Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 215 The Peruvian Decision

Chapter 215 The Peruvian Decision ([-]rd update, please subscribe)
The Spaniards, as the former suzerain of the land of South America, were driven out of South America half a century ago.But Spain has been trying to reclaim the land.Even until now, they have not recognized the independence of Peru.

In August 1863, the attack on Spanish Basque immigrants working in a Peruvian plantation gave Madrid an opportunity. Faced with the "heavy loss" that a Spanish immigrant was killed and four others were injured, Spain sent a team of nine The Spanish fleet, consisting of three warships and three support ships, sailed away from Spain in a mighty manner. After arriving on the west coast of South America, they first conducted some scientific research, but the main thing was to demonstrate their strength.Spanish Admiral Luis Hernandez then arrived in Peru with the fleet, demanding an apology and compensation, after their threats were rejected by the Peruvian government. On April 8, 1864, the Spanish fleet captured the Chincha Islands, about 4 miles off the coast of Peru.Peruvian officials on the island were arrested, while the Spanish navy blocked the main Peruvian ports.Spain's invasion of Peru not only made Peru feel the pressure, but also the surrounding countries felt the great pressure of the former suzerain. Facing the crisis of being invaded by the former suzerain, Chile, Bolivia and Ecuador closed their ports to Spanish warships.

The closure of the port immediately plunged the Spanish fleet into crisis-maybe they occupied the Chincha Islands, so what is there on the island?

In addition to bird droppings, there are thousands of Chinese coolies.

The sailors of the fleet need food, the warships need maintenance, and the steam engines of the fleet also need coal. Facing the hostility of the countries on the west coast, Admiral Juan Manuel Pareja, who has just taken over as the commander of the fleet, immediately felt the pressure .

Although the invasion of Peru was just a bluff, those countries on the west coast of South America, including Peru and Chile, did not think so. After all, in the past ten years, Spain has been carrying out colonial expansion in uneven areas, such as occupying Morocco, such as Reoccupation of Dominia.

Now they have driven the fleet here mightily.Of course it's not possible just for the expats.Perhaps an attempt to reoccupy the land.

Faced with the general anti-Spanish sentiment in South America, even Admiral Pareja is very helpless.

"We must find a way to break their blockade, General, otherwise, soon, we will be in a new crisis. On this island, there is not even enough fresh water, and as early as we have just occupied the Chincha Islands. At that time, the Peruvian side declared that any foreign businessman who bought guano from the Chincha Islands during the war would be blacklisted, so now we not only guard the guano here and cannot sell a peso, but even To feed the contracted Chinese laborers on the island, General, if this continues, we will definitely be dragged down!"

Major General Nunez looked at the commander and said.

"So, in any case, we must solve these problems, otherwise, in order to obtain fresh water, food and coal, we will have to attack the Peruvian fortress, general."

Regarding the deputy's reminder, Admiral Pareja said rather helplessly.

"I know, but what can we do now? Nunes, you should be very clear that the entire west coast regards us as enemies, so they prohibit our fleet from entering their ports and are full of hostility towards us. The Chincha Islands, like you said, there's nothing here except guano."

Of course, Pareja is eager to regain the glory of Spain and regain Peru, but this idea is just a thought. After all, his fleet lacks marines, and it is almost impossible to occupy Peru. Of course, more importantly, such a lonely It is impossible for the fleet to drift on the hostile west coast of South America for a long time.

Just when the two generals were at a loss, the general's adjutant hurried in.

"Admiral, Admiral, Chilean, Chilean invited us to Valparaíso..."


"Damn Perez, that traitor!"

In the presidential palace in Lima, Juan Antonio Pezete, the Peruvian president, flew into a rage almost the moment he learned that the Chileans had extended an invitation to the Spaniards.

"They betrayed all of South America, damn it, don't they worry about the Spaniards retaking the land?"

Although as president he was not active in resisting Spain's invasion, he never gave up his diplomatic efforts and tried to form an alliance with Chile and other countries to deal with the threat of Spain. Alliance, to stop the Spanish invasion, but Chile's betrayal made his plan come to naught.

"What exactly is going on?"

He set his sights on Foreign Minister Juan Ribeiro.

"Your Excellency, our ambassador in Santiago sent a confidential message saying that Chilean officials believe that closing the port to the Spanish fleet is not in line with public international law when the two sides have not actually declared war, so President Perez decided to revoke the ban. There was a misunderstanding between them, and they were specially invited to visit..."

Before the foreign minister could finish speaking, President Pezet spoke loudly.

"Damn Chileans, how did they betray us so quickly? Conspiracy, they must have some kind of conspiracy, right?"

"Of course, sir, there is never a free lunch in this world. Our ambassador in Santiago believes that it is the separatists in Chillan in the south and the American company occupying Araucania who seem to be pushing Chile to make this decision. Araucania has sent a fleet!"


President Pezet's eyes lit up, and then he calmed down and asked.

"Does the American Company have a fleet too?"

"Yes, Mr. President, they also have a fleet. I heard that they are ironclad ships. They are built in the same shipyard as the ironclad ships we ordered in the UK, but their tonnage is larger."

As the vice president, Diz Canseco, although he did not agree with declaring war on Spain, he has been committed to rearming his arms to resist the Spanish invasion. It was under his appeal that Peru issued an order to the United Kingdom , purchased an ironclad ship.

However, limited by financial resources, the ironclad ship was only over a thousand tons.Even if it is delivered, it is not enough to look at in front of the Spaniards, but this is also to show an absolutely uncompromising position.

"That's it..."

After pondering for a moment, President Pezet said helplessly,
"It seems that the Chileans have already sided with the Spaniards. In this case, we seem to have no choice... We must find ourselves a new ally!"

"A new ally?"

General Prado said.

"You mean the American Company?"

"Yes, although they are just a company, they have warships and ironclad ships. We can invite them to visit Peru and use their fleet to protect us. Juan, what do you think?"

"Invite the American company's fleet to visit?"

Foreign Minister Juan thought for a while and nodded.

"It seems that this is also a good idea, no matter what the result is, at least it will make the Chileans very unhappy..."

(End of this chapter)

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