Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 211 The First Step of Revenge

Chapter 211 The First Step of Revenge (Second Update, please subscribe)
Get rid of Chile completely!
What is completely resolved?
Just occupy him!
It is to destroy that country!
Even though two years have passed, Zhu Xianhai still cannot forget the simulation two years ago.

In that simulation, hundreds of thousands of South China people were writing sacrifices with their lives in every minute and every second of those long years!

What Zhu Xianhai has done in the past two years is not just to stop it!

But for revenge!

In the past two years, every minute and every second of his life has been depicted with two words - revenge!
Yes, there must be revenge!

Two years!
For the past two years, he had been waiting, waiting for his chance for revenge, and now... his chance finally came!
The outbreak of the Paraguay War freed up Zhu Xianhai's hand. The most important thing is that after more than two years of preparation, the time is almost ripe now.

Of course, the timing was a little bit off.

"It's still short of a fire!"

After thinking about it, Zhu Xianhai took out a document, opened it, and said to himself.

"Comrade Jingwei, since you are a dog, you must first tighten the leash. If you don't tighten the leash, the dog's legs will break free..."

Then the dog has no value in existence.

Of course, the "dog" Zhu Xianhai refers to is the "President of Chile" Pedro Leon Gallo, who he single-handedly supported. Since the formation of the government in Chillan, that guy has been trying to be completely independent. Zhu Xianhai did not stop such an attempt. After all, after that long-term simulation, the plan of "supporting the puppet" has changed-to completely solve Chile.

In other words, Occupy Chile!

But before that, it is entirely possible to use the hands of Pedro and others to consume a wave of Chile's power.After all, the war between them, the more people die, the more conducive to future invasion, oh no, it is a special military operation aimed at restoring peace and allowing the local people to live and work in peace and contentment again.


After thinking about it, Zhu Xianhai said to himself.

"It seems that it's time for the fleet to conduct long-distance training, just to give Pedro and the others courage."

Now Nanhua already has a large-scale fleet-a fleet of twelve warships, and these twelve warships, except for a few sail training ships and small steam gunboats converted from merchant ships, are two A "Flying Dragon" class ironclad ship can be obtained.

The "Flying Dragon" class ironclad ship was secretly ordered by the Confederate States of America from the Laird Shipyard in the United Kingdom in 1862, and was later confiscated by the British government. It was sold to Nanhua in the name of "merchant ship" last August. After returning to Nanhua, two front and rear turrets were installed. Unlike the four 8-inch Armstrong front-loading rifled guns that the British added to the two turrets in history, Nanhua equipped it with two self-produced 9mm rear-loading guns. Rifled guns have a slightly inferior caliber, but the power of the two is absolutely different. With the improvement of the chemical industry, the production of new explosives was included in the plan as early as last year.

The new explosive is not Nobel's "fried glue", but picric acid, that is, trinitrophenol. The reason why it was chosen instead of the safer TNT - last year, Prussian chemist TJ Wilberland TNT was synthesized, to put it bluntly, because its technology is more mature and cheaper.After all, trinitrophenol is a "dye" that has been used for decades, and it can be used in the military as long as it is slightly improved.

However, because picric acid reacts with iron, a thick layer of wax was applied to the inside of the shell casing.This is not difficult.Compared with the silica explosives made of nitroglycerin + diatomaceous earth, it is more suitable for shells, and can withstand the impact of artillery shooting without the danger of the bomb being killed and causing the chamber to explode.

In the early morning of late May 1864, the two ironclad ships "Feilong" and "Qinglong" and the sail training ship "Sihai" left Nanhua Bay one after another.Afterwards, the three warships sailed south along the channel that Magellan and other celebrities had walked. It crossed the winter solstice line on June 5, and the bow turned to the Strait of Magellan, which is the only choice between the Atlantic and the Pacific for ships, and the Drake Passage, but Drake has high winds and rough waves. Willing to sail from the Strait of Magellan to the Pacific Ocean.The correct length of the strait is only 6 kilometers, and there are deep waters everywhere. Even a giant ship like the Great Eastern can sail normally, and there are bays where ships can berth everywhere along the way.

After the fleet sailed into the strait, Li Xuelin, the captain of the Flying Dragon, pointed to the strait and said.

"Patagonia wouldn't be complete without the Straits of Magellan..."

The reason why he is so emotional is that as early as [-] years ago, the strait had been declared sovereignty by Chile, and immigrants were sent to occupy it, and this is the southernmost land of Patagonia.

"Don't worry, I think one day, you will take back this land,"

said Major Douglas, pipe in hand, looking at the shore.

"In this world, the strong are always respected. Now, although your fleet has only two ironclad ships, the Chileans have none. As long as you have sufficient funds, your fleet will soon surpass them. On the battlefield Defeating them, that is the most natural thing."

"Not sure yet."

Li Xuelin shook his head.

"Why? Your artillery skills have improved rapidly, and your navigation skills are also very skilled."

"I'm skeptical because we're only just starting to go to sea and our officers and sailors don't have any experience."

"Oh, this is the problem, my friend, you should know that even the Royal Navy, in the age of steam, in the age of iron armor, is a rookie! It's all out of your imagination, right? Other, the biggest problem with the Industrial Revolution is what?"

Holding a pipe, Major Douglas, who is a consultant to the fleet, shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

"Everyone is almost standing on the starting line again. The so-called accumulation of history may just be the decadent past."

For Major Douglas, who has served in the Royal Navy for more than [-] years, he has his own views on the navy. After coming to Nanhua, he also had different ideas about this fleet.

"Hey! Just like facing new technologies, now the Royal Navy has chosen the front-loading gun again. On the surface, it is because of the technology, but in fact? Because many officials in the Admiralty agree with the front-loading gun, but what about you? A more advanced breech-loading gun was chosen, in this era."

He seemed to think for a moment, and then he said,

"It may not be a fleet with a long history that wins future naval battles, but it must be a fleet that is forging ahead and technologically ahead of other countries! Technology will win everything!"

"Indeed, technology is indeed very important!"

Li Xuelin nodded and said.

"But it's not just the technology of warships and artillery. War also tests the quality of officers and the training of soldiers. It should be said that only advanced ship technology, unparalleled courage and deep-seated training can create a team that can fight well. The fleet that wins the naval battle!"

The first officer at the side, Zhao Ming, said.

"You have repeatedly told us that a fleet that cannot "see the enemy immediately" cannot win a naval battle. Courage is the first step to winning a naval battle!"

Whether it's Li Xuelin or Zhao Ming, they are all officers who came out of merchant ships. Even three years ago, they hadn't gone to sea, that is, last year, they only started to study in the naval trainees.However, as the first generation of officers of the Nanhua Navy, they have already begun to command the warships to sail to the sea. Well, at least, no matter whether it is a merchant ship or a whaling ship, they are trained, so that they do not need to hold a note to issue passwords.

"Of course, I will always insist on this point, but technology! Believe me, in war, in the face of technological superiority, mere courage is not enough..."

Douglas replied.

"If you want to beat the Chileans, the easiest way is to...surpass them technically and crush them!"

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(End of this chapter)

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