prevent counselors from eroding or interfering with the administrative system."

"If that's the case, then why can administrative officials serve as counselors?"

Zhu Xianhai asked back.

"Didn't they already resign?"

"Xu Zili also resigned, but it does not mean that his influence is no longer there. He just became a money manager. On the surface, his power has become smaller. In fact, his power has become greater and more, and he can influence to multiple departments.”

Why did Xu Zili resign from the position of vice president? To put it bluntly, it was because he saw a higher position and more power.

"what do you mean……"

The old man thought for a while and said.

"Officials are prohibited from running for council."

"Yes, this is the opportunity now. The impact of Xu Zili's incident on the empire's prosecutorial system and civil service system is well known, so we can state this in a formal way and fundamentally prevent similar incidents from happening. "

The old man thought for a moment and then said.

"It does have a certain effect, let me think about it."

"Take your time, don't be in a hurry, there is plenty of time, now is just an opportunity, just seize it and push forward."

Zhu Xianhai smiled, and then they continued chatting until late at night.

It wasn't until midnight that the old man got up to say goodbye. When leaving, he looked at Zhu Xianhai seriously, as if he was looking for something, and then said meaningfully.

"I still had some doubts at first, but now I have no more doubts. In fact, I think I am quite lucky."

(End of this chapter)

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