Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 17 You Are Dead Again

Chapter 17 You Died Again (Third Update, Please Favorite, Please Recommend)
Halfway through the thought, Zhu Xianhai couldn't help cursing the corruption of capitalism.Such absurd ideas came to mind only because of the influence of the environment.As a good young man who grew up in the new century, he would never have such evil thoughts.

"It's all that ghost system..."


The next moment, Zhu Xianhai was stunned.

An extra interface appeared in front of him.

It went so smoothly that I almost forgot that the system existed.

"Hey, hello, how do you think our business is doing now?"

Zhu Xianhai said proudly.

The system ignored him, so proud of it.

"Enable life simulation?"

Faced with the choice of "yes" or "no", Zhu Xianhai hesitated a bit. After all, this little thing always frightened him... He didn't know what life simulation was, but simulated reincarnation must be an experience Perfect!
Suddenly, Zhu Xianhai's eyes lit up.

"Does the emulator have a limit on the number of times?"

"Current experience value: 600, junior member, can simulate three times a month."

As expected, there are certain restrictions on the simulator, and junior members... are the same as Life Mall.

Life Mall?

What merchandise will there be?
Thinking of the life mall that has not yet been activated, Zhu Xianhai can't help but be full of anticipation. Do you want to try it out?

"There are only three opportunities in a month!"

Today is...October 10st.

For a moment, Zhu Xianhai hesitated a little.

For a traveler who has experienced the importance of cheats, the biggest tragedy is not that the cheats for this month have been used up, but that he does not know when to use the cheats.

After all, too many risks can be avoided by opening the life in the simulator.

This time wasted, what if there is no gain?

"Sir, are you going home, or?"

When Zhu Xianhai was hesitating, the driver on the side of the road asked softly, the carriage belongs to Buffett, and he is in London now.

"go home."

After getting into the carriage and sitting down, Zhu Xianhai tapped the roof of the carriage with his cane, "Boom, boom," and the carriage set off.

"Come once a month, safety is guaranteed..."



There was no crisp answer.

Only familiar interface, familiar text.

[Avoid potential life risks, plus 100 experience points.Established Hailun Pharmacy, increased assets...]
[Do you want to proceed to the next stage of the simulation? ]
Without any hesitation, Zhu Xianhai clicked "Yes".

"Please go to sleep and enter the next stage of simulation!"

What is a dream and what is reality.

It is not clear in the simulator.

In the following simulation, time flies, just as Zhu Xianhai expected, the "Liqing" and aspirin he invented, with their miraculous effects, opened up the European drug market in a short period of time.Especially the former, it can not only make people more focused, but also can make people excited. It is no problem to work for eighteen hours in a row, and workers don’t even need to buy it. Many factory owners directly regard this medicine as a medicine. "Ration" was invented by workers. Under their admiration, European and American scholars and scholars even called it "the greatest invention of this century" and "human beings have conquered fatigue and unhealthy since then.".

In comparison, a real drug like aspirin has become nothing to mention, but it is certain that it has brought Zhu Xianhai a huge fortune.It also allowed him to live the life he dreamed of.

Although he didn't live in the grand mansion of his dreams, he did live in a palace-style manor outside Buenos Aires—that manor was as luxurious as Peter the Great's summer palace.

As an upstart who earns millions a year and will soon become a multi-millionaire, as a newly promoted local tyrant, Zhu Xianhai was also the guest of President Urquiza. For this South American country, he has such great wealth. The "scientist" who invented it and is very rich is really too dazzling.

Of course, Zhu Xianhai also began to enjoy life.As previously imagined, he was indeed surrounded by a group of sexy, energetic Latin girls with different skin colors.

Life seems to go on like this.

In 1861, 23-year-old Zhu Xianhai founded La Plata Company, which will be the first modern textile company in Argentina. Many politicians, including President Urquiza, are shareholders of the company. Everyone believes in the magic Mr. Andrew, will bring great return on their investment.

That is, in September of this year, when Urquiza left Buenos Aires for a meeting in other places, Mitre and others suddenly launched a mutiny and seized power in Buenos Aires.

As a businessman, Zhu Xianhai never imagined that one day a group of soldiers would rush into his manor. As soon as the group of rebel soldiers rushed into the manor, they robbed everywhere. Far away, they encountered another group of soldiers.

Although he resisted vigorously, Zhu Xianhai, who was not good at riding, fled halfway amidst a burst of gunshots. come up.

Although he was thrown in a mess and his consciousness was a little fuzzy, Zhu Xianhai could vaguely see the appearance of the officer leading the team. It was Major Matoro, and he was Mitre's confidant. How could it be him?

"He's gone!"

Major Matoro glanced at it, then said.

"That's exactly what the general needs. Well, you clean up the mess and say... Well, Urquiza's rout killed him."


When he woke up again, his whole body was sore. After simulating the memory, his body seemed to clearly feel the pain of being dragged by the horse and being shot.

"Hmm...I'm stupid..."

After taking a deep breath, Zhu Xianhai finally recovered. After getting used to the pain in the "memory", a few lines of words were displayed on the interface.

[On September 1861, 9, you were 21 years old and died under the guns of rebels.One month later, since you had no heir, the new President Bartolome Miter announced that Helen Pharmacy and other shares belonging to you would be taken over to the state. ]
[After death you were buried in the Cathedral Cemetery with the inscription: "Here lies a great wise man."]

That's it……

Zhu Xianhai was dumbfounded, his fate changed again in this simulation.

He succeeded!

As a time traveler, he really achieved success by relying on knowledge beyond the times, and made a lot of money.A magnificent manor, a Latin girl full of style, fame and fortune, wealth and sex, this is the life a traveler should live.

But unfortunately - he died again!
Only lived for a mere year.

The so-called misfortune and blessing depend on one year... This is already the longest record he has survived so far as a time traveler.

(End of this chapter)

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