Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1657 This Is Life

Chapter 1657 This is life (second update, please subscribe)
For two whole months, Zhu Xianhai and his party have been traveling around Africa. Most of the time, he has lived in national reserves. Africa has the most national parks in the world, also known as nature reserves, for the reproduction of wild animals. In the East African savannah, huge herds of wildebeest migrate year after year between the three grasslands of Ngorongoro grassland, Serengeti grassland and Masai Mara grassland in Kenya.Every year from July to August, the wildebeest herds forcefully cross the Mara River, which is the most spectacular scene in the great migration of animals and is also a must-choose itinerary for most tourists who come to the African grasslands.

However, due to the season, Zhu Xianhai was not able to witness such a spectacle. Although it was a pity, he would have plenty of time in the future. After staying in Africa for two months, he took a flight to Kuwait City.

However, what disappointed him was that what he saw was a modern city that was somewhat similar to Dubai in another world. Apart from that, there was no trace of the sky. In fact, the same was true in France's Middle Eastern colonies and the Roman Empire. , Catholics and Orthodox are the local mainstream, or there are some Jews.

After the boring trip to the Middle East, Zhu Xianhai did not go to the South Asian sub-peninsula, but took a flight directly from Kuwait City to Haizhou.

Finally, Zhu Xianhai embarked on his journey to China.

When the elegant White Swan supersonic aircraft flew over Hangzhou Bay, it only took a few minutes to fly over the Yangtze River Estuary. Looking towards the Yangtze River Estuary, you can see the lush green on both sides of the river, without much trace of the city.

"The changes are really big..."

There is no magic city in this world anymore. After the Kingdom of Heaven occupied Shanghai, it closed the concession, and Haizhou in the north rose accordingly. That city was Lianyungang in another world, and it was also the destination of Zhu Xianhai's trip.

Ten minutes later, Haizhou came into view. It was not a city, but a member of a giant urban agglomeration. After years of development, from Haizhou to Xuzhou, it had long been connected into a whole, and even in Institutionally, it is also a whole - Jingzhao Prefecture, including Haizhou, Xuzhou, Suzhou, Yingzhou and Shangqiu. They form a giant urban agglomeration with a population of 9800 million.

As early as the Tang Dynasty, cities in Jingzhao Prefecture were connected by railways. Railways were scattered around Xuzhou as the center, and a fast railway loop was formed around the city circle on the periphery.There are countless light rail train stations in four prefectures, and the light rail loop lines and intercity light rails all intersect in Xuzhou.

All these intercity light rail lines are also relatively prosperous places. It is they that connect the four states and one prefecture into a whole. In fact, this is also a common feature of Zhuxia. They use railways to connect cities into urban areas. High-speed railways and urban light rail ensure residents' commuting. Most of the 9800 million residents live there rather than crowded into five metropolitan areas, and this is why this metropolitan area with a population of nearly [-] million does not appear crowded.

After the plane lands, like all Zhuxia customs, in addition to the channels for locals and foreigners, the airport customs also has a channel for compatriots. This channel is exclusive for Zhuxia compatriots. In fact, it is the same as the channel for locals. Easy access process.

The customs officer looked at the photo in the passport and then at Zhu Xianhai. He did not ask him about the purpose of coming, but directly stamped it and said.

"Welcome home."

Come back home!

This is a tradition. After all, this land is the home of all Chinese people.

However, Catherine was not so lucky. As a personal bodyguard, she could only pass through the foreigner channel because she was an English national. If she had not held a business visa and had a huge deposit, she might have been questioned by the customs.

But even so, after Zhu Xianhai and others left the customs, it still took her a few minutes to pass the customs. After all, many people stay illegally in China every year.

"It's true, you Chinese people always look down on white people..." Catherine couldn't help but apologize as soon as she got in the car.

"It seems that every white person who comes here will stay here illegally. If my skin is yellow, will the customs still treat me like that?"

Looking at Catherine's distressed look, Zhu Xianhai smiled.

"You mean, the customs is engaging in racial discrimination?"

"Is not it?"

Looking at the Chinese people outside the car window, Catherine said.

"If I look like you, when I go through the customs, they may just take a look and greet me with a smile, but because I am white and English, they will look at me like a criminal..."

Miss, if we were to investigate, your crime would be enough to kill you several times. Zhu Xianhai didn't even bother to complain.

Why should I take Catherine with me on the trip? To put it bluntly, it’s because this woman has a strong fighting ability. She can defend herself outside and warm the bed inside. It would be a pity to reject such a beauty with both internal and external skills.

Besides, a beautiful bodyguard is always more pleasing to the eye than a bunch of sweats.

While Catherine complained about being treated differently at the customs, Zhu Xianhai looked out the window with interest at the single-family houses. The same was true in the Ming Dynasty, even though in the early days, the country and companies built a large number of apartment complexes.But most residents like to buy a piece of land and build a two- or three-story small house. Although the cost is more expensive than an apartment, it is still within the range that the working class can afford.

Like Daming, few residents in China buy dozens of houses for investment. For them, even if the housing loan is extremely low, less than 1%, they are more willing to buy redundant properties than to buy excess real estate. They spend their money on improving the quality of life and travel and vacation around the world during their holidays.

Why waste money on a house?Isn’t it enough just to have a house to live in?
Thinking of the other world and people's craze for houses, Zhu Xianhai shook his head and sighed. It seemed that people in the two worlds were completely different. People in the other world loved saving and buying houses, but what about the people in this world?Although they save, within a reasonable range, they prefer to enjoy life.Of course, they also love to have children. The tradition of having many children and being blessed has never changed. In any country in Zhuxia, a normal family will have four or five children.Even though the fertility rate has declined in recent years, society as a whole still tends to have children.

Just like those outside the window, on the grass in front of the houses, there are children playing and jumping, ranging from two or three to as many as five or six. The mother standing guarding by the side also holds a child in her arms.

Looking at the children playing on the lawn in front of the house and the mother guarding the children, Zhu Xianhai raised the corners of his lips and said to himself.

"Actually, this is life..."

(End of this chapter)

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