Chapter 183 Overtaking on a Curve (Second Update, Please Subscribe)
Li Chenpu naturally said yes to the teacher's advice, and mathematics is indeed very important, especially in the design and construction of ships, which require a lot of calculations.It is impossible to build a good ship without mathematics.

After asking the teacher a few more math problems, Li Chenpu had just arrived at the campus, when a fat man approached him and asked.

"Hey, Lizi, I heard that you are getting married."

Glancing at the fat man beside him, Li Chenpu smiled wryly.

"Fatty Wang, don't make fun of me. It's not like you don't know. Your father said that if I don't get married, I won't be allowed to go abroad, even if the company says nothing."

"Well, it's human nature to marry a wife and have children, and carry on the family line. Besides, if you get married, if you have children, the company will reward you with a house, so your family doesn't have to be crowded in the dormitory. How nice thing!"

In order to increase the population, it can be said that Nanhua has done everything possible. In addition to introducing a large number of immigrants, it is to give direct rewards. In the case that most people live in collective dormitories, a group of people were specially built to encourage births. Tongzilou is exclusively rented out to new families.Although the building is only three storeys high, the room type is absolutely modern——Zhu Xianhai borrowed from the design of later residential houses, all of which are suites with an area of ​​more than [-] square meters, six bedrooms, two halls and two halls, although the design is not necessarily scientific , but what is certain is that it is definitely enough for a large family to live in.The standard for tenants is very simple-as long as the wife is pregnant and gives birth, she can sign a long-term lease contract and then move into a new home.

In Nanhua, I do not know how much I yearn to move into such a new home.Of course, the premise is to have a daughter-in-law.

Fatty Wang's words made Li Chenpu sigh.

"I, I'm angry with myself. What kind of life is the family living now? Parents both have to work, and they also worry about my affairs. It's really unfilial..."

"You, you just think too much. You think you are still in Hangzhou. You are not the second young master Li, and I am not the prince. We are the same as everyone else. It’s the most important thing, if you want to live a good life, you still have to rely on your knowledge and brain.”

Fatty Wang stared in the direction of the bay, looked at the towering masts in the bay and said.

"I originally wanted to go to the sailing school next door, although the captain's income is higher."

"Then why didn't it go?"

Li Chenpu looked at him in surprise,
"It's because I'm not in good health. I'm not qualified for running. It's really unreasonable. I just gained a little weight. When I get on the ship, I can still run around the deck all day long?"

Mentioning this, Fatty Wang couldn't help complaining.

"I went to the pier to see it. Whether it's the captain or the crew, there are a lot of fat people there. They really don't care about it. Just because I'm a little fat, why don't they give me a chance? Let me tell you, in the future, Even if I buy the boat myself, I also have to be the captain, just the captain of the standard boat.”

The "standard boat" he mentioned is a merchant ship under construction in the shipyard. Not only the keel and other metal parts are manufactured according to uniform standards, but even the wooden boards of the hull are also built according to the corresponding uniform specifications. According to the company, it is necessary to Build a batch of "standardized immigration ships".

"Okay, your ambition is great, but when you buy a boat, I reckon that the standard boat will be eliminated by then."

Li Chenpu who couldn't help laughing said.

"Maybe, in the future you will be driving a steamship designed by me, a steamship like the "Great Eastern"."

The impact of a huge ship on people is unimaginable. Even the most conservative people can feel the power of that industry. Under the impact of industrial civilization, their thoughts are also changing rapidly.

Fatty Wang let out an "um" in an almost unrecognizable voice, and then spoke.

"Maybe, I heard people say that the shipyard seems to be planning to build bigger ships. Who knows? The company has hired dozens of engineers and hundreds of craftsmen from British shipyards. It is definitely not for the purpose of building standard ships. Otherwise, It wouldn’t be such a big fight.”

On this point, Fatty Wang really guessed right.

Even now, the shipyard in Zuowan of Nanhua Bay is still under construction. Hundreds of workers are busy there. They dug a deep pit with a length of [-] meters and a width of more than [-] meters, and then built it with stones. A shipyard was built, which should be the largest shipyard in this era, enough to accommodate the "Great Orient".

And in the factory, there are two stone-based docks about [-] meters long. In the dock, a slender flying shear ship is beginning to lay the keel. The steel keel and ship ribs reflect in the sun. Faint metallic luster.

While the workers were fixing the ship plates with bolts, Zhu Xianhai stood in the dock and looked at the clipper ship. Although she currently only has a keel rib frame and a small amount of hull, it can still be seen that its size is quite astonishing of.

"The hull is 6.55 meters deep, the widest part is 12.7 meters, and the total length is more than 72 meters. The keel and ribs of the whole ship are made of steel, and the boards are made of high-quality oak..."

While Liang Mingwei proudly introduced this "standard immigrant ship", Zhu Xianhai silently looked at the ship in front of him. In order to speed up the development of Nanhua's shipbuilding industry, he not only brought in a group of shipbuilding engineers from the UK, but even A group of skilled shipbuilders was also employed.

The joining of these engineers and shipbuilders has pushed Nanhua's shipbuilding industry forward for 8 years. In the simulator, it was not until 1870 that the first ocean-going merchant ship built by Nanhua, the "Hope", was launched and delivered. It is a 1800-ton iron-ribbed wood-hulled steamship.

However, the tonnage and structure of the "standard immigrant ship" being built by the shipyard are similar to it.And its construction means that Nanhua's shipbuilding industry has improved for eight years!This is definitely a leap-forward development. Of course, all of this is inseparable from those British and French engineers and craftsmen.

"Mingren, although the shipyard is making rapid progress, in the final analysis, it still relies on foreign engineers and craftsmen. For the shipyard, these people are crutches. Right now, we cannot do without these crutches, but one day we will leave them behind. So, you have to hurry up and learn from them, you know?"

Seeing his proud appearance, Zhu Xianhai took the initiative to pour some cold water. In history, the shipbuilding industry of Manchu and Japan was the biggest inspiration.In the face of threats from the sea, the problems faced by the two companies are the same - one cannot build ships, and the other has no sailors.

The two countries also successively established modern shipyards and hired Western engineers to build ships. Compared with Japan, the progress of the Qing Dynasty seems to be rapid-since 1864, Western-style ships and even warships have been continuously built, from wooden shells and wooden ribs to warships. Warships with iron bones and wooden shells, and then iron-ribbed and iron-clad warships, but what about Japan?It was not until 1878 that the construction of a 1500-ton iron-ribbed wood-hulled cruiser was started, which was the "Tianlong".

However, when building the "Dragon", except for the designer who was British, the rest of the technicians were all Japanese. Japan, which seems to have made little progress, accumulated experience in building merchant ships and spent more than ten years completing the talent development process. Training, before the Sino-Japanese War, their engineers could already independently design and build warships, but what about the Manchus?

I have never been able to leave the foreign personnel. The technical level of the shipyard is completely controlled by the foreign personnel, and the training of local talents is almost zero!
Decades later, when Japan built a capital ship of tens of thousands of tons, the Qing Dynasty not only did not make progress, but regressed. The rapid development of armor, artillery and power technology made them unable to build more advanced and complex warships.

That's why Zhu Xianhai won't tolerate himself making the same mistake.It is necessary to correctly understand the role of crutches, and not to be complacent because of walking a few steps faster with crutches.

Crutches are like drugs in a way.It will always be addictive.Even let people once in some kind of illusion,

"Learn! The reason why we employ so many foreigners is not just for shipbuilding, but more importantly, to learn from them in the process of shipbuilding. It takes ten or even 20 years to learn and master shipbuilding skills, and now It’s a rare opportunity. Ships all over the world are changing from timber structures to steel structures, and now is the time for us to overtake them in a curve, so we must seize the time and try to surpass them while learning.”

The timing is just right now. The whole world is entering the era of steel ships. As long as we can seize this opportunity and complete the initial technology accumulation, perhaps ten or twenty years later, Nanhua will be like Germany ten years later. In the second industrial revolution, a well-developed ship manufacturing industry was established by taking advantage of technological changes.

Every industrial revolution is an opportunity to overtake on a corner.Seizing this opportunity, Nanhua can not only rise rapidly in South America, but even become one of the world's great powers.

After being reminded by the lord, the complacent look on Liang Mingwei's face disappeared in an instant.

"What the lord said is true, the villain is a little lost."

Ignoring Liang Mingwei's self-examination, Zhu Xianhai just nodded slightly. The key to this kind of thing is to remind him frequently. He looked around and asked.

"Where's Mr. Routh?"

Philip Lauth was a naval engineer employed by the company, and he even participated in the construction of the giant ship "Great Eastern".

He is also one of the most outstanding marine engineers currently employed by the company, and his arrival has helped Nanhua solve many technical problems.

"Engineer Lauth is at the No. 3 berth. Didn't you ask him to modify the clipper ship? Remodeling a ship may be more complicated than building a ship. The "Cadesail" originally did not have a steam engine, but now it is equipped with a steam engine. It is necessary to consider the influence of various aspects, so he has been staring there."

Look, this is the reality. Without foreign engineers, even the modification of a steamship cannot be done by oneself.

Hearing this, Zhu Xianhai said.

"Come on, let's go take a look together."

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(End of this chapter)

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