Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 190 My Great Russian Reputation Part 1

Chapter 190 I am the first in Russia's reputation (third update, please subscribe)
Infiltrate Manchuria in China!

Although there is no map in front of him, when he mentioned this dream, Count Bruno still gestured with his hands full of longing, as if he had a map in front of him.

Even his tone became a little agitated. .

"Witt, my child, just imagine that Manchuria is a land as fertile as the Great Plains of Ukraine. Not only is it sparsely populated, but the Tatars who occupy China don't care about that land at all. We can use it without firing a shot." If we reach the Amur River and Ussuri River basins, we will be able to use steamboats to infiltrate our immigrants into the whole of Manchuria in the future. In the end, we will enter the Pacific Ocean from Manchuria and even occupy most of China. Just like the Tatars, we only Need to conquer those barbaric and ignorant Tatars, you can rule China like them..."

Of course, the reason why Count Bruno mentioned half of China is because he knew that the Yangtze River, that is, the Yangtze River, is the sphere of influence of the British, and the British will never allow Russia to expand there, but for Russia That's enough.

The Crimean War mercilessly cut off the ambition and desire of the double-headed eagle of the Russian Empire to expand westward. The Russian upper-class nobles who were beaten by Britain and France began to form a consensus—towards the East. expansion!

Whether it is the Khanate that occupied Central Asia, or the Heilongjiang and Ussuri River basins, they are all part of the eastward expansion. "At that time, we will replace the Tatars to rule that land, and those Chinese will accept the rule of Russia just like they are used to the rule of the Tatars, and we will have a new Russia—yellow Russia! "

Yellow Russia!
What Earl Bruno didn't know was that his words might be the root of Werther's lifelong obsession. Whether in this world or another world, Werther's political career came from the pioneering of "Yellow Russia" lost here...

"So, a few years ago, after internal debates at the top of the empire, St. Petersburg has decided to transfer Alaska, and at the same time start the Far East development plan, and promote a series of social, military, and political reforms in the empire. All of these require money!"

"Can Alaska sell for that much money?"

Werther was a little skeptical that the place really had no economic value.

"Besides, the American Corporation is only a corporation. Why are we selling Alaska to a corporation? Why not to a country?"'

"Country? Like someone said, sold to the Americans?"

Earl Bruno shook his head and said.

"Witt, my son, even if the Americans bought Alaska, they would not be able to hold back the British, but what is certain is that if we sell Alaska to the Americans, we will lose Alaska forever! But... the company does not Same!"

Although the earl didn't give any further explanation, Witte knew exactly what he meant—sell Alaska to the company, and Russia would still have a chance to tear up the treaty in the future.

Looking at the thoughtful Werther, Earl Bruno, a veteran clerk in the Russian Empire, taught.

"Witter, remember that the treaty with the strong is the international treaty that needs to be abided by, but what is the treaty with the weak? It can be torn up at any time, and what is abandoned is just a few pieces of paper! Never sign a contract with the weak. The few pieces of paper you write down will bind your hands and constrain your actions!"

Looking at the thoughtful young man in front of him, Count Bruno said,

"Witt, the signing of the treaty is for betrayal, but betrayal has a price. Compared with tearing up the treaty with the United States, the price of tearing up the treaty signed with the company is simply not worth mentioning!"

If Zhu Xianhai had heard Count Bruno's words, he would have definitely said——he really deserves to be a Russian!Definitely the most authentic kind.

Afterwards, under the command of Count Bruno, Werther sat on the ladder in the corridor, waiting for Buffett to come back. In the evening, just as Buffett came back, Count Bruno knocked on his door again.

"Your Excellency, I think my answer has been made very clear!"

Buffett is really annoyed, who can't be happy when encountering such dog skin plaster, besides, there is a London courtesan in his house!

When anyone is doing this, they will not feel better if they are interrupted!

"We are not interested in that broken place at all, and you and I know very well that it is worthless at all. You have been developing it for more than a hundred years, but what have you got? More than a hundred years have passed , you just built a few settlements. Counting the local Russian mixed races, there are only more than [-] people in Russia in the huge Alaska! Even food cannot be grown locally, and even potatoes you need to come from Imported from places like Mexico, it's a burden to anyone, sir!"

Buffett straightforwardly expressed his refusal. He did not refuse without thinking. In fact, after the other party made the suggestion for the first time, he went to a geographer in London to learn about Alaska, and finally came to the conclusion that— —Even if Britain doesn't have the slightest interest in that icy and snowy place.

"Mr. Brino, don't rush to refuse!"

Count Bruno laughed.

"Maybe, Alaska is worthless, but what about the Russian commitment? I don't think Mr. Brino realizes that."

"What? Promise?"

Buffett wondered.

"What do you mean?"

"Mr. Brino, if I remember correctly, you have been to New York before you came to London. Perhaps you should have noticed that we sent a fleet to New York last year at the invitation of the US government!"

Taking the initiative to sit on the sofa, Earl Bruno smiled.

"Why did the Americans invite us? Because of the Civil War, the British and the French planned to dismember the United States by supporting the South. President Lincoln believed that the United States could not support it alone, so they asked for help like us—the Russian Empire. From As we all know, there are conflicts between us and the British and French, so His Majesty the Tsar sent a fleet all the way to New York to stand for the federal government. Now our fleet is still there, maybe they haven’t fired a single shot, but it’s enough To keep Britain and France from directly intervening in American wars, the promise of the Russian Empire..."

Smiling, Count Bruno said.

"It's a promise of safety. Someday in the future, when the American company has conflicts with the British or the French, we will send a fleet to support you as we support the Americans! I think this promise It is priceless!"

(End of this chapter)

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