Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 180 Master Zuo's Curiosity

Chapter 180 Master Zuo's Curiosity (Second Update, Please Subscribe)
On the battlefield, a group of defeated braves fled everywhere. Those who could not escape could only throw away their knives and guns and knelt on the ground, begging for mercy.Under Changmao's order, they tied their braids to others' braids one after another, and tied their hands proactively.

What's wrong……

When he felt that someone was turning him, although Zuo Zongtang wanted to move, he couldn't move at all.

He only remembered falling to the ground and trying to open his eyes, but his eyelids seemed to be hung with lead, and he couldn't open them at all.

"My lord, don't blame me..."

It seemed that someone was talking, but Zuo Zongtang couldn't understand who was talking at all.In a daze, he fell into a coma again...

"Young master, from now on, if you don't die in a prison, you will die in a sword."

Once again, when I met that iron-mouthed Li Banxian when I was a teenager, it seemed to appear before my eyes again.

Died by the sword!
This Li Banxian is really a Banxian...

The overwhelming shouts stopped at some point, even though he had no strength in his body, Zuo Zongtang, who was being carried on his back, seemed to have understood something, and he concluded that he had fallen into the hands of thieves.Iron-mouthed Li Banxian was lucky back then, so he came here straight away, and it seems that he will surely die today.

As if to verify his conjecture, the vaguely long-haired words came over.

"Listen well, all of you, be honest. If you dare to be dishonest, your head will be beheaded immediately. One person will escape, and the whole group will be beheaded..."

Sure enough, it fell into Changmao's hands!

Zuo Zongtang knew very well that with his status as governor of Zhejiang, if he fell into Changmao's hands, there would be nothing more than a few endings - cramp, skinning, lighting the sky lantern, dismembering the corpse by five horses, gouging out the eyes, and showing the head of the owl.Either one made him shudder.Thinking of the pain during the torture, the blood in the whole body froze.

It was at this time that he heard what seemed to be long hairs.

"Hey, tell me, what do those foreigners buy these guys for?"

"What? What do you think you can do? If you buy these people, what will they do?"

"What are you doing? Of course, you're going to work to your death. Those foreigners can make their lives easier..."

Amidst their laughter, Zuo Zongtang fell into a coma again. After an unknown period of time, when he opened his eyes, it was already dark, a southwest wind blew on the river, and the boat went down the Qujiang River.

"This, this is that..."

Before he could speak, someone supported him and spoke softly.

"You're awake, don't talk, don't talk."

The person supporting him was Muyou Su Shijing. He was the one who pulled him out from the dead on the battlefield, took off his official robe, and smeared blood on his face. The voice is unrecognizable at all.

"We, we are over there..."

He knew it without asking, this was on Chang Mao's boat, and he really fell into Chang Mao's hands.

"Hey, I can still be there..."

Hearing Su Shijing's sigh, looking at the long-haired man with a gun on the boat, and thinking that he had fallen into the embarrassment of his opponent, Zuo Zongtang couldn't help feeling annoyed and ashamed.Ever since Changsha trained the "Chu Army", the few battles they fought against Changmao, although they were victorious one after another, ended in disastrous defeats. I don't know how the situation in Jiangning is going. More likely to fail.Thinking of how Chu Yong, who had trained so hard for a year and expected to achieve immortality, was so vulnerable.The disheartened Zuo Zongtang, while feeling ashamed of the great trust he placed in others, also knew that his ambitions had come to naught.


Not only was he defeated, but even himself fell into the hands of thieves, or else he would commit suicide by jumping into the river!
But just as he was about to move, he discovered that his braids were actually tied to Su Shijing's. A boatload of people had their braids tied together, and even their hands were tied with long ropes.

Seeing that the suicide failed, Zuo Zongtang, who was disheartened, asked.

"You know, where are they going to take us?"

"Maybe they want to sell us to foreigners."

Jiang Yili's words made Zuo Zongtang's mind sink. As the governor of Zhejiang, he had naturally heard about the long-haired raiders who sold foreigners as slaves in exchange for foreign guns and cannons.

Sold abroad as a slave!

How could he be so humiliated!

Feeling ashamed and angry, Zuo Zongtang suddenly shouted.

"I am Zuo Zongtang, Governor of Zhejiang Province, come and kill me quickly, come and kill me quickly..."

His shout stunned the long hair on the bow, holding the lamp, he just asked.

"Are you the governor of Zhejiang?"

"Thief, Zuo is the governor of Zhejiang!"

Zuo Zongtang said angrily.

"Quick, come and kill me, come and kill me!"


What is the most painful thing?
Of course, he wanted to die, not because he didn't want to die, but...the other party took advantage of him, and there were more than twenty friends and subordinates who were captured together.

"Mr. Zuo is not for himself, but also for your friends. As for life or death, after a few months, after meeting my proprietor, Mr. Zuo will make a decision!"

Faced with Li Wenjie's threat, Zuo Zongtang hesitated. He could die for the country, but he didn't want to hurt his friends.

A few days later, like everyone else, he left Yangshan Island with many doubts in his heart, boarded the "giant ship like a hill", and then, the giant ship full of passengers set off.

Unlike ordinary passengers who are crowded in crowded cabins, Zuo Zongtang still has some preferential treatment. Not only can he live in the upper cabin with his friends, he can even go to the deck to bask in the sun and breathe fresh air at any time.

Standing on the side of the upper deck, Zuo Zongtang looked at the crowds on the main deck. How many people are there on this giant ship?Maybe there are more people than a city!
Isn't such a big ship just a floating city on the sea!

"I never thought that there would be such a big iron ship in the world!"

Zuo Zongtang's exclamation made Su Shi sigh.

"In the past, I only heard people say that foreign ships are strong and powerful, but I never thought that foreigners built ships with iron plates. Just like this ship is probably an ordinary small town, it is not as big as it is. How can such a huge iron ship float on the water? On top of the ocean, it's really amazing!"

As a traditional scholar, Su Shijing had a hard time imagining that iron boats could float on water, let alone such a huge ship in the world.

"Jietang, tell me, what kind of character is the Lord of South China?"

Compared with his previous single-minded pursuit of death, Zuo Zongtang became more and more curious about the legendary "Lord of South China". Are foreign countries expanding thousands of miles on the territory of foreigners?
People who can expand thousands of miles in the territory of foreigners, can people not be curious?

Zuo Zongtang was not only curious, but even wanted to make friends with such a character, after all, he had a heroic spirit in his bones.

"I don't know what kind of person he is, but it's definitely not easy for anyone who can create a foundation overseas!"

(End of this chapter)

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